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Items tagged with: tutorial

@libreoffice How is this document initially created? I believe it is done using #writer I've downloaded the pdf and ODT document which I opened in Writer. I would like to learn to make similar document. is there any #tutorial
on that?

Do you ever stumble upon an old Excel file that's locked with a password and you can't remember what it is? This can be incredibly frustrating, especially if the file contains valuable data! 😩

In my latest video, I show you a surprisingly easy way to remove worksheet protection from any Excel file, even if you don't have the password! This trick is perfect for those times when you're locked out of your own information.

The best part? You don't need any fancy software to do it! Just a little bit of text editing will do the trick. 😉
Check out my full video here:

#excel #howto #productivity #exceltips #microsoft #office #tutorial #tech #software #spreadsheets #YouTube #Feditips

Looking to create a shared mailbox for your team, family, or organization? 📬

We've created a quick #tutorial to help you get started, check it out!


S/MIME E-Mail Verschlüsselung mit Thunderbird einrichten? Wie das geht, erkläre ich in diesem Video:……

#Linux #Thunderbird #SMIME #Video #YouTube #Tutorial #Security #Privacy

New tutorial on Accessible Android: How to Hide Your Screen with Jieshuo and TalkBack Screen Readers using the screen curtain feature… #Android #A11y #tutorial

In-Process is out! Featuring some more NVDA 2023.3 goodies, a few other things we've been up to, a sneak peek at something in NVDA 2024.1 AND a HUGE walkthrough of Object Navigation. If you're not familiar with how object navigation works after that, I'll give you a refund on the cost of your In-Process subscription! 🤑:…

#NVAccess #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #Tutorial #A11y #Accessibility

friendica VPS setup on ubuntu 22.04 LTS

@Friendica Support

I'm working on my first #friendica #VPS installation, here you'll find my initial post about general thoughts like what distro to use, size and costs.
I'm using the tutorial "creating a friendica server - ubuntu" by @Hank G ☑️.

As of now I'm doing well in the process and want to start this post to document differences and questions while installing the server.

This server is going to host an already existing friendica node I have to move from another hosting provider. That means that for example the DB doesn't have to be created from scratch but moved and other smaller details.

I will try to address the different steps of installation in answers to this post and appreciate help, ideas and observations.

I'm doing this from a #linux desktop environment from the console but there shouldn't be differences if you want to do this from a #windows machine.

#fediVerse #tutorial #fediHelp #activityPub

I've written a #tutorial on how to program #accessible #native #gui #windows applications in #rust using the native-windows-gui library:

Also available in Spanish:…

#a11y #programming

Getting Started with EQ (a free #tutorial from REAPER Made Easy)
Scott and Jen are here to help demystify EQ (equalization). This session starts from ground zero, explains what EQ is, when you might want to use it, and spends plenty of time demonstrating practical ways you can do that in musical contexts.
Download Getting Started with EQ…

Progressive Web Apps (PWA) for Beginners - 17 tutorial videos… #pwa #webdev #tutorial

Learn HTML — two resources: &…
#html #webdev #tutorial

Are you comfortable in C but curious about Rust? Have existing tutorials seemed like they don't apply to the sort of low-level work you do?

Learn Rust the Dangerous Way is my unsafe-first introduction to the Rust language -- starting with code with the same gotchas as C, and introducing idiomatic Rust concepts to improve it. It's a few years old now but you might still find it useful. (I keep meaning to update/extend it but life keeps happening!)

#rust #tutorial

One thing that is needed is a beginner-level #tutorial on the subject of "dealing with the #hosting industry." I don't know the ins and outs of procuring any kind of hosting other than #LAMP stack, which, as far as I know, won't accommodate #Mastodon.

OSINT: "The Internet Is Forever"

Featuring Internet Archive / WayBack Machine

#Video #OSINT #OSINT #Research #Journalism #Writing #Article #Tutorial #WayBackMachine #InternetArchive #privacy

Watch on #Peertube:…