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Podcasts and youtubers who start their episodes with promotions / sponsors clearly dont consider people who are first listeners. Please do try to understand that unless I have a very, very very convincing reason to listen to you, I'll find an alternative. If you don't get me interested, and showe ads at me, I'll leave. don't do this. I am not saying don't have ads, They are much needed, but put them in the middle. Blend with the content, make them unique.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

I personally prefer this. I can skip the add spot if it is right at the beginning. I'd prefer it at the end, so I don't have to listen to it at all, but hey.
in reply to Jakob Rosin

this won't help on mobile, but on desktop the sponsorblock extension is your friend.

A week ago, I published a detailed 2.5-hour overview of what’s new in iOS 18. In preparation for recording that podcast, I took detailed notes. I uploaded those notes to Google’s new Notebook LM artificial intelligence service. The idea here is that you can upload material from a range of sources and ask questions or have summaries prepared.
I asked Notebook LM to produce an FAQ, and a deep dive audio summary. First, here’s the FAQ it produced.
iOS 18 Accessibility FAQ
What's new in iOS 18 for Braille users?
iOS 18 introduces major improvements for Braille users, including:
• Separate Input & Output Braille Tables: Configure different Braille tables for input and output, allowing you to type in uncontracted Braille while reading in contracted Braille, for example.
• Enhanced Braille Screen Input: This feature now boasts an item chooser for navigating to specific screen elements by typing their name in Braille.
• Command Mode: Activate command mode to control your device using standard Braille display commands without needing a physical display connected.
• Direct Braille Screen Input Access: Invoke Braille screen input from anywhere on your device using a simple double-tap gesture with fingers at the top and bottom of the screen.
• Automatic Braille Screen Input Activation: Enable automatic activation for Braille screen input to be ready whenever an editing field appears.
Can I customize VoiceOver voices in iOS 18?
Yes! iOS 18 offers extensive VoiceOver voice customization options:
• Expanded Voice Rotor: Add multiple voices to the rotor for quick switching.
• Personal Voice Integration: Use your personalized voice created with the Personal Voice feature as your VoiceOver voice.
• Fine-tuned Voice Control: Adjust rate, pitch, and even access a comprehensive equalizer to tailor each voice to your preference or hearing needs.
• Siri Voice Styles: Customize Siri voices with various speaking styles like "narration" or "faster pace" for different situations.
What are Vocal Shortcuts, and how do they work?
Vocal Shortcuts let you trigger actions on your device using personalized voice commands. You can:
• Create Custom Phrases: Record a phrase like "Hey, Focus Mode" to activate a specific Focus mode.
• Assign System Functions: Trigger actions like turning the flashlight on/off, taking a screenshot, or even invoking Siri.
• Control Accessibility Features: Activate features like Zoom, Voice Control, or specific Accessibility Shortcuts.
What are Music Haptics, and who are they for?
Music Haptics are designed to make music more accessible for the deaf-blind community. When enabled, your iPhone will translate music into vibrations and pulses, attempting to represent the audio rhythmically. This feature is currently limited to Apple Music and Apple Classical apps.
Can I personalize Control Center in iOS 18?
iOS 18 provides significantly more control over Control Center customization:
• Extensive Control Options: Add controls for accessibility features, audio settings, screen mirroring, and more.
• Organized by Headings: Navigate numerous controls easily as they are now grouped by headings for better organization.
• Futureproof Design: With third-party app integration on the horizon, the new Control Center is designed to handle increasing customization options.
Are there any new features for Voice Memos?
iOS 18 introduces powerful enhancements to the Voice Memos app, including:
• Automatic Transcription: Voice Memos can now automatically transcribe your recordings, making them searchable and accessible.
• Customizable Folders: Organize your recordings into folders for easier management and retrieval.
• Enhanced Privacy: Control how long deleted recordings are stored on your device, from 30 days to never.
How has the Notes app improved in iOS 18?
Notable improvements in the Notes app include:
• Rich Note Creation: Add audio recordings with transcriptions directly into your notes for a multimedia experience.
• Simplified File Attachments: Attach files from various sources, including audio recordings, directly to your notes.
• Inline Calculations: Perform calculations directly within your notes using natural language and the equals sign.
What significant changes are there in the Messages app?
iOS 18 brings valuable new features to the Messages app:
• Scheduled Messages: Schedule messages up to 14 days in advance for birthdays, reminders, or future communications.
• Expanded Tapback Reactions: Customize your tapback reactions with any emoji, adding a personal touch to your replies.
• Enhanced Sharing: Create and manage shared password groups within the app for easier and secure password sharing among family and friends.

