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Zdá se mi, že se nám ta digitalizace nějak vymyká a velký bratr číhá v každém kroku...…

iOS 18: What's New With the Calculator App…

What can we learn from the CrowdStrike outage to protect assistive technology?…

Khronos reshared this. might you considering as Tuta gift card reseller? This shop gives the possibility to buy gift cards with some crypto currencies.
in reply to oqq

Hi there, at this time we are not looking to add additional resellers. You can purchase Tuta gift cards through our partner ProxyStore with cryptocurrency or cash payments.

Dušek: "Stejně když tě vidim Tomáši jak piješ, tak bych chtěl aby mi takle vodtejkala vana."


Krásné páteční #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse.
Asi se budete divit, ale dneska opět vyrazím na #cyklovylet :cheesed:
Nejdřív musím k holiči, odstranittu šedivou hřívu co tam roste.
in reply to 𝕆𝕥𝕥𝕠 𝕧𝕠𝕟 𝕎𝕖𝕟𝕜𝕠𝕗𝕗 🐾🐐🐇🐔

@OttovonWenkoff Oni u nás už moc šlapky nestojí u krajnice, teda občas u Chebu se nějaká ukáže :flan_XD:
Neboj , to je jasná věc, že dám vědět. Pedály jsou stejný jako co jsem měl, teda myslím typ. Jen je v nich měření kadence atd. Už jsem je prubnul v úterý po práci.
Samozřejmě bez Birellu to nejde, ten musí být :-)
in reply to Kateřina

No musíš k hranicím, na Svatým Kříži občas stojí, ale už fakt minimálně. Ta éra, kdy měly ceduli rauchen Vogel 15 mark je už dávno asi pryč 😄😄

black widows are the spiders that make the least sense and i’m here for it.
in reply to Seirdy

black widow spiders (primarily Latrodectus hesperus)

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Shostakovich: Cello Concerto n.1 op.107 - Mischa Maisky…

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

Martha Argerich, Mischa Maisky, Gidon Kremer - Shostakovich Piano Trio 2…

in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

Argerich, Maisky, Bell, Kraggerud, Bashmet - Shostakovich Piano Quintet…

Windows gets Linux’s sudo superpower: Here’s how to turn it on…

Khronos reshared this.

It's always a good day to learn a little more about Jacqueline du Pré.

What a delightful person.…

in reply to Merlin Mann

Jacqueline du Pré was a very good cellist.…

6 Ways to Make An Event More Accessible…
in reply to David Goldfield

it's a bit AIRA service centric... not talking visual interpretation but AIRA like it's the only game in town hehe
in reply to Jeffrey D. Stark

@jstark Perhaps, but remember it was written by AIRA and so I would expect some promotion of their service.

Blindness History Basics: A Brief History of the Refreshable Braille Display…
in reply to David Goldfield

Oh, it definitely is marketed for that. Yup, I remember seeing my first Kurzweil reader. As big as a photocopier. Now the same technology fits in my pocket and is pretty much free.
in reply to Martin in Toronto

@mcourcel I remember the Kurzweil Model 2 at a school for the bllind that I attended as a kid. After powering on, you had to press three buttons in a specific order. One day, I accidentally pressed them in the wrong order, the machine wouldn't work and they had to get a technician to come to the school to fix it.

Regarding the hit-by-bullet assumption:

"It seems quite likely that the story Trump has been telling constantly over the last two weeks simply isn’t true, that he and his campaign know it’s not true or at least that there’s no evidence for it. And the press has too."

