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Tesla has lost 20.61% of its value over the past month.

Amazon has lost 19.48% of its value.

Nvidia has lost 22.11% of its value.

Intel has lost 40.17% of its value.

All told, it’s been a terrible month for Big Tech.

in reply to John Haley

Is there any chance we can encourage you to trend #NVIDIA when that's the company you mean, please? I know what their NASDAQ handle is, but #NVDA is much more widely known as the name of the screen reader we make and the #NVDA hashtag is very widely used for the screen reader. It will save both our communities polluting each other's feeds. If you'd like to find out more about the screen reader, our website is - Thank you!
in reply to NV Access

@DavidGoldfield Is the hashtag really used more commonly for the screen reader, do we know this?

🎉 Castro 2024.7 is live in the App Store, featuring a major podcast artwork makeover along with many bug fixes.

Read more about this update on our blog:…

My semi-anual reminder to turn on braille mode in Google Docs/sheets/slides if you are a screenreader user. Do this even if you are not a braille user. It does far more than enable support for braille displays.

What it actually does is place the document in an off-screen content editable. This allows you to use normal screenreader commands to access things, E.G. insert+down arrow for say all. Without braille mode on, the content is in a black box that communicates state changes via live regions, relying 100% on the browser to do so correctly. This mode is considered legacy and is no longer developed.

This has been the case for 8+ years but Google is bad at branding, leaving it to me to inform the good people of Mastodon.

You’re welcome!

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in reply to Drew Mochak

It also must echo *everything* when Braille mode is off regardless of your screen reader's settings on the matter, and there is no echo setting I've found.
in reply to x0

@x0 It's also slightly wrong in what it echoes, e.g. if you type "swimming", the second "m" is not echoed because there's no change to the live region contents.

“Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” - says US judge.

#Google paid billions to keep its #monopoly, but must stop now! 💰

Learn more 👉…

#Antitrust #searchengine

BBC news:…

in reply to Tuta

The only service I use is youtube but now I'm more into podacsts anyway.

Tim Walz changed the 2024 election with a single viral diss—and earned a VP nod because of it - Fast Company… #weird

I don’t know wha’s worse: very rich people with a luxury life encouraging poor people to fight against very poor? (I mean, you are already rich, why messing up the world?)

Or the poor people listening revering those very rich bastards and obeying (I mean, isn’t it obvious that they are not in your camp?)

Here I argue that breaking HTTP cookie parsers that have worked for 25 years is a bad idea:…
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

What is even the point of having white space in cookie names? Is this a "wouldn't it be cool if...?" kind of change? Likewise with 0x3d but that's obviously broken for different reasons.

"Bamboo HR’s findings show that about one-quarter of vice presidents and C-suite executives implemented return-to-office policies in hopes of prompting voluntary resignations. Similarly, around 20 percent of HR professionals indicated that their in-office policies were designed to make workers quit."…

Are you a #Finance person with #OpenSource experience?

We ( want to hire someone with experience in grant applications & administration and managing invoicing / reconciliation via Xero

You *must* have worked in open source.

If that's you, and you would like to discuss the role please drop me a DM here or on LinkedIn.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Genuine contempt for customers is one thing. Like the dude that soiled his pants right before coming into the restaurant and then just sat down in a booth. The servers have a right to hate that guy.

The thing that really gets me is the completely-unthinking, by-default contempt for customers. Like "here, download our app and create an account to return your rented truck" It's the default mode for business. How did we let this happen?

This is fine.

TFW you sound really radical but you’re just an ordinary moderately well-read person with a decent education and common sense watching late-stage capitalism and geopolitics hurtle 99% of humanity towards destruction.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

OH my God y'all my wife (she is a self-taught coder who now teaches biology students to code) only just found out about rubber ducking this morning and she's so excited about it 🥹 she's buying 100 little rubber ducks to give to her students 🥹 she's like "Knowing that this is what REAL DEVELOPERS do will be so good for them" 🥹

A reminder that assistive technology (AT) covers more than screen readers. Using “AT” to mean solely SRs is a regular source of confusion between and among clients, vendors, and practitioners, so yeah I have things to say about it:…

#a11y #accessibility

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Does anyone know of any indoor gps apps that are accessible that are using some type of detection features with the IPhone 15 camera that's called lidar, or something like that? My O&M instructor was talking about a couple of apps he thought he'd seen that made mention of that at a couple of the conferences he went to, but he couldn't remember their names.
in reply to rogue furball

Seeing AI has a mode that uses this for indoor navigation. Envision might as well though I'm less sure of that.
in reply to Talon

@talon I could have sworn the lidar feature is only in the 15 pro, and higher. I could be completely wrong, but I have a 15 plus, and I don't think it has that.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry I have the 13 pro and it does have it. It's only pro models that do I think.
in reply to Talon

@talon ah, ok. well like I said, I could be partially wrong, and if I am, I won't sweat it. smile.
in reply to JamminJerry

@JamminJerry @talon What exactly is this feature supposed to do? I'm not sure I'm understanding its purpose.
in reply to rogue furball

@JamminJerry several things. It has an indoor navigation mode where you can record a route and replay it, it can detect objects around your room and play them back positionally, and it live announces things as it recognizes them. There are a few more things under actions I haven't played with.
in reply to Talon

@talon @JamminJerry Is that under a specific app itself, or under the actions for the camera on the phone?

Well I just finished Harry Potter and the veil of mystry it was very good. Now for the next in the series.
in reply to Derry Lawlor

wow that didn't take you long, glad you enjoyed it. The writing style is not for everyone but when I read them they kept me gripped. Was a long time ago.