Next, I went into the Chat mode of Notebook LM and started asking it questions. Here is a short extract from my conversation with it.
Q. How do you switch Braille screen input from input mode to command mode?
A. To switch between input mode and command mode in Braille screen input on iOS 18, you would use a 3-finger flick gesture on the screen. It does not matter if you flick left or right, as both directions will switch between the modes
Q. Thanks, another question for you. If I don’t like my input and output tables in Braille being separate, can I change it back to the way it used to be?
A. You can change the input and output tables for Braille back to the way they were before iOS 18. In iOS 18, you can have different input and output tables, but if you do not want this, you can switch it off.

To change this setting, first go to Braille settings in VoiceOver. Then, find the "Match Input and Output Tables" switch button. By default, this setting is off. If you double-tap the button to turn it on, the input and output tables will change together. Once you make this change, there will be only one rotor item for the Braille table.
Q. Thanks that’s helpful. Final question for you. You mentioned vocal shortcuts and they sound cool, but how do you find vocal shortcuts and how do you set them up?
A. Here is how to find and set up vocal shortcuts on iOS 18:
Finding Vocal Shortcuts in Settings
The sources explain that you can find the vocal shortcuts by going to Accessibility Settings under Speech and then flicking through the options until you find "Vocal Shortcuts".
Setting up Vocal Shortcuts
To set up vocal shortcuts, you first need to double-tap the "Vocal Shortcuts" button, which will be turned off by default. Then, you double-tap the "Set up vocal shortcuts" button. You will then be able to choose what actions you want to assign vocal shortcuts to. The actions are organised by the headings "Siri," "Shortcuts," "System," and "Accessibility".
The source gives an example of setting up a vocal shortcut to activate the shortcut "Hey GP". To set up this particular shortcut, the user first double-taps the "Shortcuts" heading and then double-taps the "Hey GP" button. Then, to tell iOS 18 what the command for this shortcut will be, the user types the command, which in this case is "Hey GP," into the "Custom phrase" text field and presses enter. Finally, the user says the phrase "Hey GP" three times, and the vocal shortcut is ready.

That is ever so slightly wrong but mostly correct.
Finally, and most remarkably, I had Google LM produce an audio summary of the data I had supplied. I should stress here, this is not a script I wrote. This is what the AI came up with just based on the raw data. It’s impressive, and it’s sort of delicious to hear a couple of Google AI characters being so effusive in their praise of iOS.

Mať najprv na drese Gašek a potom ostatným zakazovať?!
Venujte sa športu a nie politike, lebo začínate byť vážne na smiech!


in reply to Pomaranč

To je sice možný, ale nevidím důvod, proč by rusácký sportovci, se mohli zůčastnit mezinárodních akcí. To samé je, když hraju v KHL, holt si v repre nezahraju. Hlavně ty jsi v půvpdním tootu psal, že měl Gašek na zádech, což s rokem 2014 nemá nic splečného. Nechci se dohadovat, jen máme každý na to jiný názor.

Dobré ráno.
Hlásím, že přestává. #ova
Přestává taky jezdit ve čtyři ráno tramvaj do našeho chobotu, takže ségra vymýšlí v terénu spojení do práce. Protože jsou povolání, kam se musí. (Ano, tohle do nich nepatří 🙃)
Brácha z vesnice hlásí celou noc ve službě, ale je v pořádku. Tam už není proud ani cesta, tak taťka vyrazil aspoň zatopit v kamnech, ať se na dolním konci mají kluci hasičští na chvilku kde ohřát, vypít čaj a schnout.
A já si tu taky popíjím čaj a čekám, co bude, bo pomoct nemůžu. 😐
in reply to Skaut

U nás naštěstí nic, snad to u vás vše dobře dopadne 🤞🏼🤞🏼🤞🏼
in reply to Archos

@archos Snad. Myslím, že obecně pořád může být hůř, ale doufám, že aktuálně z nejhoršího jsou venku. 🙂 Jak říkala mamka - "Nám je vlastně dobře. Jen nám nejde proud a máme vodu ve sklepě." 🙂

in reply to Archos

Do baráku se nám to naštěstí nedostalo, ale byli jsme díky výstraham dobře připraveni. Otec včera i zasilikonoval vstupní dveře, to hodně pomohlo...

Nejhorší bude to uklízení asi... Ani nevím, jestli zítra dojedu do práce...

