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Popredná ruská ekonómka Valentina Bondarenková zomrela po páde z okna

Ruské úrady údajne nenašli žiadne dôkazy o násilnom zápase alebo kriminálnom motíve.

in reply to Aktuality

Varovanie MZV všetkým občanom SR pri cestách do Ruskej Federácie - pobyt v blízkosti okien sa z bezpečnostných dôvodov vôbec neodporúča...

“He says he doesn't know who he is or why he has come.”

“Well, I admire a man with an open mind.”

— Ruther and Shardovan, in “Castrovalva”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Back home from the Berlin mini GUADEC; it was good to see everyone after a year, and I’m looking forward to next year in Italy!

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

Of course, while I got back home, my luggage didn't. Luckily, it was just dirty laundry from a week in Berlin…

I still don't understand why the company that claims to be all about amazing user experience doesn't prevent autoplaying videos in the only browser they allow? I mean you control it all you can also control that.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Звонит неизвестный номер
Я игнорю
Неизвестный номер перезванивает
Ну раз перезванивает, значит очень надо
— Алло?
*на том конце сбрасывают трубку*

у меня настолько страшный голос? :с

in reply to Moana Rijndael 🍍🍕

не знаю... Чтобы оценить, нужно бы тебя послушать.
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

в последнем (89-й) вроде есть но надо открывать оригинальную страницу, до мастодона не все видео доходили


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Comcast California Announces Live American Sign Language Interpreting Services at Several Bay Area Xfinity Store Locations | Comcast California…

Stories ✨

Available soon on our official mobile app!

"I believe reCAPTCHA's true purpose is to harvest user information and labor from websites," asserted Andrew Searles

"If you believe that reCAPTCHA is securing your website, you have been deceived."

reCAPTCHA has used:

819 million hrs of human time

$6.1 billion USD in wages

134 petabytes of bandwidth

7.5 million kWhs of energy

7.5 million pounds of CO2…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Google drops it's plan of disabling 3rd-party tracking cookies by default in Chrome. 🍪

Looking for a Chrome alternative? Check out our recommendations.
#browser #email #privacy #encryption #foss #cookies

Unknown parent

@astudillojuanf These are included in our full blog post list : )

This is pure cartel behavior: Reddit and Google have cut a deal that will freeze out all other search engines from indexing Reddit, where volunteers do essentially all the work.

This should not be legal.

It is VITAL to replace Reddit, and it will take a global village to do it. If we don't, the cartel wins.

And Google should be broken up by Congress, if the antitrust people won't try.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Today I worked out that the UK would nearly fit 1:1 scale on a sheet of A-39 paper.

That's using the A paper scale, where A0 is 1m^2 and each number down the scale doubles in area, keeping a 1:sqrt(2) aspect ratio.

That's A minus 39. I make a sheet of that 741.455km x 1048.576 km

(Done in #QGIS using 'Shape tools' plugin)


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Someone: *sends me a message*.
Me: Alright cool, I read that. I'll either respond to it in 2 seconds, 2 hours, or 2 weeks, depending on how distracted my brain gets.… is beautiful and obvious and is someone now going to rewrite an eBPF-based version of ps

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source…
The United States remains reluctant to work with open source, but European countries are bolder.
in reply to kim_harding ✅

No, Switzerland does not.

The law that they just passed requires software developed by or specifically for the government to be open but it contains a loophole allowing the use of proprietary software and it contains no incentive to avoid proprietary software.

When we adopted a similar policy at NASA in the 80s the loophole meant that there was no change in the amount of proprietary software we used. I expect the same in Switzerland.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

As we see the broligarchs stepping back trying to distance themselves from the nazis they thought were about to take power, remember:

They have been the enemy all along, and they will seek to realign with and coopt whoever they see as their best chance at self-preservation.

Whatever happens, they need to be hounded and purged from power. Or they'll just keep doing the same thing. We need to leverage their flirting with nazis to make it politically viable for a Harris admin to defang them.

Где это видано, чтобы нажать рандомную клавишу, которая даже не является командой, и приложение зависло на 5 секунд?!!
Всё больше убеждаюсь, что десктопный софт на питоне - хреновая идея.
Особенно когда этот софт пишет почти ещё школьник / школьница / оно / нон-байнари / кто он там сегодня, надо на его сайт зайти почитать.

