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What's the FS AI web site again? I actuallyt have a JaWS question I'd like to ask it.

They got Eric Adams over bribery, not for his flex to shoot New Yorkers commuting.

Hey Rust users. I want to call attention to this Hacker News comment by the primary developer of async/await support in Rust:… Especially this:

> The state of async Rust is not better because no one hired me to finish it past the MVP.

I wish there was a way that all of us who have ever complained about async Rust could pool funds to hire this person. I'd be happy to be the first to contribute, though I don't remember if I've actually complained about this.

in reply to Matt Campbell

rust is too complicated sadly, although it has stuff I would like to have.

🛑 STOP 🛑

Before running that new program, are you sure it's legit?

You can verify the integrity of your downloads by verifying the checksum provided by the developer. ✅

You can learn how to make these checks in our new guide! 👉…

in reply to Tuta

Thanks for this, but can we also do checksums on .apk files for android?

Zítra mám konečně schůzku s psychologem.
How epic, zrovna dneska už jsem zase (nebo se nedej bože teprve blížím) na absolutním dně.
Věřte mi, dnes mi někdo dát do ruky devítku, budu mít mozek dva metry před sebou dřív, než do komory skočí nový náboj.


This is very sad news. I think that iMore was the first Web site I encountered where I was blown away to find an article on VoiceOver. It was then that I realized that accessibility features on Apple products weren't just documented on blindness-specific Web sites but that there was an awareness of this technology from mainstream sources. This is a sobering reminder that it's not just blindness-specific sites that could go away at any time.

Good morning everyone. Feeling a bit grumpy this morning, as you can probably tell, but nothing major that I won't get over. I hope you all have a wonderful day. If you need expert advice on persuasive writing, today I'm your guy. LOL
in reply to Bruce Toews

Hey, there. I can relate to the grumpiness, my friend. Hope it passes soon.

What language do you toot/post in the most?

Do you write and read Toots mostly in the same language or do you stick to one language or mix it up;
If you use a different language for different topics or day time i would be curios to know

#Mastodon #Language #SocialMedia #OnlineCommunities #Multilingual #Sprache #Idioma #語言 #Lingvo #Lingua #言語 #언어 #שפּראַך #Langue #Taal #Мова #Язык

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7 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

В общем, сегодня у нас было внутрикорпоративное событие, где народ хвастался достижениями. Грубо говоря, этакий all-hands meeting по поводу релиза внутренней платформы для разработки, и разные команды хвастались, где и чего они достигли.

Ну что я могу сказать: после пары лет работы в Samsung я навсегда перешёл на айфоны. А после вот этого, Я БОЛЬШЕ НИКОГДА И НИ ЗА ЧТО НЕ СЯДУ В ЛЕКСУС!
Там просто ААААААААА!

Если не нарушать NDA, то, грубо говоря, я думал, что в автомобилестроении MISRA, AUTOSAR, CI/CD с параноидальными конфигами уймы анализаторов, расстрел из пулемёта за неинициализированную переменную. А здесь — нуууу, довольно ответственная разработка софта. Просто разработка, просто софта. С обычным легаси, с костылями, с хард-кодом, с кривыми BSP, требующими хаков в компиляторе. Ну то есть буквально та работа, к которой я привык, но НЕ В МАШИНЕ ЖЕ!

В общем, я был максимально прав, что всю жизнь считал, что в машине из электроники достаточно инжектора. Ну если очень хочется, то можно ещё ABS, но не более.

А теперь вот я увидел изнутри, как работает современное авто, и это, сука, вызывает у меня ужас и дрожь по всему телу.

Знаете, как открывается окно в современных премиальных автомобилях? А я вам расскажу!

Кнопка на двери, которая опускает стекло — нифига не кнопка, а энкодер, и прямо в двери установлен микроконтроллер, который считывает её состояние, и отправляет в CAN. CAN подключен к специальному грубо говоря хабу, который работает на линуксе (да, для «вторичных» штук там просто линукс), пакет идёт через обычный iptables, проверяется на то, что его отправил тот, кому можно, и откуда можно, и маршрутизируется в настоящую голову на QNX, там оно ещё раз идёт через файрволл (на этоти раз pf, который Blackberry портировал с OpenBSD ещё во времена оны), потом проверяется ещё набором правил, и если всё в порядке, то отправляется обратно с линуксовую маршрутизировалку, по направлению к стеклоподъёмнику. там оно проходит первую мааршрутизацию, закидывается во «вторичную» CAN-сеть, там ещё раз маршрутизируется в дверь, и в двери ЕЩЁ ОДИН контроллер принимает сигнал, и начинает драйвером мотора тащить вам стекло.

