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What do you lot get your streaming services into your TV with?

I'm still using my PS4, and that's great for almost every streaming service, but its Disney+ app simply isn't viable any more. It used to be, but somewhere in the last few months it's become unwatchably juddery, like every fourth frame is tripping over something. A smooth panning shot feels like watching a heartbeat monitor, or like your own heartbeat is raging out of control to the extent that it's affecting your vision. It's awful to look at.

So. What do you use? Do you have a "stick"? Is that what we have now? If so, exactly which one do you use?

in reply to Dave Bulmer

Amazon Fire TV Stick. A tiny little cheap thing, works great and also has Alexa in the remote control.

Having the freedom to communicate with true privacy feels great! 😎

#Facts #Tuta #Privacy #Freedom #Encryption #Free

v domnení bledej známosti vidal sa vstříc slnečnému svitu, zaplatiť Telekom, piči
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Wo wohnt eigentlich dieses " kleinere Übel"?
Kann man das jetzt mal vor die Tür setzen?
in reply to Rant_ifa 🎗️ Rant_ifa

Ich weiß, das meine Überzeugung da der deinen (möglicherweise) widerspricht und ich will nicht einmal sagen, das meine da irgend richtigere wäre. Ich kann da einfach nur grad nicht aus meiner Haut. Aber ich sehe, denke ich, deinen Punkt wohl.

Darum schrieb ich den letzten Satz hier drüber und auch von einem Paradoxon. Egal ob man es wie du siehst, oder wie ich … es ist m. E. einfach widersinnig das eine zu feiern (Stauffenberg) und das andere (Hotzo) zu verurteilen.🤯

in reply to Solomon

Tatsächlich zeigt sich das politische Paradoxon der bürgerlichen Parteien darin viel eher, dass sie das Attentat von Elser gerne unter den Teppich kehren würden, während sie die adeligen Nazis rund um Staufenberg feiern.
Das zeigt und hat schon immer gezeigt, wo z.b die deutsche Sozialdemokratie steht.
Elser war, als es bereits brannte, bekannt dafür, dass er die Kneipe verließ, wenn Nazilieder gesungen wurden. Und dass er das Maul aufmachte. Dafür starb er in Dachau.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

oh look, I turned 32 today. Well how noteworthy :P
in reply to Florian

I did that 8 years ago. That's when all the bugs showed up.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Oh dear. :) I have always had bugs. And I am younger than both of you. This is depressing. But also, there's more to living than the bugs.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis Oh, there have always been bugs. It's just that the more obvious ones started to manifest themselves.
in reply to Patrick Perdue

Aww. I wish bugs could be fixed as easily as we could fix some of them while coding. I guess I can keep on dreaming.

If computers were invented 200 years earlier, we'd have compiler error messages in Latin.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

We should try this. Sounds quite interesting... But I can't find thewords... The song goes...
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 There's some Dutch lady trying to make a fully internationalizable programming language, syntax and all. It even does crazy stuff like RTL or non-ascii digits, like for Arabic and such. It's mostly aimed at the children / education market, so this makes a lot of sense. I should play with it one day and see if / how they did Polish.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

Wasn't French the lingua franca around that time? Though encountering a 'Delenda est' would be quite fun.

We would have people fighting about Classical Latin vs Ecclesiastical Latin, and when the debate might seem to calm down, Interlingua and Neolatin enter the melee...

I'm reading — listening to on Hoopla; the narration is excellent — a collection of short stories by Ursula K. Le Guin, The Birthday of the World and other stories. Haven't heard the titular story yet. My favorite so far by far is Solitude. All the stories are glimpses of imagined alien cultures. Le Guin's fictional federation of planets is the Ecumen. In Solitude a post-apocalyptic, now primitive culture is being studied by members of the Ecumen. The culture avoids the past mistakes by

Jestli jste ještě neviděli, tak doporučuji. To je něco, co člověka rozloží.

in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos Oni ti foxíci, co se musejí stříhat, byli takoví módní společenští psi. Dokonce hráli ve filmech v Holywoodu. The Thin Man a v groteskách. Něco jako pudlíci.

