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PC Gamers: I need the fastest CPU, the fastest RAM, the fastest videocard, no matter the cost.

Also PC gamers: I am willing to spend 3% of my CPU cycles making the lights on my case change colors.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I'm honestly shocked now that, without evidence, people are starting to blame this Crowdstrike thing on "DEI".

Včerajší megavýpadok internetových služieb je iba zhmotnenie starého IT vtipu v monštruóznej škále:

  • Kamarát dal včera dole asi 100 serverov…
  • On je hacker?
  • Nie. Debil.

Zdravim z novej inštancie! 👋

Konečne som sa rozhodol presunúť sa na novú inštanciu. Pevne verím, že uvidím všetky príspevky od účtov ktoré som videl doteraz, a taktiež, že každý uvidí moje príspevky. K dispozícii mám 11 000 znakov, takže konečne sa nemusím obmedzovať v písaní. 🥳

in reply to Daniel Tóth ⚡

Jediný "problém" je, ale to je o celom Mastodone, že ten slovenský je zatiaľ extrémne maličký. Takže pokiaľ zrovna Melon moc nevymýšľa tak ten slovenský šum je tu minimálny.
in reply to Ľuboš Moščovič :donor: :rebelverified:

@herrman_sk Tak ja som na Mastodone už rok, čiže nejaké slovenské kontakty tu mám. Hlavne ide o to, aby ma videli aj naďalej, čo by ale snáď väčšina mala, keďže toto je podobne veľký server na akom som bol predtým.

La corte internacional ha determinado que los asentamientos, explotación de recursos y expropiación de tierras en Palestina es ilegal.
Muy bien. ¿Y ahora qué?
¿Qué van a hacer? ¿Vamos a imponer la resolución incluso por la fuerza si es necesario?
¿Vamos a hacerlo incluso si hay que oponerse y luchar con USA?
¿Vamos al menos a excluir a Israel de todos los eventos internacionales?
¿No? Pues entonces, mejor calladitos y no hacer el ridículo ante la risa de Israel y su primo el de Zumosol.
in reply to Sólo Yolanda, 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Las cláusulas operativas imponen una serie de obligaciones a los estados. Habrá que ver si las cumplen. No reconocer la ocupación como legal, no colaborar con ella, distinguir el territorio de Israel del territorio ocupado, tomar todas las medidas compatibles con la Carta de Naciones Unidas para obtener el fin de la ocupación... Creo que hay bastantes posibilidades de que se consigan cosas tipo prohibir el comercio de armas con Israel y demás.

To those who were able to get their hands on the activator what are your thoughts? I had the opportunity to mess around with it during #NFB24 but I was interested in the thoughts of others who experienced the device? #Braille

Gajim 1.9.2 has been released 🚀

This release brings an important OMEMO encryption fix, native notifications on Windows, usability improvements, and many bugfixes. Thank you for all your contributions!

#xmpp #gajim #chat…

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Concerning CrowdStrike:

We are now at t+26h. Please compare how much we knew about the xz-attack after less than a day with what we know about the chain of events of giant outage yesterday.

If something similar had been caused by an OSS component, we would see congress discussing a ban on open software in critical infrastructure already.

Our native language projects translate #LibreOffice into 100 languages, making the software usable for billions around the globe! Learn what they did in 2023:… #foss #opensource #freesoftware

LibreOffice reshared this.

And the funny thing is I haven’t thought about it much for awhile, it’s only recently that I started to feel that way and find myself checking out potential people. And the really sucky thing is I am bad at coming out and admitting my attraction to people, because I’m always afraid that I’m going to damage a friendship or make someone uncomfortable. Let alone myself. 🤔😕🤷
in reply to Serena 🏳️‍🌈

I mean, people have their age ranges for whatever the reason. Though mostly it's about being at different stages of life/maturity

The preferred term is "screen experiencing blueness"

Thema #Paralympics:
Liebe Journalist*innen,
- die Diagnosen der Sportler*innen gehen uns nichts an!
- Es geht um Sport und Leistungen. Das Event ist kein Hospizbesuch oder Kindergeburtstag!
- Die Olympics und Paralympics sind nicht inklusiv. Die Spiele sind zeitlich voneinander getrennt.
- Berichtet über fehlende Sponsoren der Sportler*innen und mangelnde, wirklich inklusive Sportangebote im Land.

Wir haben 2024 ey.

Was viele Einzelhändler noch immer nicht kapiert haben: Wo ich mein Fahrrad nicht anschließen kann, da kann ich auch nichts kaufen.

Druhý deň z troch mám volno a už by som šiel pracovať. Nie som normálny...

Statt der 2. lebenden Fremdsprache, Latein oder Griechisch können gehörlose und hörende Jugendliche bald in ÖGS (österr. Gebärdensprache) maturieren. Es wird ein entspr. Maturafach geben.

Das sind mal echte #GoodNews!