Come and give a talk at the upcoming #LibreOffice Conference 2024 in Luxembourg! We've extended our Call for Papers deadline – but be quick if you want a hotel room:… #foss #OpenSource

Breaking disaster this morning — the annual glacier floods are hitting Juneau, Alaska harder than ever, with a whole neighborhood flooded. Climate change is really hitting home this morning.… #akleg #alaska

Join Julie Ripa at The Matrix Conference to learn how @dinum is using Matrix as the foundation for the French federated, sovereign messenger, Tchap!

🎟️ Grab your tickets at
🏆️ Secure a sponsorship package at

Liberty Phone: True freedom in your pocket. No tracking, Open-source, secure, and respectful of your privacy.…
#Purism #PureOS
in reply to Purism

Hi. Is the #Librem5 upgradable to Liberty Phone specs? It's the same thing with less memory and storage, right?

Zajtra extráč a budúci piatok tiež, potrebujem splniť jeden cieľ a ináč to nejde ako pracovať pracovať pracovať, menej piť a trénovať.

PSA: Your generic, old-timey images of bankers taking over the world or such like are usually slight variations of antisemitic caricatures.

If you're not sure or you see Jews objecting, take down the image or at least don't boost it.

Be wary of any human symbolising greedy banker and also avoid octopi, but there are other good images for illustrating hedge funds being evil.

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Milujem keď niekto používa silné slová a káže vodu a víno pije.

These folks are still looking for participants for this research study around the accessibility of job searching. Feel free to boost for reach. Accessibility of Job Search: Screener Survey for Remote Interviews…

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And I ran into this beautiful girl on the way up the mountain 🏔️ ❤️

Storm Cloud Over Texas

Image Credit & Copyright: Laura Rowe (Used with permission)… #APOD


Looks like my next folktale collection is going to be about misunderstood animals 🥰😊 What are your favorite misunderstood, misrepresented, or underappreciated animals?

#nature #animals #folklore #folktales #AmWriting #storytelling

I have released new RHVoice packages for croatian: and serbian. The only fixed bug was a critical one: loading of the dictionaries was slow on some android devices. This was affecting only the low powered devices.

Привет всем! Сегодня опубликовал новую версию голосов для сербского и хорватского языков. Оптимизировал словари, из-за которых голос отваливался. ссылки на новые версии доступны на:

TIL that in the UK some low voltage electrical cables feature "an uninsulated plain copper earth continuity conductor". It is then sleeved by Green/Yellow only during installation for identification purposes.…

Would you like to receive funding to attend #RIPE89 in Prague? If you plan to apply for a #RIPE Fellowship or via the RIPE Academic Cooperation Initiative (#RACI) the deadline is 16 August.

🤝 Fellowship…


My next gig is in a Vegan cafe, so I'll be curious to see what's on the menu and what I might enjoy.
in reply to Andre Louis

Oh, that sounds interesting. I haven't had any exclusively vegan food to be fair. I hope you have fun!

Uvoľnila sa mi korunka 😔 a tak mám medzi zubami dieru. Oprava za dva dni, našťastie.

aspoň že Ultra ide ako hodinky, s tou trieskam hádžem umývam jarovou vodou a drží

ALSO, I don’t want to hear that Black folx being attacked by racist is a UNIVERSAL fediverse issue because it’s NOT

Bluesky had a terrible rollout and I refused to share my codes with anyone AND yet, since they’ve opened things up, I have NOT received ONE “n'gger”, “go back to Africa”, or some form of “ape” comment there AND I SHARE THE EXACT SAME SHIT THERE THAT I DO HERE

So “good white folx” IT IS MASTODON‼️

Now fix it or get comfortable with becoming the next 4chan 🤷🏾‍♀️

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Kim Crayton ~ Her/She

One thing that may affect the urgency is the propagation. I'm not the target of racism, obviously, but on Twitter I saw it. Here, I don't, except in very rare instances where the target mentions it - because I'm not following them, they don't at me, and my instance is good with the blocks. To *me* Mastodon feels far less racist than Twitter (haven't seriously tried other platforms).
in reply to CurtAdams

@CurtAdams @Kim Crayton ~ Her/She

White people maybe "see" racism when it is blatently obvious, but often not even then. Reason is clear: having been lifelong "trained" by white society to be Racists, all the daily "normal", "subtle", "subliminal", "hidden" etc Racist messages and tropes are designed to keep you Racist and not being able to see them.
That is why we BIPoC almost daily face the situation to be seen as overly sensitive, because almost all whites aren't even able to recognize the "normality" of racism: in their mannerisms, languages, behaviour, and so on.

So your comment is at least "funny", opposing the information you have just got from @Kim Crayton ~ Her/She and believing what you can see or not, has somehow more weight than what a BIWoC says, directly contradicting her.
Congratulations: normal behavior for a white male, I'd say.

Enjoy your Mastodon "without Racism". 😉

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

so there was violence in Birmingham last night not far from us. Both sides full of pumped up young men angry and ready to do damage. The UK is on a knife edge in so many places right now. Far right political pundits get their names mentioned in the media twice an hour whilst refugee hotels have their fire escapes baracaded with burning bins to keep them inside for the flames. One of our paralegals doesn't want to travel on the train to New St for work tomorrow because she's genuinely concerned.
in reply to Matthew J

one of my colleagues turned around this morning, too. you wonder what we're becoming, don't you?