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Ok kids, here we go:

#Bandwagon, the open #Fediverse alternative to #Bandcamp is ready for its first steps into the light.

I have a waitlist online at if you'd like to try it out.

I'm planning to build the first (dozen? I don't know) profiles in the waitlist personally, with an email questionnaire and FaceTime follow-ups if necessary.

Once I'm confident in the UX, we'll open up self-serve signups for everyone.

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Deset tisíc kilometrů zkušeností. Největší plusy a omyly Hyundaie Ioniq 6…
in reply to Jachym Cepicky

Tak to nic moc to video. Pro mě je i ta cena zatím nereálná, ale jinak nevypadá špatně.

WordPad disappears from Windows 11, but this trick brings it back…

BBC creates pop-up election station on BBC Sounds…

Preparing for the era of orchestrated apps…

Well Aira has competition. Apparently there is now a company called Agiga that does calls through what's app. Has anyone used this or signed up for it yet?…

I made a new blocklist for bridges to other networks that aren’t opt-in, excluding Twitter (“X”) bridges as they’re already covered by another list of mine. Bridged networks include Nostr, Bluesky, and Mavenly.

More documentation and a direct link are in the “supplementary blocklists” section of my blocklist article.

I removed them from my consensus-informed lists because if you want to block bridged networks, you’re better off with the supplementary lists that don’t have a consensus requirement.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Seirdy reshared this.

in reply to Ember ​

@Ember I’m more worried about mostr than bridgy-fed’s nostr bridge since anybody can point a mostr instance at an unmoderated relay, and open the full unmoderated network to fedi.

I’m assuming two things:

  1. moderated relays are a thing that exist (there should be some that actively block media which could put most servers at risk, at the very least)
  2. bridgy-fed’s nostr bridge uses a moderated relay

because I don’t want to claim otherwise without evidence and I’m too tired to look right now.

As part of @ThePSF Board Election, there are three proposed changes to the Bylaws which will be on the ballot. If you are unsure about it, please read our blog post ( ) we tried to answer some of the questions in the community. There will also be an office hour held this Thursday.

Inside the tiny chip that powers Montreal subway tickets…

in reply to Hubert Figuière

That was such a fascinating and well-written article. The part about the reverse data channel being based on varying the electrical load of the "card' was not what I had imagined.

All credit to @GossiTheDog

Without CDN/Archived:…

Polyfill[.]io is now serving malware.
This is why you should not rely embed third party scripts on your website.
Only load JavaScript from domains you own - and preferably, only load JavaScript you/your organization wrote.
Third party JavaScript is and will always be a threat to privacy and security.


Can’t find my thread to update it, but after a Chinese company acquired last year (embedded in over 100k websites), it has started serving malware to users of said websites - prepare to be surprised.…


in reply to iam-py-test

uBlock Origin has blocklisted PolyfillIO in it's badware list.…

#uBlockOrigin #polyfillio #polyfillioattack

Can’t find my thread to update it, but after a Chinese company acquired last year (embedded in over 100k websites), it has started serving malware to users of said websites - prepare to be surprised.…


Mattel is making games like Uno more accessible for colorblind players…

Worth grepping your source code for "" and taking urgent measures to remove that code if you're linking it into your site - the domain name apparently now intermittently serves malicious JavaScript

My notes here:… - or read this article…

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Unknown parent

@iacore BSD license, my guy
Unknown parent

@iacore that's also allowed

Vorige week is de richtlijn Implementatie Open Data ingegaan. Stevig extra fundering voor opensource broncode:…
in reply to Mathijs

@mvgorcum DigiD is sinds kort al opensource te bekijken. Weliswaar momentopname maar ambitie ligt hoger. Zie ook:…
in reply to Opensourcewerken

ja, maar als ik hem dan zelf compile (of liefst door fdroid laat compilen) kan ik er niet iets mee wanneer de oude versie niet meer werkt.

table-transformer - Table Transformer (TATR) is a deep learning model for extracting tables from unstructured documents (PDFs and images). This is also the official repository for the PubTables-1M dataset and GriTS evaluation metric.…

Gegen die SUV-Flut: Deutsche Umwelthilfe beantragt höhere Parkgebühren und Parkbeschränkungen in 150 Städten

Gut so!

