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Items tagged with: jami

DuckDuck and Brave products shouldn't be on this list. They are not fully private. They also been caught lying to users and even more than once. Not by some accidental mistake but on the purpose. Such companies can not be trusted anymore!
And for example #Jami can be added to the listing as an another foss, private, very decent made communicator.

‼️ This week's Dev update highlights the ongoing work to enhance Jami's reliability and user experience.
👀 Read more about the progress on mobile testing, bug fixes, and UI improvements for both Jami and JAMS.

#Jami #opensource #P2P #App #TechTrends #PrivacyMatters

#Jami est un #logiciel #opensource qui se pose en alternative libre aux solutions de #visioconférence plus traditionnelles comme Skype, WhatsApp, Zoom, ou Teams. Il a été développé par les Canadiens de Savoir-faire Linux spécialisés dans les logiciels open source.

Source : @Fidel

Jami – L’alternative décentralisée et sécurisée à Zoom, Teams…etc #administrationsystemeréseau #communicationdécentralisée #sécuritédescommunications #vieprivéeenligne #logiciellibre #jami

@Jami Jami became better. I had tryed it 1 year ago, and it had had problemes with sync. Nowdays it better, I think now jami is best p2p messenger #jami #p2p

Serveurs non libre chez ans. C'est toujours le cas ? Si oui, ben non.
@Jami #jami pas de serveur.

ich hab mir neulich #jami runtergeladen und bekomme es nicht zum Laufen. Zwei Geräte im lokalen Netz oder Mobilfunk Netz und ich bekomme es nicht hin. Es hat am Anfang mal geklappt wenn beide im Mobilfunk eingewählt waren, aber jetzt geht gar nix mehr. Hab schon alles probiert :-(

SimpleX recibe venture capital, si recuerdo bien, yo no me aferraría mucho a su futuro, mira ejemplos recientes como #Skiff (

También, lo de identificadores anónimos es algo que se puede conseguir en otras plataformas, por ejemplo en Delta Chat con instancias de #chatmail

De las app P2P creo #Jami es la más recomendable

Great. #Jami is always getting better, in all platforms. Thanks a lot! ❤️

They say there is no honest, real world, use case for blockchain, but didn't #Jami use one for usernames?

#Jami ist toll. Es entschleunigt die Kommunikation.

Hab grad eine Nachricht bekommen. Die hab ich am 17. Jänner von meinem Zweithandy testweise abgeschickt.
Heute ist der 30. Jänner. Zum Glück, das selbe Jahr.


@Jami is officially supported on #RedHat and #AlmaLinux 9, aligning with their mission to provide free, secure communications for all.
#Jami benefits from the robust ecosystem and community-driven innovation fostered by #redhat and #AlmaLinux.

Donate :

#freesoftware #opensource #gnu #communication #linux

just as we suspected, Google and Apple's push notifications are not secure. I know Jami uses open source push notifications unifiedpush and their own dht proxy
Does anyone know what signal uses?
#Jami #surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism

#Jami: A Versatile Open-Source Distributed Communication App


Escribí un artículo sobre #Privacidad en #videoconferencia

Participan #Jitsi, #bigbluebutton, #Jami, #tox, #wahay

For the past few days me and @pitcatzoo have talked securely and privately via Jami @Jami I am totally impressed at how fast it is. You should try everyone!

#anime #drawing #jami #oc #mastoart

p.s Nio is in human form in this picture 😆

Ja mám rád #matrix a #XMPP, ale posledne som objavil, že aj #jami kedysi #ring je zaujímavý....

#Librem5 also badly needs #Telegram and #Signal clients.
#Jami seems to be usable with jami-qt