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Eleven Labs Reader for Android is publicly available and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store. Read more… #Android #AI #ElevenLabs

Steffen reshared this.

in reply to Accessible Android

@remixman Have you tried that thing yet? I downloaded it the other day, and had fun hearing a lot of the voices. Would be nice if you could filter by language, but oh well. I tried to import an ePub to really hear it in action, and the app cried lol. Not tried again since it failed the first time. There's some pretty sweet voices in there, though.

BPC (Bypass Paywalls Clean), el mejor filtro de "Paywalls", ahora está en este Git ruso, después de ser expulsado de Github y Gitlab:………


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

"I support my friends digestive endeavours" actual words tapped into my phone
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Having no link to cancel a subscription on a SaaS is a dark pattern that should be illegal.
in reply to Sarah Savage

It is illegal, at least in Germany. Plus, you have to be able to cancel your subscription in not more than two clicks. That is called Faire Verbraucherverträge. I know because I was part of a team implementing it in a company I worked at 😊

Say hello to Resources by @nokyan, the latest addition to GNOME Circle! This app lets you keep an extra eye on system resources with style.

Resources is available on Flathub:…


Unknown parent

Patrick Perdue
@Bruce_Toews @menelion I use 7zip for compressed archives, and don’t use outlook at all, so these two things don’t really have any effect on my daily use. Also, not a fan of waiting forever and five years for a search result to come up in explorer with focus issues on the list box as the search continues to populate, versus waiting about 50 ms for the same search in everything.
Unknown parent

André Polykanine
@Bruce_Toews Oh no no, please don't feel offended, no one wants to offend you in any way. As far as I understood, Patrick asked why anyone would use _search_ feature in Explorer, not Explorer itself, and I agree with him in this.

What's better than train delay compensation in money? Train delay compensation in free coffee/tea! 😁

Especially after worsening the money delay compensation on 6 June 2023, you can easily get much more value by drinking a few hot beverages ☕

Die öffentlichen Aussagen nach solchen Taten verursachen bei mir immer wieder Kopfschmerzen. Ist ja nicht nur Scholz. Ich erwarte schlicht ein rechtsstaatlich einwandfreies Urteil einer unabhängigen Justiz, die nicht nach Erregungsgrad der Bevölkerung entscheidet. Ich möchte weder Lynchmobs noch populistische Forderungen. Und ebenso keine unrealistischen Präventionsfantasien.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Začíná být hic. Čas jet domů a plácnout sebou do postele. A čas na #birellovka když už na Skalce byla asi miliarda lidí a fronta tak na dva dny, ale v Mostech je nádražka! 😊 Akorát jehněčí nebude. Aspoň jsem ušetřil ovečku. 😊 😁

cc @archos, od kterého půjčuju hashtag, @Onqa6, která už snad vstala!! a @OttovonWenkoff , kterému přeju malou díru, až sáhne po pivínku. Do mně to jaksi sjelo, asi mám děravé hrdlo, slámy nemaje... 😅

#trailrun 24,2 km, 3:22 h Chce to trénink. 😁

in reply to Archos

Aaaaa, už vím, kdy letos nepolezu s kamarádem tím směrem. Už se nám asi dvakrát stalo, že jsme to trefili nechtěně, protože já hlava dubová... 😁
Na B7 se asi neukecám. 50 km stačí.

I did a calculation yesterday that made me want to scream. If you look at the *current* density of satellites in 1km altitude bins in Low Earth Orbit, and assume they are travelling at circular velocities (generally true), then Starlink satellites pass within <1km of each other EVERY 30 SECONDS.

At Starlink altitudes, everything is travelling at 7 km/second, so <1 km close approaches are terrifyingly close. Every 30 seconds. WHY.

@Tami Hi, ich lese schon eine ganze Weile bei dir mit und überlegte schon häufiger, ob ich dir mal schreibe. Jetzt, wo bei dir sehr viel im Umbruch ist, mag das nicht der beste Zeitpunkt sein. Aber ich wollte mich für den Einblick in dein Leben bedanken. Egal ob lustig, heiß, nachdenklich oder traurig: Diese Vielfalt macht dich wahnsinnig interessant! Sei vorallem dir selbst gegenüber ehrlich. Manchmal gar nicht so leicht und dochimmer der richtige Weg. (1/2)
in reply to WestphalDenn

Und bevor die Nachricht noch bekloppter nach Glückskeks klingt, sende ich sie mal, bevor ich es mir doch anders überlege. Liebe Grüße (2/2)
Unknown parent

Sehr gerne! Und mach weiter so.

Grosse Bitte an euch "Tax-the-Rich" zu unterstützen. Es gilt Superreiche zu besteuern um mehr Klimaschutz zu finanzieren. Wenn diese EU-Bürgerinitiative bestimmte Schwellenwerte erreicht, muss sie geprüft werden. Ein mächtiges Tool, wenn es genutzt wird.

