Items tagged with: cookies


Items tagged with: cookies

What the actual fuck The Verge?! You have over 500 partners who need access to my "essential" cookies?

I mean, thanks for showing me the numbers on how insane data sharing is, but really? And those are the ones I can't opt out of?

Do they count like every employee as a partner, or is my data really being shared with hundreds of other businesses?


#Cookies #Data #DataPrivacy #DataBrokers #OptOut

Na obranu blokování reklamy

Poté, co se Youtube pustil do ostrého boje s blokátory reklamy, rozhořela se opět diskuse o tom, zda je v pořádku reklamy blokovat. Dlouho jsem byl na straně odmítačů blokování reklamy. Během svého života jsem napsal řadu článků pro různé časopisy a servery a vím, že obsah se zadarmo neudělá. Nicméně odvětví internetové reklamy zmorfovalo […]

#bezpečnost #blokování #cookies #DuckDuckGo #Firefox #reklama #soukromí #ublock #Vivaldi…

🤣🤣🤣 @cnnbrk Here’s some breaking news, CNN Breaking News. Not everyone is running Brave. I don’t. Many do run privacy controls. How ironic that our privacy controls are blocking your “privacy protections,” and you insist we should TRUST YOU. Is that like trusting Meta to protect users’ phone numbers by passing their chats through Meta servers…?

So hilarious. Thank you for self-deselecting from my trusted news sources. 🤣🤣🤣

#AdBlocker #malware #cookies #tracking #privacy #FreeIsntFree

@blender yeah, but I think making your tech more appealing and approachable to "#TechIlliterates" and "#Normies" should have a higher priority than following a trend and fad [aka. #VR]...

Regardless of that I do think that #JS and #Tracking / #Cookies are bad #ghettohacks of a technology and lazy #WebApps should've never seen mass adoption, but there's far worse staff like #MicrosoftOffice and espechally #Windows.

I just can't stand the latter...