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My beautiful daughter is 12 today. How time flies.
in reply to Andre Louis

hope she has a great day. School time birthdays are wonderful at weekends!

Why don't we format Unix timestamps like we do with IPv4 addresses? They are both just 32 bit integers.

"Hey, what time is it?" - "Oh, it's"

It even works for time ranges!
"The conference will be held in"

#unix #time #ipv4

reshared this

in reply to Sólo Yolanda, 🏳️‍🌈👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩

Pues la he vuelto a escuchar, y como siempre me ha hecho llorar.
Qué terible brutalidad, y qué sentimiento pone esta chica... bueno, ya abuela supongo. Hasta se le quiebra la voz cuando lo cuenta.

Niekedy večer keď ma berie "únava" trepem dobré... ehhh :kekw:

Mozilla's CEO doubles down on them being an advertising company now.

tl;dr: "LOL get fucked"

They've decided who their customers are, and it's not you, it's people who build and invest in surveillance advertising networks. But in a "respectful" way....

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Afternoon all just home from town sold my iPhone 14 pro max. Got some nice cheese, for our pizza this evening.

Včera jsme byli u nás na houbách a nic moc. Na smaženice bylo, ale na sušení žádná sláva.
Unknown parent

Tak co? Už máte vydezinfikovaná krmítka pro ptactvo? Sezóna je za dveřmi. Já jsem ostuda, tak jsem to dělal až dnes ....
in reply to Smoon

Na chatě máme, chtěl jsem ještě koupit krmítko za okno, ale úplně jsem na něj zase zapomněl. Jdu hledat.

alguien tiene idea de si hay algún modo de modificar el volúmen de unos ficheros mp3 del tirón sin tener que ir uno a uno? Algo así como hacer una normalización pero con todos a la vez metiendo el mismo volumen.
in reply to Juan CBS

Podría usar un programa tipo sox, de línea de comandos, y hacer un bucle.

After some discussion about Sign In with #Google pop-ups. Am I right that they actually violate #WCAG? I'll need to find this criterion, but I'm pretty sure there was something about intrusive pop-ups. #Accessibility
in reply to André Polykanine

3.2.2 and 3.2.5 talk about unexpected changes of context, and opening a popup then moving focus to it is a change of context, but the criterion hinges on whether that change is “unexpected”.

It could be argued that this kind of popup-login pattern is quite common, and therefore not unexpected. If I was auditing, I wouldn’t fail them for that.

So yeah I share your frustration and annoyance with this pattern, but I don’t think it’s a WCAG failure.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to James Edwards

@siblingpastry Not to argue, just curious: if I open a web page or go to another web page on the same site and I'm getting this straight away in my face, would you also consider it not unexpected?
in reply to André Polykanine

Well it’s subjective to each user, and therefore subjective to assess. But I mean — you know it might happen, so it’s not unexpected for you is it, it’s just annoying. 🙃
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to James Edwards

@siblingpastry I mean, when I open a webpage, I expect to inspect it with my virtual cursor and not be trapped in a Login dialog. that's the difference between this approach and a traditional login form: with the form I can see what's the page about (say, I don't know the website and navigate there for the first time). So my point is that it's disrupting for those who want to familiarize themselves with the site. Like, imagine I give you a link to, you have no idea about what it is. You open the page and you're immediately trapped in this dialog. You even don't know whether you want to sign in or not, you didn't inspect the page!
in reply to André Polykanine

That’s a very good point, and you could make an argument to say that it should fail for that reason. A lot of this stuff is quite subjective and difficult to assess.
in reply to James Edwards

@siblingpastry I have no way to predict whether a given website will be using Google as just one of its many login providers, before I visit and get this dialogue in my face. From that point of view, could we reasonably claim that if something is impossible to predict, it's also unexpected when it does happen?

I would only truly expect a Google related login prompt to be forced on me if visiting a website owned by Google. I don't much enjoy the idea of disabled people expecting bad behaviour by default, and hence it becoming normalised.

Meanwhile, if a website offered 15 social providers and they all followed this behaviour, it would be hugely disappointing if WCAG had nothing to say about the web essentially becoming un-browsable.

in reply to André Polykanine

No. Modals or popups are not in and of themselves inaccessible. It depends on how they're coded. If focus stays inside the modal, there's a clear way to leave it and everything inside is accessible, then you're good to go. #accessibility

Im Zug über Lautsprecher im Handy telefonieren. Was soll das und warum machen Menschen das?

The #LibreOffice and Open Source Conference 2024 starts next week! Join us in Luxembourg for talks, workshops and social events:… #foss #opensource

Alle drei Monate verbringe ich einen Abend damit, Lautsprecher und Verstärker zu recherchieren. Ich finde dann etwas, das mir gefällt, schaue den Preis an, der immer mindestens vierstellig ist, kichere leise in mich hinein und schließe alle Tabs wieder. Ist ja auch fast ein Hobby so.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Fortsetzung des Abwassermonitoring, insbesondere, aber nicht nur, für #sarscov2 #COVID19 - bitte hier unterschreiben, das ist eine der letzten Metriken, die wir überhaupt noch haben.