„Eine EU-Bürgerinitiative muss nicht in allen Ländern den Schwellenwert erreichen, nur in 7 von 27“

Am nächsten dran:
France 188%
🇩🇰 87%
🇩🇪 80%
Belgium 64%
🇮🇹 44%
Netherlands 32%
Slovenia 26%

Deadline 9.10.24

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

As with so many WP articles related to the fediverse, so much crucial information has been pruned out of the article covering StatusNet that it's arguably become misleading;…

Articles seem to comes to the attention of... certain editors. Who know nothing about the subject, and worse, seem to consider accuracy irrelevant to the quality of WP articles. They add nothing, but prune anything not spelled out in the existing references.


#Wikipedia #PhoneGameEditing

Fun fact, Liza Minnelli had a brother, Notton, who refused to get involved.

"Write a Poem", They Said.

"No need to rhyme", they said.
"Who'd have the time?" I said.

"But make it scan" they said.
"Give it a skipping gait, a steady pace, a fluid grace."
"If I can", I said.

"Use simile like a smuggler's pack.
Make metaphor a hollow shoe,
To sneak some subtle subtext through."
"Could do", I said.

"But never do as others do.
Always to thine truth be true."

"Mine?" I said.
"Fine," I said.

Andrew C.A. Elliott
August 2024

#poem #smallpoems #poetry

Nach 16Jahren die narzisstischen Züge des Mannes endlich erkennen, ist für jemand, der in der Psychiatrie arbeitet, auch mal eine Leistung
in reply to Distravinyl 2.0👑

schönes Beispiel für die Notwendigkeit professioneller Distanz für Objektive Bewertung 😅

Made it back safely, but not before almost losing my metal wallet through Stockholm's security (they had taken me to the older-style systems, consequently removing all items from my bag including that wallet.) Then they handed back every single item to me, but somehow missed returning that wallet? Really. So now I am on the hook to track down an inconvenience you caused on my behalf, which took a lot of self-advocating. But in the end, I got the wallet just as I was about to board my flight.
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in reply to Tamas G

I'm so glad it all worked out in the end, but damn stressful. hugs
in reply to Tamas G

A metal wallet sounds kind of cool, can you describe it or provide a link?

Received another security vulnerability report where someone found "sensitive information" in curl's test suite...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Even "professional" auditors will flag the password "totototo" from the "tests" folder, used to spin up a temporary service... 🤦 So now I've added this line:…
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

to test my SSH key parser, I had to hardcode a few newly generated and unused SSH private keys in my code. I can't wait for the day someone finds them

Ich dachte eigentlich, dass wäre nur in Bayern so. Ich dachte, hier würden Schwangerschaftsabbrüche ohne Probleme zu bekommen sein. In unseren vielen Krankenhäusern.

Stattdessen: In ganz Bochum kann man nur in 1 Arztpraxis Abtreibungen vornehmen lassen. Der Arzt ist schon Jahre über dem Rentenalter.

12 Wochen werden da knapp.

Ich finde sehr schade, dass in den Werbeposts für die tax-the-rich Petition sehr viele Dinge angeprangert und als Forderung benannt werden, die überhaupt nicht Teil der Petition sind (und die ich z.B. nicht alle teile). Die Petition fordert die Einführung einer europ. Zweck gebundenen Vermögenssteuer, nicht mehr und nicht weniger. Sie braucht 1 Mio Unterschriften bis Anfang Oktober und ihr findet sie hier:
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Hey Privacy Fans!

At a recent team event in #Hannover we got into a rather heated discussion and need your help finding the answer...

Does pineapple belong on pizza or not? 🍕🍍

Let us know what you think in the comments so we can settle this debate.

#privacy #encryption #pizza #debate

  • Absolutely! (49%, 173 votes)
  • Heck no! (50%, 178 votes)
351 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

in reply to Tuta

it's seriously like people haven't eaten cooked pineapple. Try pineapple fritters.
in reply to Tuta

49% of them people in this here poll need to take a long hard look at their life choices

No software is complete without high-quality documentation! We just released #LibreOffice 24.8, and its essential handbook is available too:… #foss #opensource

LibreOffice reshared this.

in reply to LibreOffice

A useful enhancement to the GPG encryption would be an option to always encrypt to 1 or more recipients besides one self. This is useful for organizations with legal requirements for record keeping and as a backup in case a person encrypting the file is no longer available.
in reply to Bill Zaumen

@bzdev Hi! You can submit enhancement requests here: – But of course, we're a volunteer-driven project with very limited resources. To get a new feature more quickly, you can consider helping our volunteers, or funding a developer. Thank you ☺️👍
in reply to LibreOffice


I wish large platforms would also abide by the rule to publish accompanying documentation. Imagine how much harder it would be to hide dark patterns, among a host of other boons.

some thoughts on what i'd expect from a "spoiler" element.…

in reply to Scott O'Hara

Hate to say it, but I'm still stuck on: why not use a details/summary element?
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh if the details/summary element could be consistently styled / the HTML parser would be updated to allow a details within a paragraph, or to cross paragraph boundaries - then sure i guess.

seems people have commented further with more details concerning styling concerns / potentially unwanted behaviors. but it's really the styling and parser limitations that make reusing details unlikely for many people now. change that, then there's even less of a need for such a niche widget.