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

No to je síla, snad ta voda začne dnes opadat. Bordel člověk uklidí, hlavně ať jste všichni v pořádku.

Food, meme, alignment chart

Sensitive content

five years on I am still a little sad and disappointed that the rise of skywalker exists

Come with me, and you’ll be, in a world of OSHA violations…

@Friendica Support Hallo, seit ein paar Tagen kann ich mich nicht mehr über den Browser in einloggen. Nach der Eingabe von Namen und Passwort erscheint eine weiße Seite. Hab verschiedene Browser mobil und am Desktop ausprobiert, Cache geleert, Firewall gecheckt. Bin ratlos. Über Mona-App komme ich problemlos rein. Ideen jemand?

Some impressive test results from
@PatMeenan about Compression Dictionaries (just approved to ship in Chrome!):…

Unlike traditional gzip or brotli usage, this allows compression ACROSS requests.

So app-v1.js could be reused when downloading app-v2.js so only the differences are downloaded basically.

Or a separate dict could be used to compress similar pages (e.g. those using same templates or layout) so they basically only include page-specific content.


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

If you’ve forgotten the scummy behavior of Accuweather, let me remind you how they recruited Rick Santorum to try and destroy the National Weather Service to enhance their profits.…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Chris Petrilli

WTF. I wish I'd known that before paying for their app (back when you could, before ads took over apps).

Also, this is timely, as #Firefox have stuck an AccuWeather widget on people's new tab page.

También he estado mudeando ahora que ya me funciona OmniMUD y recuerdo el increíble sumidero de tiempo que puede ser eso.

I'll be in the San Francisco Bay area in the next few weeks for a few days. Plans aren't finalised yet but I may end up having some free time. Anyone I know here interested in potentially catching up?

Comida, golosinas.
Tengo gominolas de esas italianas de nuevo, kilos de ellas, y es un peligro. Que viciosas son.
in reply to modulux

Comida, golosinas.

Sensitive content

in reply to Isgoria

Comida, golosinas.
Pero eso que tiene que ver con las gominolas? :)

Honestly, in the past week, I've read some #FanFiction that was better paced and plotted than I could have ever imagined so I still don't really understand this stereotype that Fanfiction is where bad writers go. Maybe because it's free literature? #FanFiction
in reply to Robert Kingett backup

I agree, there's a lot of fan fiction that's very well with plot, language, characterisation... I'd say the difference is the lack of quality control, so you get to see all the beginning efforts that elsewhere never pass the slush pile.

A new version is out!

We have:

- A changelog!…
- hovering a mapillary-image reveals where the picture was taken
- Selecting nearby pictures can now be done by seeing where those images were taken on the map
- Some fixes and improvements to
-… now shows police offices (and some other police amenities) and many more objects (such as healthcare, AEDs, ...)

Thinking about restarting tutorials on my YouTube channel.
Which topic would you be more interested in?

  • Wordpress and shut up (0%, 0 votes)
  • More Thunderbird development (66%, 12 votes)
  • JavaScript (11%, 2 votes)
  • Something else (22%, 4 votes)
18 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Scientists Reveal Their Most Embarrassing Fieldwork Fails 1/5

Jim Jourdane

#Science #Fieldwork #fieldworkfail

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reshared this

Quite some years ago (2006-08), we brought the #OLPC AKA the 100$ laptop to Ethiopia as pilot. A surprising thing happened. The laptops were often without battery power in the morning. A thing that wasn’t anticipated. It had two reasons. One was the keyboard LED (it was removed in later series). It was used by the parents to have a light at home. The other was a bigger surprise. The parents used the mesh networking to discuss market prices for their produce. Fascinating. 1/8
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Recently, I realized that US housing policy is "cheap gasoline".

Our calendar team is working hard to release awesome major updates to your Tuta Calendar soon! ❤️

But right now they are enjoying their well-deserved weekend. Enjoy yours, too! 🎢

#behindthescenes #tuta #workinghard #release #staytuned

Unknown parent

@User01 It is, stay tuned! 🤩
in reply to Tuta

Hi, I can't find it on FDroid, is it coming soon?
Is it open source ? Worst case I'll build it myself.

Eine Warnung vor extremen Regen könnte ich ja nachvollziehen, was aber ist eine extreme Regenwarnung?
in reply to Ulrich Kelber

Also ich finde es schon extrem, bei einem kleinen Wölkchen gleich vor "REGEN!!!!" zu warnen. Dem Symbol nach ist es doch nur bewölkt? Oder hab ich da was übersehen?

