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Just posted on Six Colors: Use a cloned drive to recover from Mac failures…

Our friend in Poland said that the AI hosts actually sounded quite dull... Don't know, haven't heard myself just yet... Radio station in Poland fired its journalists and replaced them with AI 'presenters' | Euronews…

A fundraising drive for the US Election Protection Hotline.

Not a US resident or US citizen? Hate all the major parties? No problem! You can donate!

Then watch 8 minutes of nerd jokes about open source software and how programming skews your brain, and none about politics.

TJ watching football, because you know live sports don’t have audio description and announcement quality can vary and things move really fast, what a catch, I think. Lol.

Explore open source contribution guide: learn how to start, choose projects, make your first contribution, and join a global community. #DEVCommunity…

Reaper made Easy Q&A coming up this Saturday 26 Oct.
As the end of October sneaks up like a cobra,
this Saturday brings Q&A, Jen might even stay sober.
Either way, Jenny K, Shay and muggins here will be there,
Helping peeps with the Reaps, til I'm too hungry to care.

Usual start time, 8PM UK, 3PM Eastern, or the equivalent time wherever you lay your hat.
TeamTalk details, a calendar invite and a way to send us something to play are all over at The part where we listen to things people have shared and give them objective feedback has been getting popular, so if you've got something you want our take on, don't snooze on getting that uploaded, we can only play a couple things each month and most of the time, it's gonna be first come first serve.
As always, any amount of experience is welcome, and we do our best to make sure newcomers get their questions answered.

See ya there,

scott and Jen

What do you call a pig that knows karate? A pork chop!

A man got hit in the head with a can of Coke, but he was alright because it was a soft drink.

Fstab Options: What Are They, and When Should You Use Them?…

Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut, Burger King pull onions amid McDonald’s outbreak
Onions have not been confirmed as the source, but restaurants aren't taking chances.…

I want something like callgrind but that will let me make a plot of function call depth vs. stack space consumed.

Librsvg consumes a lot of stack. I've been reducing it gradually, but finding the functions that could be putting temporary stuff in the heap is very manual work.

“our lead shares our philosophy that technology should serve the user, not the reverse

this is why they focus on blockchains, a technology basically always used at the expense of its users”


in reply to Molly White

i do think the degree to which bluesky is stressing that they do not use blockchains really underscores how toxic even a faint whiff of blockchain has become to any normal platform


This is why I have been trying to warn about #BlueSky.

BlueSky has just been partially bought by a cryptocurrency company "Blockchain Capital" and appointed a blockchain / cryptocurrency expert to their board:…

The board member is a bitcoin researcher involved with NFT analytics.

BlueSky describe the tie-up with Blockchain Capital as a "natural partnership" and says the blockchain company has "a uniquely deep understanding of our decentralized foundation".

(via @jwz)

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Mastodon is financed by crowdfunding instead of venture capital not because we don't know that venture capital exists, not because we don't have bills to pay, and not because venture capital isn't willing to give money to new social media platforms. VCs don't want a sustainable business, they want a big exit. Every VC-backed business is on a timer to deliver or die.

Life is a roller-coaster. It keeps getting stuck, frequently breaks down, no maintenance crew, has a couple of loose rails and someone threw up in one of the cars.

🕛Z #NowPlaying at the top of the hour, 2 hours of relaxing #NewAge, #ambient, and #meditationmusic on Northern Lights: The New Age Show, #live with Kelly Sapergia. More information is at Tune in either by visiting and clicking on the Listen Live link, or go directly to… #TGVRadio #audio #radio 📺🗣️📻🎶🎙️🌌🌈🫣🫰🩵🪬🫶

Trump gets to be lawless and Harris has to be flawless. They aren't taking the same exam.

-Van Jones

shitpost, kink adjacent

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in reply to Mer-fOKxTOwl

shitpost, kink adjacent

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in reply to Mer-fOKxTOwl

shitpost, kink adjacent

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Vyzera to tak, ze populacia SR ma vcelku problem¹ vyhodnotit, co im skodi viacej:

- mafiani vo vlade
- zvysenie DPH o 3%
- alkohol
- tabak
- marihuana
- nejaki bratislavcania debatujuci pri kave
- zopar qeeer manzelskych parov
- …

via @aktuality_bot…

¹ alebo su skratka az taki prajni, ze obetuju seba a rodinu kludne aj mafianom

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

This makes me want to scream and pull out my hair.