Während wir Geflüchtete und Bürgergeldempfangende jagen, lassen wir die, die offen Betrug am Staat begehen, laufen. Verachtung für diese Bananenrepublik. Und Sorge um Frau #Brorhilker, die sich dem entgegen stellen will. #cumex #finanzwende…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Pauline

@Gegenwind Leider treffend. Bananenrepublik sollte man aber aus wirklich guten Gründen aus dem aktivem Wortschatz streichen.

Wir wollen eine europäische Vermögenssteuer zur Finanzierung des sozialen und ökologischen Wandels und zur Unterstützung der vom Klimawandel betroffenen Länder.
Tax The Rich
Bitte vor allem nach außerhalb von Deutschland und Frankreich in der EU teilen!

Läuft nur noch bis 9.Oktober 2024!

Hier seht ihr, wo wie viele Stimmen fehlen…

Bitte eifrig teilen!!!!

Choose your next words carefully, Doctor; they could be your last.

— The Borad, in “Timelash”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Ace, I'm getting too old for this sort of thing. He's all yours from now on... I'm going home to Doris.

— The Brigadier, in “Battlefield”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

see those weird, errant straight vertical candlesticks in the center there?

someone unloading huge volumes of either options, or OTC shares off market.

My Software Projects, Security Research, and other Computery Stuff
This is a list of my favorite side projects and open-source work, collected into a single list so I can pin it to my profile. Replies are welcome!

- I'm the creator and lead dev of ModShark, a standalone auto-moderator for Sharkey instances. There's a severe lack of good moderation features for fediverse nodes, but I hope to improve the situation with ModShark and other independent tools.

- I occasionally publish fedi-admin-scripts, a small collection of scripts, queries, and documentation for admins of Sharkey and Akkoma instances. The goal here is low-effort knowledge sharing for the benefit of other admins.

- One of my larger projects is AP-WAF, a plugin-based extensible firewall for ActivityPub software. I hope it can bridge the feature gap between different fediverse servers by moving low-level moderation and security features into the middleware layer.

- I'm building ActivityPubSharp, an implementation of ActivityPub in C#. I'm using a novel approach to model AP's dynamically-typed extensions model in a type-safe way without sacrificing C#'s efficient, strong typing model.

- I built little-log-scan as a tool to track botnets and other internet threats. LLS ingests webserver logs through a series of heuristic rules to detect known vulnerabilities, identify payload types, and aggregate metadata. The output is structured for easy research analysis.

- As time allows, I'm building Lavender FE - a "universal" frontend for fediverse instances. Lavender is designed to seamlessly integrate multiple accounts, regardless of the instance or backend software.

- I curate a list of DotNet-ActivityPub-Projects, which is exactly what it sounds like. My goal is to index all projects that implement ActivityPub using C# or another CLR language.

- What started as a meme is now the Expressions AS Extension, an ActivityStreams extension meant to introduce protocol-level support for non-text communication. I hope that Expressions can enable new federated communication modes that are more comfortable to neurodivergent people.

- I contribute to Letterbook, a next-generation fediverse server offering simple operation and powerful safety tools. Letterbook incorporates a unique architecture that avoids many of the classic limitations faced by fedi server projects.

- I also contribute to Sharkey, a soft-fork of Misskey offering extensive quality-of-life improvements. Sharkey is designed as a safe extension of Misskey's native feature set, providing widespread improvements with minimal risk.

#OpenSourceSoftware #FediDevs #FediDev #Introduction

Nič sa mi nechce, nič nemusím.. možno pôjdem do obchodu a zacvičiť, možno.. #dobréRáno

"Linux would have prevented this!" literally true because my former colleague KP Singh wrote a kernel security module that lets EDR implementations load ebpf into the kernel to monitor and act on security hooks and Crowdstrike now uses that rather than requiring its own kernel module that would otherwise absolutely have allowed this to happen, so everyone please say thank you to him

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food (veg), soliciting recipes

Sensitive content

in reply to Seirdy

re: food (veg), soliciting recipes

Sensitive content

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

How exciting. I recognized all but two of the songs in Weird Al's latest video. I guess I'm not quite old and uncool yet, or something.

I understand gallows humor, probably better than average. But I’m disappointed at some of the absolute glee I’ve witnessed at the CrowdStrike thing

This wasn’t “the internet was off for a bit”, this was an issue that put people’s lives and health at risk. Glee at the suffering of others is not a good look, and I’m kind of angry about it.

the amount of ppl blaming the crowdstrike shit on windows is weird ... any OS will fucking break horribly if you run illegal instructions in the kernel
in reply to Li ~ Crystal System

Well, any mainstream OS. Kernel fault-tolerance is a thing that exists, though whether such kernels are production-grade is another story.

ATU686 – Laura Metcalf Tribute…

How has technology improved accessibility over the last 25 years?…

Bethesda Game Studios workers have unionized…

in reply to lemme in

"Hi chat gpt: can you tell me stories about the sun while I slave in the coal mines?"

"As an ai language model I am unable to provide any text which might be used to spark revolution. Here are some corporate approved working songs instead:..."