#amelag #covidisnotover #depol #WasteWaterSurveillance

Which company is a worse steward of a major open source project?

  • Automattic (45%, 169 votes)
  • Mozilla (54%, 202 votes)
371 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to Camilo

Google is already worse than any of these. And they have a few major.

While Heinlein had a valid point in this authorial insert, he tiptoed around his own cognitive biases: if entertainers and athletes were inappropriate, WHO did he think deserved to be taken seriously? And why are entertainers and athletes disqualified? Consider President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, or President Vaclav Havel of Czecheslovakia—a comedian on one hand and a satirist on the other, both went on to be statesmen.


in reply to Charlie Stross

3/ Footnote: "To Sail Beyond the Sunset", Heinlein's last novel, was published posthumously and the opinions in it reflect the end of his political journey—from socialist-proximate in the 1930s to Reaganite libertarian-conservative in the late 1980s, an environment in which neoliberalism seemed to have won, or be on the edge of winning, the argument over how best to structure a society. It's the period when Francis Fukuyama was assembling the epically wrong "The End of History and the Last Man".
in reply to Charlie Stross

I'm amused even Heinlein drew a line on organ trade in The Cat Who Walked through Walls:

As for the foot itself, by invariant local custom "spare parts" (hands and feet and hearts and kidneys, etc.) were not bought or sold; there was only a service and handling charge billed with the cost of surgery.
Galahad confirmed this. "We do it that way to avoid a black market. I could show you planets where there is indeed a black market, where a matching liver might mean a matching murder--but not here. Lazarus himself set up this rule, more than a century ago. We buy and sell everything else... but we don't traffic in human beings or pieces of human beings."

Snažil jsem se mít GTK-free KDE Plasma a nepodařilo se, teď mám Qt-free Xfce. Podařilo se, i když podvodem skrze Flatpak, kterým by se mi bylo bývalo podařilo vyčistit i to KDE. :-)

I just got my #Unihertz #JellyMax. First impressions are good. It feels nice in the hand, and the included case is helpful. The box also included a 66w USB c charger, which most don’t these days. The lack of a 3.5mm jack is a downgrade from the Jelly Star for sure, but they do include an adapter in the box so I can’t falt that.
in reply to aaron

I also got the cross-body strp, but have no idea how that will keep your phone stable when you strap it in. It's very odd.

я не люблю ИИ

потому что однажды они меня заменят :catraSad:

in reply to mnnwvn [21+]

Не заменят. А кто будет замечательные посты писать вроде того, с расшифровками аббревиатур? И вообще… не заменят, в общем.

Hast du mal #DieGrünen gewählt und bist enttäuscht? Reporter Rico Grimm will von ehemaligen Wähler:innen wissen, was sie der Parteispitze gerne sagen würden. Mach mit bei seiner Umfrage! 👇

Daily language lesson.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I somehow unwittingly used my phone to record a ten minute video of my shoes.

It was some excellent footage.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

The Unbearable Lightness of a freshly de-frosted freezer.


in reply to Henry

I took out such a ridiculous chink of ice from the back of our upright last week. It was about the length of my arm.

Dnes mě čeká účast na oslavě máminých padesátin.
Původně jsem se omluvila z finančních důvodů, ale máma mi zařídila odvoz tam i zpět, protože mě tam chce, a dokonce nebude ani očekávat okázalý dar hodný jejího významného jubilea (slíbila jsem jí ho dodatečně).
Pocity mám smíšené, ale víceméně se na tu slávu těším, když nic jinýho tak se aspoň zadarmo najím, že jo 😀
Je tedy čas se pomalu připravovat, protože co nevidět mě někdo vyzvedne...

Hoy acompañamos a la plantilla de MasOrange que enfrenta un ERE forzoso e injustificado en el que la empresa pretende despedir a 795 trabajadores y trabajadoras.

Destruyen trabajo para precarizar, especular y enriquecer a los accionistas. Nos tendrán enfrente.

❤✊️ ¿Sabes que puedes firmar @NOESMICULTURA.ILP online si tienes certificado digital? Es la mayor y más ambiciosa campaña social para que la tauromaquia deje de ser patrimonio cultural de España. Basta de llamar cultura al sufrimiento y explotación animal 😢.
Firma aquí ✍️🐃❤️

👇 Importante
• Si ya has firmado en papel no es necesario que firmes online.

🚀 ¡Comparte entre tus contactos y feliz viernes!