As Josh Marshall makes clear, this is another willful failure of Big Journalism. Refusing to do the basic stuff is the norm now.…

(Free link)

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cooking (veg)

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in reply to Seirdy

cooking (veg)

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Slightly dismayed about the BT Speak now, at least for the speaker change that is. It sounds like the newer models have a speaker that does some sort of spacial enhancement to where it's off-centered-sounding with speech. I was honestly surprised at how much distorted my Samantha compact voice sounded on it as compared to the 4 GB model, which makes me wonder if the sound chip got a change as well. My partner's model has the same sound though, so it's for sure not a faulty unit but a change.
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in reply to Leo

@Lprazdnik oh did you get the 8 GB version as well? It's not a horrible upgrade in the end, and since I had the power button issue and such they were willing to help on a discount, but on the even brighter part, I have a unit with an easier-to-press power button, so to me that's already a huge win. Really demotivates you when you can barely press it to turn on or shut down, lol. So I'm overall glad to have the newer unit.
in reply to Tamas G

yeah I got it during the NFB convention. It's definitely nice to have more ram, and it sounds like they upgraded yours to the newer case - I think you were one of the few people who had the very first prototype, right? Glad it works for you!

Auto-Populate iPhone Home Screen With Your Most Used Apps…

wanted to go outside see the sunset but was took hooked by my amazement of #bluez, #wireplumber and #pipewire. Between two Linux devices, I can use all the fancy Bluetooth codecs - including duplex Opus, which means I can forward audio into both directions from one machine. Even better, I'm able to connect one computer to a Bluetooth headset and then forward the Audio via Bluetooth from another computer (basically nesting Bluetooth), but avoiding connecting multiple devices to the same headset.

The terraforming bots started working on this planet a hundred years before any of us were born. But landing our first colony ship was still a momentous occasion.

Even before the engines finished cooling down, the argument over who would be first to set foot on the world resurfaced. I tuned it out until someone called my name.



“Outside the window. Isn’t that your cat?”


Nuestra chayotera poco a poco se está recuperando de la sequía. Lo que sí vamos a tener por montones, al parecer, son maracuyas.
in reply to JordiGH

@JordiGH sí, para hacer jugo. Intenté hacer mermelada pero quedó demasiado ácida. Tal vez con más y más azúcar...

Los chayotes... mi forma preferida es saltearlos en rebanadas. O hacer tortitas de chayote rayado en crudo, con huevo y queso cotija - quedan deliciosas.

Oh no, who could've thought 😨🤣🤡🤡

77% Of Employees Report AI Has Increased Workloads And Hampered Productivity, Study Finds

🕛Z #NowPlaying at the top of the hour, 2 hours of relaxing #NewAge, #ambient, and #meditationmusic on Northern Lights: The New Age Show, #live with Kelly Sapergia. More information is at Tune in either by visiting and clicking on the Listen Live link, or go directly to… #TGVRadio #audio #radio 📺🗣️📻🎶🎙️🌌🌈🫣🫰🩵🪬🫶

Hot take: public transit should not be run "for profit". The profit comes from everybody getting to their destination quickly, efficiently, and predictably.

"A private key was checked into a git repository"

So many people just do `git add .`

SecureBoot is compromised on a big chunk of devices. Awesome.*…
in reply to Seirdy

I don't think there's any safe pro-user boot security on desktop-like platforms besides the Talos II that doesn't have major issues.
in reply to LisPi

v-boot itself is perfectly capable of being pro-user, so long as hardware support is there. I think it should be possible to get a Star Labs notebook working well with it.

Being #OpenSource has many advantages. For #NVDA has opened the way for community contributions, and has enabled #transparency, #security and #innovation beyond what might have been possible in closed software. Increasingly, governments are also mandating the use of open source. Here is an article on such a step forward in Switzerland:

"Switzerland Makes Open Source Software Mandatory For Public Sector"…

#FOSS #NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #Software #News

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Latest installment of Starship Gender is now up!

I explore bits of my own personal story and background I've never talked about in public before, how they led me through a lifelong process of questioning things, and why I ultimately think the deeply interconnected nature of all forms of systemic oppression conceals an incredibly powerful source of hope:…

in reply to Amelia

Thanks for taking the time to write this. I wonder about this part:

> we need to reconnect to own embodied experience of safety, and we need to reconnect with our own sense of agency.