Etwas hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit war heute in Mü… allerdings tatsächlich…

Anyone used #aws #workspaces before? I am wanting to access some of the keyboard short cuts, but they are not passing through to the vm, they are still being processed by my local machine.

Macht gern mit!

Ich würge ab sofort jede Kostendebatte bei Mobilitätsalternativen zum Auto mit dem Hinweis auf die

>Solidargemeinschaft Auto<

ab, in die wir jährlich dreistellige Milliardensummen pumpen.
Selbst wenn wir kein Auto haben.

Es ist Zeit für die

>Solidargemeinschaft Mobilität<

und eine bedingungslose Mobilitätsdaseinsvorsorge für Teilhabe.

haven't had any technical posts here in a while :3

I just released libadwaita 1.6.0, see the blog post for details:…

Upscaler version 1.3.0 was just released! The release is pretty large and includes some nice features and visual improvements:

- Introduce queue system to allow users to upscale images right after the other
- Add branding colors
- Port to latest Adwaita widgets
- Allow dropping remote images
- Allow pasting images from clipboard
- Make window draggable from anywhere
- Delete temporary file when unused
- Switch to Upscayl-NCNN from Real-ESRGAN ncnn Vulkan
- Update and rework translation
- Add Bulgarian translation

Unfortunately, I completely forgot that the GNOME 47 runtime isn't released yet. The update will be available later once the GNOME 47 runtime is out. If you want to try it out, you can build it from source (roughly a few minutes) using GNOME Builder:…

#GNOME #libadwaita #GTK4 #FOSS #OpenSource #OSS #Upscale

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

I am pleased to announce a new development release of Cambalache,
getting us one step closer to a stable release for GNOME 47.

Whats new in version 0.91.3:
- Support 3rd party libraries
- Improved Drag&Drop support
- Streamline headerbar
- Ported treeview to column view

Read more about it at…

@GTK @gnome

Anyone knows why #gnome-software and #KDE #discover are so slow with #flatpak?

Like often when I'm downloading sth. I can't browse apps or they load for ages. Using the website works instantly.

It feels and is a lot more reliable to use flatpak from the terminal in my experience, I wonder why the #GUI stores have these problems.

Also often had long load times in those stores on #linux mobile.

Did you also experienced such issues? Are you a gnome/kde dev and know where it could come from?

in reply to treefit

I’ve noticed the slowness comes from packagekit handling repo packages rather than flatpaks. For an example, if you run something like the openSUSE Kalpa, which only supports Flatpaks through discover, it is lightning fast in my experience.

I sometimes get so mad with the world, it’s hard to bear.

I really thought we'd be past this stage by now...

Walking home from the donut shop.

9yo: Which of us is your favorite?

Me: I love you both infinitely.

13yo: I call the infinity of the reals!

9yo: …what?

*fifteen minutes later*

Me: So how many integers are there between 1 and 10? …and how many reals between 0 and 1?

9yo: Can we not talk about this anymore? It’s getting weird.

#math #parenting

@Tusky question. There are 2 behaviours in Tusky I'm baffled by. Say it's a few days since I opened Tusky. My home timeline shows a post from 4d ago. Scrolling up will show everything posted between then & now 👍

If I get a notification (eg reply) & tap the notification to view it, now when I go back to the home timeline, it has jumped to a much more recent time

Or if I tap a post on the home timeline & then hit back twice (exiting Tusky), reopening Tusky jumps to the most recent post

in reply to Ebauche

hi! There are a bug related to that and we are working on it. Sorry for the inconveniences!!!
in reply to Tusky

oh fantastic! Great to hear it's known about ❤️

I'll keep an eye on the update announcements 😊

Have a great weekend 👍

No, this is no a new CAPTCHA, this is a new malware vector which tricks users to open #Windows command line and paste a command to download some harmful stuff.

Just reported by Mohamed Aruham on Twitter.

4 shovels of sand in one bag. 12 bags on one tier. 7 tiers on the palate. The pallet jack and out. Watch out for the forklift coming through. And behind you, a truck is delivering sand. And another pallet to fill. Until the evening, when we're replaced by new volunteers. I'm tired. And I haven't done a fraction of what the members of SAR teams have been doing there.

Takže mám hotovo, alespoň tedy první ročník husitské teologie, uzavírám novozákonní řečtinou za 1 (profesor byl hodnej).

Tak ještě aspoň další dva, ať mám na to i titul.