Само собой, на каждом этапе машина может запретить или поменять команду, скажем, сама закрыть окна на парковке, или запретить их открывать на каком-нибудь шоссе. Да, машина теперь постоянно на связи с материнским кораблём и получает оттуда команды, а сама отправляет туда статистику, скажем, по парковочным местам, которые видит бортовыми камерами и радарами.

А знаете, зачем она это делает? Потому что современному лексусу можно просто голосом сказать «Припаркуйся возле офиса», и он будет ехать по улице, вокруг твоего офиса, пока не найдёт подходящее место, а потом припаркуется туда. И если ты по пути заметишь более интересное место, можно просто сказать «Нет, припаркуйся туда», и показать рукой, куда. И ОН ПРИПАРКУЕТСЯ!

И мне сегодня показали на реальном автомобиле, что это реально работает.

Короче, дамы и господа, я готов объявлять Батлерианский Джихад. А мой следующий автомобиль будет как на приложенном видео.

#дыбр #работа

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to rayslava

Тупой вопрос. А сделать кнопочку, которая двигает моторчик, никак? А всю «умь» прикрутить к этому переключателю? Ну типа знаете, как есть в умных домах моторчики, которые двигают обычный тупой выключатель, если сказать «Алекса, включи свет», но при этом у вас есть бэкап? Как-то всё это капец несекьюрно.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion а у меня примерно поэтому жопа и горит.

А у моторчика там даже входа нет, там шаговый двигатель, со входом на десять обмоток, туда без драйвера подключиться нельзя, а как управлять драйвером знает только микроконтроллер

in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion он.
Но прикол в том, что в производстве вся эта электроника всё равно дешевле самого мотора получается
in reply to André Polykanine

Справедливости ради - стеклоподъемник сейчас не просто с кнопочки управляется, но и с мультимедиа, смартфона, а еще и с ключа (закрыл машину - закрыл и окна).

Так что простым присоединением моторчика к питанию уже не обойдешься.

А если все равно городить огород для управления окошком через инет - то не проще ли и кнопку в эту же архитектуру добавить?

I'm chugging through a series of novels that i'm really enjoying, BUT at the same time I have all these little issues with it, and i feel like i want to write a damn book report breaking down all the tiny annoyances and oversights, but if i put that in a review folks would be like "damn. shouldn't read that"

BUT I want people to read this series. It's good. It's just that my brain is digging into all the little details that you don't notice when caught up in the story.

in reply to masukomi

and yet you've not told us what they are, so we can't! :)
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I know. I recognized the irony as i wrote that, but NOT mentioning the name was intentional.

I think i'm going to finish the trilogy and then reread it before writing a review.

I have a lot of complicated thoughts about it - both good and bad - and I want to try and represent it well when I talk about it.

Side note: I'm afraid the 3rd book is just going to end on a massive cliffhanger and there isn't a 4th.

Je fais du C++, donc je pose pas mal de `const auto &foo = […]` ces jours-ci.

Viens-je de m’écrier « esperluette partout, justice nulle part » d’une voix forte chez mon principal client ? Vous n’avez aucune preuve.


The Cookie Consent illusion:

Most users want to opt out of being tracked. Yet, many sites boast of high consent rates.

How? Through deceptive design:

- Hiding the "Reject" button, and making "Accept All" prominent
- Auto-accept by scrolling the site, with no obvious option to opt-out
- Pre-selecting tracking options
- Not as easy to withdraw as to consent

As per European laws, consent for cookie usage must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

in reply to Bubu

I like myself the use of threading.luck and luck.acquire() :drake_like:

Me acaban de mandar el acta de una comunidad de vecinos en un PDF inaccesible y las ganas de mandar a gente a la mierda aumentan exponencialmente.