В общем, надо подтягивать шарпы, да садиться писать свой клиент для Мастодона.

in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

Не ну лицензия там написана вроде неплохо на мой непрофессиональный взгляд.
Но вот этот подход, типа "вы обязательно создавайте аккаунт на моём сайте, чтобы использовать приложение, а то я могу когда-нибудь передумать и сделать софт внезапно платным..." Это конечно зашквар.
Но будем честными, у твискейка возможностей даже в плане только мастодона больше, чем у twblue.
Выбор языка постов, нормальный редактор, в котором по ентеру делается новая строка, а не отправляется пост, чуть более адекватная скорость получения новых записей после старта приложения.
Ну и плюс у твискейка есть поддержка других соцмедиа. Свой homeassistant я сюда не подключу конечно, но вот поддержка гитхаба конечно забавна.
А на макоси только с его помощью можно пользоваться телеграмом, ибо других доступных клиентов под яблочко нету.
in reply to Cyrmax

Именно, я про этот зашквар в лицензии. Но так не делается. Извините, это с юридического аспекта небезопасная ситуация. По-русски это вроде как называем диким западом, насколько меня памят не изменяет.

Von der Staatsanwaltschaft Potsdam wird gegen einen Ortsbeirat der Brandenburger 💩fD ermittelt.

Grund: eine mögliche Gewaltandrohung in Bezug auf Wirtschaftsminister Habeck.
Der Mann soll gedroht haben, auf Habeck zu schießen.

Der angebliche Wortlaut: "Ich hab schon überlegt, ich hab' ja hier die Knarre, ich müsste dem Habeck mal ein Auge ausschießen".

DAS ist die Gesinnung dieser Leute. DAS ist die Art, wie sie Politik machen wollen. DAS darf nie vergessen oder übersehen werden.

Sorry, nein. Urlaubsfliegerei ist nicht "kritische Infrastruktur". Urlaubsfliegerei liegt auf dem Notwendigkeitslevel von Freizeitparks.

for no particular special occasion but I'm selling my roguelike game for 50 cents if you buy it directly from my website. DRM-Free, Win, Mac, Linux and Android, and you also get a Steam key. Sale ends in 2 days!

#indiegame #roguelike

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to David Amador

Just got it on Google Play. First game was a great succes! 10/10 would play again.

I must not buy this. I must not buy this. The new Unihertz Jelly Max. I love baby phones! (…
in reply to Lynette

@Lynessence @Bruce_Toews It's actually not that bad. Erin hates looking at it though, because she's used to her monster Samsung Fold. Yup, it's currently my main phone.
in reply to Martin in Toronto

@Lynessence @Bruce_Toews I used my star for my main phone for a bit. I probably will again when Iget a working iMessage Android bridge.
in reply to aaron

@Lynessence @Bruce_Toews Also... I may or may not have just grabbed the last earlybird. Oops. Haha
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @Lynessence @Bruce_Toews Oh you did, did you? Lol! Yeah, I think the best thing I like about these phones is no bloatware and they've actually turned on the radio chip. Oh and you can record phone calls as well.
in reply to Martin in Toronto

@Lynessence @Bruce_Toews I don't like their app locker thing,but it's super easy to turn off and easy to root if you want to change more.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @Bruce_Toews Once IOS 18 comes out in September, you won't need an iMessage bridge because anyone who uses ios 18 will use RCS messaging.
in reply to Lynette

I still need an iMessage bridge because carriers can just choose not to enable rcs for iPhone users.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Stupid JAWS update broke my work laptop.
I hope I'm not, but worry that I am, coming down with something.
I miss my dog.
Having an #OverwhelmingDay.
in reply to Derry Lawlor

@DerryLawlor nah, the techy people are having to reinstall some system level stuff this morning so work is pretty slow today!
in reply to Sean Randall

I had a wierd one recently in work on my laptop I had one version of Jaws and a slightly newer one on the desktop but the desktop would not behave correctly but all good now.

Začínáme sklízet, vosy a ptáci už nám to hodně decimujou. Ale vypadá to skvěle, tohle je z jedné větve. Letos se broskve opravdu povedly.