#NoEsMiCultura #economiasocialysolidaria

Hay un tal Pedro Insua, que se dice filósofo de los de Gustavo Bueno, diciendo que las razas humanas son distintas subespecies y que ha dado conferencias al respecto, y criticando a Juan Luis Arsuaga (sí, el paleontólogo portada de Nature) por decir que las razas como concepto científico no existe, que es construcción social.

Una rápida búsqueda en Google le diría a Insua que las distintas subespecies, de reproducirse, darán indivíduos estériles, por tanto 'raza' y subespecie no son iguales.

in reply to Jesus Margar

Empezando por el principio (esta gente desvaría bastante) por lo menos cuando yo estudié esto era la especie la que definía la capacidad de reproducirse y dar lugar a individuos fértiles. Por ejemplo los tigres y los lobos tienen distintas subespecies que pueden reproducirse entre sí y son fértiles, que yo recuerde. Lo de la especie es una categoría bastante problemática. Pero de eso a considerar que hay subespecies humanas...

Deutschland: "#Deutschlandticket nicht bezahlbar muss teurer werden!"

Portugal: "Landesweites Ticket, das sogar für Intercities gilt, für 20 Euro."

Es ist alles nur eine Frage des Wollens, finanzierbar wäre sowas auch bei uns.…

Es wird vermutlich immer noch Jahrzehnte dauern, bis die Menschenwelt wirklich begreift, dass unendliches wirtschaftliches Wachstum eine Illusion ist, und dass wir endlich anfangen müssen, den Welthandel und die weltweite Produktion von Nahrung und Gütern vom Wachstums-Axiom zu trennen. Ein weiterer lesenswerter Artikel in der #Treibhauspost - über #Klimakrise, #Degrowth, #Schuldenschnitt, #Externalisierung und einiges mehr, was alles miteinander zusammenhängt. Der Artikelautor hat selbst BWL studiert.…

in reply to Archos

🤭 😀
Hlavně aby se tam choval slušně ....🤔 ☝️

Die Typen hinter ShiftPhone machen das ja aus religiöser Überzeugung: "ein Unternehmen, das komplett Gott gehört"
Wir waren gerade im Entscheidungsprozess zwischen FairPhone und ShiftPhone und sind überzeugte Atheist*innen und unterstützen daher nicht gerne wissentlich Unternehmen, die Gott gehören. (Mag für manche meiner Followys ein Pro-Argument sein, für uns spricht es total dagegen.)…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
Unknown parent


Sensitive content

in reply to WestphalDenn

Ich habe mal über Van Halen gelesen, dass sie am Ende ihrer Sicherheitsmassnahmen für Konzertaufbauten die Forderung erhoben, backstage nur braune (oder ohne) M&Ms in einer Schale haben zu wollen. Das klingt erstmal nach bizarrer Superstarattitüde, hatte aber denselben Grund: wer dies nicht erfüllt hat, hat wohl auch den Rest nicht gelesen, und alles muss überprüft werden.

Heute im #sprachraun der @stbibkoeln wegen des Brückentags viel Zeit für Grammatik und B1-Briefe, aber auch eine der seltenen Momente, wo über Sprachübungen hinaus ein persönliches Gespräch über Fluchtrouten, Duldung und Abschiebegefahr, Mullahs und Israel, Religion, Parteienverbote und Demokratie zustandekommt. #DritteOrte wie dieser, die so viele Chancen eröffnen, wären auch gefährdet.

Beim #Oktoberfest setzen weiße Männer in Lederhosen mit dem Bier in der einen Hand und dem Hintern der Kellnerin in der anderen wortwörtlich skandalöse Maß-Stäbe. Dennoch bleibt ein richtiger Aufschrei aus, kritisiert Birthe Berghöfer. 👉…

Wow, if you cut out pages from a completely accessible pdf and make a new pdf using preview on MacOS, Sequoia, it produces completely inaccessible pdf. Also the file size get much bigger. I guess it just makes into pdf with images? It didn't use to do that! #accessibility #macos
in reply to Chi Kim

This is the sad reality of #MacOS - with every new version you get the unwelcome surprise of random features in Apple's software that used to work great, but are now broken. It's part of the reason I finally switched to #Linux, which although far from perfect, doesn't tend to give you those kinds of headaches. Plus I got sick of updates that took well over an hour to install, granted my Mac Mini was getting a bit long in the tooth but if I wanted to I could put Linux on that, and I am sure that updates would be much faster. Even installing Linux from scratch takes far less time than installing MacOS!
in reply to maple

@maple Unfortunately, the sad reality is that Linux isn't a viable option for me. At least in my opinion, its accessibility, especially for screen readers, is, (let's just put it very mildly) not welcoming. Whenever I have to use Linux for server and machine learning related stuff, I end up doing everything via ssh logged in from another machine that's more screen reader friendly. Also, I'm in the music tech industry, almost no one (except maybe a very very tiny fraction) uses Linux.