Eso sí, creo que no tengo base normativa para ello porque la aplicación de las normas de accesibilidad está diferida y aún no tiene obligación (fuera de no tener decencia).

in reply to modulux


"Vuelve a mandármelo accesible para que lo pueda leer"

Tono medio serio medio broma. No sé si estaría bien.

in reply to jaBote

No estaría mal, otra cosa es que me vayan a hacer caso. Pero siempre puedo empezar por ahí.

every internet company rebrand is like "we're so excited to launch our new brand identity designed in collaboration with [prestigious sounding design firm] which aims to capture the playfulness at the heart of what we do" and then you look at it and its just their name but they picked a different font
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Krize #pirati, nejlepší příležitost se zamilovat. Zamiloval jsem se do #xfce.
Na adresu #pirati: Základní problém vidím v tom, že Ivan Bartoš nepochopil hned v červnu, že po něm jedou, a nevěnoval se nějaké strategické přípravě a damage control. Není přece v politice první rok...
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

in reply to Archos

@archos Překvapivě. Tak dobrou spolupráci jsme nečekali s kolegou.

After working with C++ for almost a year, I have deeply missed Rust.

When one of the "car accident that wasn't your fault" scammers used to call my house, I told them I was driving a DeLorean and was being chased by guys in a VW campervan. I'm amazed I got as far as telling them I need help finding Dr Brown in 1955 before they hung up.

Anything better than @tweesecake out there? It doesn't even read entire posts now with JAWS if they are long.
in reply to Cleverson

@clv0 One thing I don't like already, is that it sends on enter. So you can't create paragraphs. Unless there is a setting where you can turn that off.
in reply to Cleverson

@clv0 Ah thank you. Would be nice if you could turn that off though, so that enter did it, and there was a specific key to send.

Za prvé nemám ani jednu nálepku na notebooku a za druhé mi chodí viac emailov z Progresívneho Slovenska ako zo školy. Z toho niečo plynie ale neviem čo...
in reply to Ralfeek

@Ralfeek ja som dnes narážal na to že čakám email od triednej a dnes mi prišli už tri v spojitosti s PSkom ale od triednej nič.. 😄

How does one go about begging for money from strangers online to feed your kids? I am out of options. The gig work I was using to keep us alive after being unemployed for 6 months has dried up. We are down to $20. My car will be repossessed soon. I'll lose my house in the spring when I can't pay the taxes. The electricity and water and phone will soon be cut off. I have never had so much trouble getting hired in my entire career. I don't understand it. I'm tremendously talented and have decades of experience, but all anyone wants is LLMs, the one thing I'm not experienced with. I'm worried I might not be alive much longer.

My PayPal link is

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help, whether it's a dollar or a boost. I don't have a target right now. Just trying to have food for dinner tomorrow. I'll make another post soon if I don't find a way to get some income first.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

#openssl 3 does not seem to perform very well against the competition, as Willy of #haproxy fame details here:…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Howard Chu @ Symas

@hyc I think everything taken together points to that indeed. It's within their rights of course, but I find it rather strange.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

It's ok to deprioritize performance in favor of correctness. Unfortunately they don't seem to care much about correctness either.

We've been working with WolfSSL lately. I think we'll be promoting it more now.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I think if OpenSSL devs ever faced with a set of alt implementation choices, with say one better for security and code clarity (can overlap, imo) on one hand, versus say perf on the other, they should pick bias to former.

since ssh/sshd is one of the biggest security SPOFs in modern computing. a massive pinata for black hats

so I *hope* thats why their perf is non-ideal

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

V piatok mám off, v sobotu pomáham v Pivárni a v nedeľu opäť off... zajtra chcem odpočívať, ráno si zacvičiť niečo dobré zjesť, trochu si počítať a potom kľudne môžem aj spať. Taký je plán.

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Merge branch 'testing' of into testing

Storm Dragon pushed changes to the testing branch of the audiogame-manager project Initial attempt at adding "The Tornado Chicken". Not quite working yet, crashes at main menu.

#sysadmin pro tip!