Tohle se #pirati myslím moc nepovedlo. Sice ta jeho kampaň byla nic moc, ale byl aspoň vidět. Byl na kandidátce a dělal kampaň 🤷🏼‍♂️🔓…

in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@marcel_kolaja No my ten článek nepsali :-) Btw to, že byl Ferjenčík tak dole na kandidátce mělo své důvody. A nejen předchozí sněmovní volby.

i am awake at stupid o'clock for whatever stupid reason. so because i am, have this thought. don't yuck someone's yum. usually that means don't hate on what others think is good to eat. but today, let's make it about anything. if it makes someone happy, let them be so. just cause you dont like it, doesn't mean they havve to agree with you. good morning mastodon. :)

I was checking out this year's #StackOverflow annual developer report that few things caught my eye:

1. They have deliberately drawn the wrong conclusion about most popular operating system. They have interpreted #Linux distro as operating system, so they have separately provided numbers for Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, and etc., and have concluded that "Windows is the most popular operating system for developers, across both personal and professional use".…


in reply to Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

I wonder if it’s not strictly additive; like could one pick both WSL and Ubuntu in the survey?
in reply to Marcos Huerta

@marcoshuerta It says "What is the primary operating system in which you work?" was the question. For IDE, it specified "pick all that you've regularly used." So I suspect this question was actually single selection?

Your browser is not supported! It’s probably lacking some serious API, and we can’t possibly make it work, sorry *

* Just kidding. Spoof the UA string, it’ll work just fine.

in reply to Vadim Makeev

of course. The can't show you the map based on open street maps in an open browser.

What's up with execs complaining that people are using their website at objectively low rates?

We previously discussed the CTO & CEO of Discourse ($21M raised) getting mad at 0.5 QPS, calling this "an attack", etc. :….

Now, the CEO of iFixit (supposedly ~$50M/yr revenue) calls 11 QPS, "abuse", saying "you're tying up our devops resources", implying it's reasonable for a $50M/yr regularly viral web property to need significant intervention if traffic increases by 11 QPS.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

- Почему ты называешь её авторкой?
- Потому что она женщина
- Что-то мне подсказывает, при всём моём уважении к феминитивам, если я буду обращаться к аналитику, как к анплитичке, то она натянет мне глаз на жопу, а наши девопсы за девопсерку мою несчастную жопу натянут на второй глаз. И когда я в таком удручающем состоянии приду к тебе, техписке, то ты, наверняка, просто похоронишь меня под кипой распечатанных pdf-ок.
- ...
in reply to Andrey Dolbilin

а можно девопщицей её называть. Русский язык вообще-то и прекрасен.
Unknown parent

Zvonimir Stanecic
@000 Вот с этими названиями кнопконабирателище я бы не согласился. Общий род не звучит хорошо у всех существительных. Оставляйте кнопконабирателя в спокое.

Delighted to welcome my friend and accessibility comrade, @SteveFaulkner, to the glorious city of York!

Meet the new Orbit Speak and #OrbitReader Q20 & Q40 by #OrbitResearch. TrueBraille™ meets QWERTY in a sleek, compact design. Independence is just a touch away - check them out at AER Conference Booth 101. #A11y #BrailleForAll #inclusion

Join us at AER Int'l Conference in Charlotte, NC, 24-27 July, Booth 101. Discover our new products: Orbit Speak Notetaker, Orbit Reader Q20 & Q40, Optima Braille Laptop, Orbit Magna Magnifiers, and Orbit Slate Braille Displays. #A11y #BrailleForAll #inclusion

Going to say something a lot of people will not like:
Using AI to make music/images/writing is not creativity. It's outsourcing.
You're not being creative telling a chat bot it got it wrong and you want better for 3 hours.

reshared this

in reply to OrntLaOkro

@OrntLaOkro No. It's just spewing out data based on training data and other people's creative work. sometimes those exact works.
in reply to aaron

I know. But the creative process of humans is usually heavily influenced by other poeples work too. Most art pieces are not completely new ideas.
in reply to OrntLaOkro

@OrntLaOkro The AI isn't taking abstract ideas or inspiration, it just is taking the work. It's not actually forming an interpretation of that work or having an inspiring thought. AI, in its current form, doesn't feel strongly about a work so much that it wishes to make something based off of it.
in reply to aaron

I believe it is creativity. But if you plug a few words in and have it generated and that's it, that's not work, if you slave over it for hours, yeah, that's work. xx

Dave Plummer: The Man Who Scammed Millions:…
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @FluidEscence surely someone has sounded off in the comments letting this idiot know he's an idiot?

Croatian is also available on the linux operating system.