Missing Link: Wie Millionen Bundesbürger kommerziell auspioniert werden…

in reply to Ondřej Caletka

When we were being occupied by the Soviet Army, it was told, that the unit of temporary was "1 furt" (roughly in English: 1 permanent).

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in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

včera jsem jel lesem 7 km na oslavu máminy narozenin, chládek teda trošku byl ale ty "mušky"mě málem sežrali zaživa 😁 donutily mě k výkonu jaký sem dlouho nepodal.V cíli na mě čekal bazén a studený pivko....jooo holt "krušné hory-krušné lesy"😆

in reply to Talon

@talon oh no, I accidentally revealed my years long plot to infiltrate and sever the blind community.

“You always did lack style.”

“Style is hardly the prime characteristic of your new regeneration.”

“Oh, do stop squabbling and get on with it.”

— The Master, the Doctor, and the Rani, in “Mark of the Rani”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

The upcoming election looks really awful on many levels, but it is ALSO a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Americans to stand up & say "Fuck, no" to fascism.

The apparent weakness of Biden as a candidate just makes the message stronger: “we don't care how bad the other guy looks, he's still a better choice than your warmed-over retrograde klepto-autocracy. Take that crap & shove it.”

Also once-in-a-lifetime in that if we miss this chance we won't get another. But I try not to dwell on that.

For those not at GUADEC (or not in Berlin), I've posted a recording of my talk about gobject-introspection on my YT channel:

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024

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Joder, esto de trasnochar ya no es para mi. Ayer llegue a las 4 de la mañana a casa y es como que e perdido el domingo.

Este fin de semana ni me e enterado de que a existido.

Viernes cena en el indio, ayer feria de comida mediterránea aderezado por la tarde en casa de unos amigos en la piscina con un excelente asado argentino y para rematar en un ratito a un japo.

Creo que Romina quiere acabar con migo.

I would like a key on my phone keyboard that says "sic" and it's just a space bar that doesn't apply auto correct.

Like a "I know I typed it wrong and also you don't need to learn it" button

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in reply to ttyS1

@ttyS1 just visiting the newly opened end of Amsterdam's tram network, which is actually quite far from Amsterdam.

Would you make out with a clone of yourself?

  • yes (68%, 11 votes)
  • no (25%, 4 votes)
  • yes but I would deny it (6%, 1 vote)
16 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

😱 Canadian tar sands pollution is up to 6,300% higher than reported, study finds #climatechange #Canada…

#Blind #Android folx, does anyone have any good recommendations for a good, #accessible email app for non-gmail accounts? Thanks.

Today at 13:55 MDT (19:55 UTC), my colleague Georges Stavracas will talk about bringing accessibility back to WebKitGTK:…

#gnome #guadec #guadec2024 #igalia #accessibility #webkit #a11y

Andy Holmes reshared this.

Pozerám dokumenty o českých hradoch a myslím že pôjdem na výlet. Presne pred a na začiatku Covidu som chodil po zrúcaninách tak môžem nadviazať.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

is anyone tracking twitter's move to and pushing of people to the right?

there was much ado about facebook's different contextual bubbles in 2016, which allowed targeted ads that many of us never saw.

i happened to log into a twitter account i had as a test account. it follows a few academics, etc, but i haven't posted or liked anything for 10 years.

all the random posts (not from who i follow) are about (mostly weird) rightwing things.


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in reply to SuspiciousDuck

Tak nepičuj a měj v piči .. snowflaking nech na jindy :)

En BCN estamos a 25 grados. Se ha puesto a llover esos 10 minutos para aumentar el bochorno, y sales al balcón y parece que te metas en una sauna. Además, con estas temperaturas las paredes de los edificios no han tenido tiempo de refrescarse un poco.
in reply to Tere Codina

Yo no digo nada, pero después de haber sufrido un ivierprimaverano hasta esta semana, por fin llega el calor aquí. Eso sí, ahora mismo 14 grados como debe ser.