If you generate a lot of fresh Let's Encrypt certificates today, and don't enable auto-renewal, they will expire on December 25th, giving you a good excuse to leave your family dinner early.

reshared this

Kdo získá digitalizaci stavebního řízení?

... Bartoš se snažil o to, aby do budoucna nešlo dělat vendor-lock-in; aby si jedna firma nemohla privatizovat celé ministerstvo tak jako to dělá OKsystem na MPSV. Piráti protlačovali otevřené technologie namísto proprietárních. Jenže tím, tou transparentností, drželi cenu dole, čili šlapali jiným po penězovodech. ...…

#pirati #digitalizace

Our refresh release, Endeavour Neo, is available

It was three months ago that our fifth-anniversary release, Endeavour, was released and with the upstream changes, we released this refresh ISO.

I know I mentioned in the Endeavour release announcement that the Endeavour release name would be a one-off release name that wouldn't be followed up by a Neo and Nova release. But we decided to name this…



Leasey update available. New in Build 9040.

When Pressing Insert+T to read the window title, if JAWS 2024 is used you will hear the visual state of the window, such as, Maximised.
As usual, press the keystroke twice quickly to virtualise.

Word Quick Navigation Keys. Leasey can remember the state of Quick Navigation on a document by document basis.
Check the documentation for details.

Microsoft CoPilot. JAWS no longer uses Application Mode and instead uses traditional web page navigation. This prevents JAWS from moving into and out of Navigation Mode particularly in lists of items.
In addition, if you move out of CoPilot and back to it, the virtual cursor is located in the correct position on the page.

VLC Media Player. In JAWS 2024, the total and elapsed time scripts are now functioning again.

Emoji. When using the Leasey key then Control+Shift+E, the correct emoji character is once again inserted into the document or text edit area. This was broken in the previous build, 9027.

Outlook Attachments. When using Windows11, and the Leasey file attachments list, copying and pasting into File Explorer should now be working again.

Microsoft Word. The list of recent documents is now functioning.

reshared this

in reply to Hartgen Consultancy

Interesting with the Insert T thing. JAWS now does it anyway without Leasey, if you press it twice.
in reply to TalkingDroid

@TalkingDroid Ah but that's the point. A lot of people want the title virtualised, and for years, we've had that on Insert+T twice quickly. So a way had to be found to give people that functionality while not spoiling what they are already enjoying. It's like Window-Eyes used to be. That always gave you the window state on Insert+T. Good memories.
in reply to Hartgen Consultancy

@TalkingDroid Although I preferred using JAWS over Window-Eyes, the fact is that Window-Eyes had some really nice features that JAWS never tried to import. One was the ability to move the caret to the next or previous misspelled word or grammatical error and I'm very happy that this capability exists with Leasey.
My other favorite feature in Window-Eyes was cursor keys, which you really can't do with JAWS without scripting.
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield David, you can move between misspelled words in JAWS. Simply press M in virtual cursor mode.
in reply to TalkingDroid

@TalkingDroid You're right but the process for moving to misspelled words with JAWS is clunky and requires too many keystrokes. You have to enable the virtual cursor, move to the next incorrect word and you then need to disable the virtual cursor if you then want to make any changes. I never understood why JAWS never implemented keystrokes to move the caret/cursor to the next or previous incorrect item without the need to first enable the virtual cursor. This is something Window-Eyes allowed for and Leasey does this.
in reply to Hartgen Consultancy

wow, all these years and putting the Window State as part of the title call never occurred to me.

Wouldn't want it in the alt+tab order, I'll admit, but it's a clever place to put it for when you need to check.

It appears the Dutch government has decided to greenlight the EU plan to make 'big tech' force-install software on all European phones that will automatically report any questionable photos in your private chat messages to the police. This is not actually about protecting the children. This is about removing the very possibility of private communications. We can tell because governments have exempted themselves from this legislation (!). Here's something I wrote earlier:…

We finally have a schedule for the event this weekend in Berlin!

Come join us if you're interested in mobile Linux, image-based OSes, local-first, GNOME app design, and everything in between 🪴

#gnome #postmarketos #localfirst #berlin

If you're attending All Systems Go in Berlin, come see the talk by @cas and I today at 10:50am (local time) about #systemd-ifying #postmarketos 😁…