"Reduce your vocabulary by 10-20% to prove you're a human."

reshared this

Ballots damaged in USPS mailbox fire in Phoenix…

#AndroidAppRain at today brings you 16 updated and 1 added apps:

* Paranoid's Pal - Privacy Lock: lets you quickly lock your device and safeguard your data

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repo :awesome:

Apple created a Virtual Research Environment to allow public access to testing the security of its Private Cloud Compute system, and released the source code for some "key components" to help researchers analyze the privacy and safety features on the architecture.…

The purple glow of a fall sunset is incredibly beautiful

How the Human Brain Contends With the Strangeness of Zero…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

#IzzyOnDroid adopted the Contributor Covenant (see So while in the past we suggested you to add our badge or shield to your Readmes when your app became available at the #IzzyOnDroid repo, now it's time for us to adopt a shield. The first of our repositories already have it in their Readmes, the others will follow soon, so you can easily find it:…

#codeOfConduct #contributorCovenant

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

On my way back from the glide demo. It was quite interesting. The prototype they had did not have all of the talking features like the one in the video, but I got to get a feel for walking with it at least indoors. Ergonomically it felt quite natural to hold the handle. Walking felt similar yet different to walking with a dog. I felt like I was able to go at a pretty comparable pace to walking with my cane. I got to speak with the founders and provide them with feedback. I can’t wait to see where this goes and try it out next year.

OMG, Harris also has Tyler Perry, Spike Lee, Samuel L. Jackson, Bruce Springsteen in Atlanta? 😃 😃

I really should by ketchup stocks. 😃

Spanky has Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Hulk Hogan, Dennis Quaid?

Dennis Quaid went over to the dark side?

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Carolyn

Dennis Quaid it's not new at all: he was already there in 2016.

UnitedHealth says Change Healthcare data breach affects over 100 million people in America…

How the ransomware attack at Change Healthcare went down: A timeline…

11 Useful X-window (GUI Based) Linux Commands…

If you see a post or reply in your timeline and you want to find out which thread it belongs to, just click on it! This will take you to the post or reply within its own thread, where you can then scroll up and down to see the rest of the thread.

(I know this might sound obvious to some of you but I have had several people ask about this, and there's no such thing as a silly question 👍 )


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Ustup, Jamesi Bonde, přicházejí Clever a Smart 😎😎

Pracovat na těchhle španělských kultovkách je radost.

První díl je venku, druhý v tisku, třetí rozpracovaný, čtvrtý podepsaný.

Těšte se na hybridní hantecíček, zpotvořenou němčinu, slovní hříčky vázané na obraz (dík, komikse ❤️) a originální citoslovce od mého manžela, protože já nikdy nevím, co to dělá za zvuk, když někdo třeba maluje barvou zeď. @stepan ví, že "šmrdli šmrdli". 🤷‍♀️

in reply to Anna Štádlerová

nice! Jako děti jsme je doma měli ve francouzštině, a pak už jsem nikdy nezjistil, odkud vlastně jsou. někomu letos udělám radost:)


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A long two days of coding, but I've finally got a good method of sending #Grafana and #Cloudflare alerts to #XMPP set up:…

A number of similar projects exist, but none that could set up multiple pipelines/gateways. Hopefully this is useful to someone; blog-post covering the setup here, including deployment on the Google Cloud Run free tier, is coming soon!

We followed AIPAC’s money trail to reveal how its political spending impacts the balance of power in Congress.…
in reply to The Intercept

In two years, AIPAC has become one of the largest outside spenders in congressional elections. We’ve chronicled its power through coverage of individual races, but never before has AIPAC’s massive outflow of money been analyzed in sum.
in reply to The Intercept

Ahead of 2024 and amid growing public outrage over Israel’s war on Gaza, AIPAC made a bold pronouncement: Through its United Democracy Project arm and AIPAC PAC, it would spend $100 million on elections, about one-sixth of what outside groups spent on the 2020 presidential election.