That seems very abstract. Forgive me if I've missed concrete examples of how to do this. If not, do you plan on unpacking this more in a follow-up?

Thanks again.

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt You didn't miss anything! It's already a very long piece, and yes, I fully plan to follow up over time with concrete, actionable ideas and practices.

That gets very tricky in a hurry, though, to do in English - because the majority of approaches out there in the "western" world are deeply tangled up in colonialism and cultural appropriation issues. I feel like the complexity there deserves its own standalone treatment of how to avoid repeating colonial theft of traditions that include techniques for that safety and agency.

in reply to Amelia

Also, I'm curious what you meant when you said your family were "doing their best to cosplay working-class people". Did that have to do with them being missionaries, or something else?

Question for other #poly people. Do you ask to contact a potential partners existing mates to confirm their telling the truth about the transparency? Or just take it on faith they’re not cheating? #enm #polyamory

So I went out in Cork city to listen to traditional Irish music with @sapphireangel and Ryan, and we encountered this. No amplification, just a bunch of dudes playing their asses off.

does anyone know if the peacock broadcasts of the olympics will have descriptive audio support?

I just tried to complete a form with a ReCAPTCHA on it. No big deal, I thought. I used to be able to just check the "I'm not a robot" checkbox, and as long as I was signed into a Google account that would do it. Apparently not any more. What's worse, at least under NVDA, Firefox, Windows 10, trying to check the box causes a dialog to pop up at the bottom of the page, with absolutely no screen reader feedback that anything has changed. So naturally I did all sorts of things trying to get that box to check. So of course, by the time I figured out what was going on and tried to get an audio challenge, it tells me my computer or network may be sending automated requests, so they can't process my request right now, and to try again later. Fine then. NVDA Remote into another machine back at home. Except once I actually get on the form, it hits me that I kind of can't solve an audio challenge if I can't…you know…actually hear the audio, which NVDA Remote won't let me do. So now I'm stuck waiting an unknown amount of time until ReCAPTCHA decides my computer or network is no longer sending automated requests and I can try again from my local computer. Sheesh!
in reply to Jayson Smith

wow, coincidence that we both wrote about captcha-related things around the same time? I think not! That really sucks, I totally get the feeling of them stumping humans probably more than robots these days with how it's going.

"The Jasper fire was caused by a lightning strike on Monday afternoon and fuelled by strong winds, according to Parks Canada.

Flames from the blaze rose 100 meters high (328 feet), and strong wind gusts on Wednesday afternoon pushed the fire 5 kilometers (3 miles) in less than 30 minutes, said Alberta public safety minister Mike Ellis."…

#Jasper #wildfires

Well won't you look at that, even PayPal switched to the dreaded H-Captcha service, how great. Worse yet, clicking on the "get accessibility cookie" results in, "Blocked Page
An error occurred during a connection to " - wow, how professional.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I’ve asked this before, but going to try again. I want to print some 3-D parts that will require gluing. What have people found to be the easiest way of glueing things together as a blind person.

Apple's Eloquence implementation is... interesting, to say the least.
Unknown parent

Matt Campbell
@FluidEscence Haha we both asked the same question.
Unknown parent

Mikołaj Hołysz

@FluidEscence @matt It uses bog-standard eci.dylib under the hood, which makes you think it'll be easy to interface with directly, except that there are some undocumented, somewhat-apple-specific functions that you won't know about unless you can read aarch64 assembly and reverse the framework.

I still didn't quite get it to speak just yet, but I got it to initialize, and that was already quite an ordeal.

According to @bagder the stubborn way the #OpenSSL project is handling #QUIC implementation is directly responsible for delaying HTTP/3 adoption (1), and I tend to agree. When the project rejected the community QUIC patches and decided to go with their own design, it wasn't difficult to predict problems. This was proven right by the massive feature gaps (2) and performance issues (3) discovered by @icing when trying to marry OpenSSL QUIC to #curl. Even with API fixes released in version 3.3 the implementation is still inferior, and there is no good solution in sight.