Not sure how many Survive the Wild players are on my timeline, but Sam Tupy, the game's developer, just posted this blog post announcing it's coming to an end.…

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in reply to Quin

I used to dream of making an MMO. I have several code bases where I've started on exactly that. Even the current engine started life because of my dreams for an MMo. The longer I kept working though the more I realized that no. No I most likely do not actually want that. Moderating a forum, moderating this mastodon, moderating a few discords really put it into perspective. Not only is the code much more complex, not only will upkeep and continued development take a lot of energy, not only will it be expensive but it will also be a very thankless task. A constant uphill battle. You can only ever choose between premature optimization or tech debt. And the longer a project lives, the more it grows organically, the messier it naturally becomes. Combine all of those things and you end up with a very unpleasant sandwich indeed. So I get it. Life's short, life's messed up enough without those problems. Sad news, but he does a bunch of work already, and maybe now he'll feel better about working on things that give him more joy. Some people are just truly awful and if you realize it's too much, then it's best you stop. Good on him. It might be slightly different if you spent a lot of money on the game but even so. Did the money you spend lead to fun? Should have been worth it. If it wasn't hopefully you know now how to better spend your funds. This is simply what live service games are.
in reply to Talon

@talon It's quite sad though. STW is a one-of-a-kind game in our space. It's basically the closest thing we have to Minecraft.
in reply to The Cube!

@TheCube hasn't it been fun while it was around? You can't expect centralized live service games to stay around indefinitely. Someone's going to have to tend to it.
in reply to Talon

@talon I wasn't exactly a hard core player, though I did play it for 8 hours straight towards the end of last year when the beta came out lol. Still, it was good fun. Just a shame I could never find where that premium gift card was.
in reply to The Cube!

@TheCube I never much played it. I got confused a lot. But I know many did. Certainly sad that it's over, but on the flip side, now Sam has a lot of time and mental freedom to focus on other things if he chooses to. Or even just to finally take a rest. If the game isn't set up for smaller communities where individual servers can be hosted, maybe it's better to look to the future and see what he can come up with next.
in reply to Talon

@talon Why didn't he sell it? Someone else may have been willing to try, and he could get free and get some cash. Most of what I heard is "I'm burned out, and someone may be saying some naughty things to kids, but I don't know, and there's no evidence, but maybe, so shut it all down. Plus, God told me to." I get being burned out, but burning it down in response is a real crap way to inspire confidence in potential users of any future projects.
in reply to Bryan Smart

@bryansmart I don't think so. It's been up for 10 years or so and he did try to get more people to help, but it reads in the post as if it didn't work out. Selling a project like this is easier said than done and I can pretty much guarantee you nobody would've bought it to continue it.
in reply to Talon

@bryansmart not to mention sentimental value. Maybe he didn't want to sell it because it's his, and he feels like he doesn't trust anybody enough to continue his ideas. Plus it does say that it might return at some point, so that might have been another point against selling it even if it would have worked, which is highly unlikely.
in reply to Quin

I hope he finds something that he can enjoy more. Sometimes you have to let things go to move on to bigger and better things.

Der Grund, warum ich immer wieder erkläre, was der #Induktionsfehler ist, ist dass ich glaube, dass er ein Schlüsselinstrument von Populisten ist und dass es nicht mehr funktioniert, sobald man ihn erkennt. Und es ist sehr einfach, ihn zu erkennen und seine Medienkompetenz darauf zu trainieren, ihn zu erkennen. Das ist so wie wenn man Menschen Kerning erklärt und ab diesem Moment sticht ihnen das fehlende Kerning bei jedem zweiten Werbeplakat ins Auge (was schrecklich annoying ist).
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Já znám široko daleko všechny krávy, ale vás jsem tady ještě neviděl #cyklovýlet #filmove_hlasky
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in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

jej, já si toho užil předvčírem, kdy jsme museli ráno brzo vstávat abychom je zahnali do stájí...

OMG, stumbled on this website with very very old audio games for Windows and the nostalgia kicked in: So many hours spent playing these! Wish some of these titles were available for Mac. :)

GUADEC has been fun and Thunderbird is doing a good job representing 😁