#umwelthilfe #vcd #Mūnchen #verkehrswende #suv…

What the actual crappington-central is this?
Cringe on top of cringe on top of cringe. Cannot believe #Microsoft signed off on this shite!
Windows 95 "Cyber Sitcom" - MattKC…

in reply to Martin from Toronto

Oh I finished it, it's like an accident you just have to watch. I had discipline.
in reply to Andre Louis

ahahahaha! 10 minutes? Try for the full hour, even better. Great stuff to fall asleep to, must say.…
in reply to Andre Louis

@Tamasg @mcourcel There’s always this 5-minute supercut……
in reply to Tamas G

I don't know what is worse. how bad the show is, or the fact I downloaded it just for oldtime sake, or the fact I will actually watch the whole thing just because I can.
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

How the major labels plan to cost Suno and Udio billions (and why it all rests on Michael Bublé)…

Phone Link is Microsoft's late and closed source alternative to KDE Connect. It requires you sign in to a Microsoft Account for it to work.…

This means all the transactions between your phone and your PC are monitored and sucked up by Microsoft.

This entry was edited (4 months ago)
in reply to KDE

Just in case you hadn't read the terrifying conditions you agree to when you sign up for a Microsoft Account, here are two of the more relevant paragraphs.

So, yeah... KDE Connect is still the better option.

Today the EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova.

We stand at the threshold of a key moment for these two countries. Together, we can forge a larger and forward-looking Europe.

The path ahead will be challenging but also filled with immense opportunities.

Read the full message by President von der Leyen 🔗!Xvc87j


#AndroidAppRain at again today with 8 updated and 1 added apps:

* Shelf: a simple Android App Launcher that can be fiddled with

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Google announces surprise Pixel hardware event in August…

Checking out the CCRadio SolarBT…

AWA Presentation: Working at WWVH in Hawaii…


Sensitive content

in reply to Rick Scott 🏳️‍⚧️


Sensitive content

#Windows 11 is now automatically enabling #OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

"Quietly and without any announcement, the company [#Microsoft] changed Windows 11's initial setup so that it could turn on the automatic folder backup without asking for it."

Imagine your operating system forcing all your desktop files to sync to the cloud, without letting you know it would do that. Users should be aware of when their files are synced to any cloud.

Oh wait, I forgot... Microsoft has zero regard for user choice, #privacy, and #security.


in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg +1

Microsoft is continuously making it harder for users to use local accounts or opt-out of things/"services" (like OneDrive) in general.

in reply to Avoid the Hack!

I do think they themselves would be wise to know that completely ridding us of the option will just force people to create forked ISOs and drive more Windows installer distribution underground. In a way they're playing a game of balance, the bigger question is how far they will push the needle before realizing it needs to be pulled back a bit.

Judge allows disabled voters in Wisconsin to electronically vote from home…

In an unbelievable act of corporate vandalism, Paramount completely erased the entire archives of MTV dot com, wiping out more than 30 years and hundreds of thousands of pages…

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Je 25. a furt to funguje. 😁 Jedu na té aplikaci dokud to jde. Stěhovat se na YT music nechci. Ocenil bych, kdyby podcasty uměl mobilní Aimp... Ozývá se mé konzervativní já.
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

Nezkoušel jsi apliakci AntennaPod? Je fakt super. Hlavně je to Opensource, žádný Google atd. 👍🏻 😀

AntennaPod reshared this.

in reply to Archos

@archos Zkusím, díky. Přesně asi něco takového jsem hledal. Na Google už těm aplikacím moc nevěřím, všichni chtějí jen vydělat reklamama
in reply to Archos

@archos @AntennaPod Taky můžu doporučit. Umí to Gpodder, takže si člověk může synchronizovat rozposlouchanost mezi zařízeními.
in reply to Archos

@archos @AntennaPod Týjo. asi ten AnthenaPod znova zkusím. Jsem léta na Pocketcasts a v migraci na jiné řešení mi bránily především funkce zrychleného přehrávání a přeskakování ticha.
in reply to Archos

@archos @AntennaPod připojuju svůj podpis pod AntennaPod :)
Miluju to automatické stahování nových epizod když jsem na wifi.

How People with Disabilities Use the Web | Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) | W3C

Another good day in #Europe: #Apple could be fined 10% of revenue for violating developers' rights.


It looks like the EU is taking notes from our CEO's comment Matthias Pfau on Apple's malicious compliance.