This one may be of special interest to @datajake1999 among others. Here I talk at length about and briefly demonstrate the LapTalk portable speech synthesizer designed and sold by my parents' company, Computersmith Enterprises, in 1991-92. This is something I had no idea we still had, but I found it in a box of junk the other day.
in reply to Jayson Smith

Wow. Amazing. First, I'm sorry to say that I don't remember Computersmith but I have fond memories of using ASAP with the DoubleTalk and I loved that particular combination. I remember an external Doubletalk which I thought was called the Doubeltalk LT. (No, Nuance Vocalizer, it was not called the Doubletalk Lieutenant.) So, did LT actually stand for Laptalk?
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield There were actually three portable DoubleTalk speech synthesizers. LapTalk, as far as I know, was the first. Then MicroTalk came out with the LiteTalk. Around the same time, RC Systems, developers of the DoubleTalk, came out with the DoubleTalk Lite. Confusing huh?

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to Jayson Smith

Thank you; I never knew there were three versions of the external Doubletalk. Now I don't know which model I used. I think it had a somewhat recessed knob, kind of like what I remember being similar to an old transistor radio? Mostly, I used the internal version. If I could get a Doubletalk with a USB connector and a screen reader that would support it I'd love to use it again. But it was like magic when using it with ASAP. ASAP was always my favorite DOS screen reader. As far as I know, I don't think Larry Skutchan ever charged for updates to that software. The cost, I think, was $325 and that was it.
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield If your unit had a thumb wheel which turned it on and adjusted the volume, that was either LiteTalk or DoubleTalk Lite. If it ran on a nine volt battery, it was DoubleTalk Lite. If it had only a serial port, and the cable was built-in, that was DoubleTalk Lite. If it had a female serial port and a male parallel port, that was LiteTalk.

David Goldfield reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield A USB doubletalk would be neat wouldn't it? If I had the spare cash I'd make something, but nobody in the UK I've ever come across has gotten me a working chipset.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @DavidGoldfield There was a company that existed for a while that produced the Trippletalk USB but I don't think it ever made it to the UK. They also did a Dectalk USB as well. It seems like JFW still supports both.
in reply to Jayson Smith

I also remember that the original voice of the Doubletalk was somewhat distorted or not quite as clear but a later update really improved it and I found it to be a calming voice to listen to but surprisingly very clear and easy to understand, not to mention super responsive with ASAP.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

If YouTube really wanted to make people less annoyed they could help creators set up their videos so people who are subscribed auto-skip their calls to subscribe.

That alone would make nearly everyone subscribe to anything they might want to watch on a regular basis.

There's an old, crude expression I'm fond of because I am an old, crude man, that you don't let the camel's nose into the tent if you do not want the camel's ass in the tent soon.

Anyway, here's an article about Amazon. Could be about printers, could be about lots of things. Really it's about business models delivered through hardware.……

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

ACB Community Call: Getting to Know the #BTSpeak from Blazie Technologies: Sunday, August 25, 4:00 PM Eastern Time
Please note that this call is not being hosted or facilitated by Blazie Technologies. Because of this, we do not know if the call will be recorded or if it will be made available via ACB's podcast feed.…

🧵 Before you even think about insulting the workers during the rail lockout/ impending strike, take a look at this: #Canada #union

CN and CPKC's profit margin was 33% in 2021-23. In the 2010s, it was 18%. 1 /2

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to LA Legault 🇨🇦

#Canada #union #rail #Québec

Canadian rail workers are fighting for all of our safety, they are preventing another Lac-Mégantic rail disaster. And we should all support them.

A fairwell show from me coming up on this Tuesdays 27th of August weekly Va Radio Talking Tech show reflecting on last 30 years or so on main stream and assistive technology changes. We’ll see what happens next.
Nothing will be changing with my podcasts, sharing info, social media etc etc.
And who knows, I may have some very interesting news for folks in the near future, and yes, that was a teaser smile.
in reply to Chris Cooke

David, I'd like to thank you for your service to Vision Australia over the past 3 plus decades. That is quite an accomplishment and I have no doubt that your work has touched countless lives. Hope you land somewhere soon, even if it's your own company. I don't know you personally, of course, but if you need a letter of reference from someone in the industry as well as from the blindness community please reach out to me and I'll be more than happy to provide one.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield @CreativeChris For my iSee feed it's for the hosting site. I'll let folks know about my new happens in a few weeks. Also, thanks David for the kind words and offer.

The following will show how #lazy I’ve become in my, um, older age. I’m thinking I really would like an ice cream sandwich. The ones we have are really good, mint chocolate chip. Here’s the problem: They are in the freezer out in the garage, and my shoes are in the bedroom. So in order to get said ice cream sandwich I’d need to get out of the Lazy Boy, go to the bedroom, further away from the garage, put them on, and trek out to the garage. I’m evaluating if it’s worth the effort.