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Today is a good day to remember the time I told my Jewish grandmother, who had been an officer in the Red Army all through WWII, about the debate over punching Nazis.

"This is trick question," she said, narrowing her eyes. "When you are done punching, Nazi is still alive, yes?"

one of my favourite Windows utilities is the Bluetooth Audio Receiver found at the link below. What I like about it is that you can play bluetooth audio from any smartphone through your computer. It's pretty darned handy. Plus, you can have multiple phones connected:…

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„Chcete naznačit, že jsem nudnej?“ Hřib vysvětluje, jak chce zachránit Piráty…

Spanish often has an H where most other Romance languages have an F.

Take 'hijas' (daughters) vs. French 'filles', Italian 'figlie', Portuguese 'filhas'.

In Old Spanish, Latin [f] became an [h] sound.

Later, this sound disappeared.

Click to hear how it went:

A thread: 1/

I asked for podcast recommendations a while ago, I've checked most of them out now and on the whole there's nothing particularly great to report back with sadly but I'm really glad I asked!
I'm most of the way into my first experience with Talk Description to Me co-hosted by @ChristineMalec (Episode 126 - A Trip to the Fair) and it's honestly delightful to have on while I'm weekend working. Can def say check that one out if you're also looking for something to listen to x
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Random Poll on Fedi's Demographics

where are you from?

  • the USA (23%, 4 votes)
  • Europe (58%, 10 votes)
  • Literally Anywhere Else (17%, 3 votes)
17 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

We don't need to buy a Sun NAS server, we have one at home

The Sun NAS server at home:

K dnešnímu celostátnímu fóru Pirátů mám jednu myšlenku.
Poslouchal jsem zhruba 40 minut poté, co byl zvolen předsedou Zdeněk Hřib. Na pořadu bylo „snížení byrokratické zátěže a převedení pravomocí pod jiné subjekty ve straně, nejčastěji vedení“.

Korektně zaznívaly argumenty pro i proti. Zdeněk Hřib argumentoval, že centralizace moci je ve snaze urychlit procesy ve straně - že je to žádoucí i ze strany voličů, neboť příští volby prý projedou.

in reply to Robin Bedrunka 🐞

@Robin Bedrunka 🐞 Myslím, že Piráty budu muset pečlivě sledovat, protože se mi zdá, že se kloní k normální středopravé straně, jako je STAN. A proč volit STAN s dětinským jménem Piráti, když lze volit originál. Ovšem Piráty jsem volil pro to, čím se od STANu aspoň potenciálně odlišovali. Obávám se, že příští volby pro mne budou poněkud složité.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Folks who are into archaeology: Can somebody point me towards a good write-up on clothing finds from the areas that today are southern Norway, Denmark, and northern Germany in between about 800 and 1000 CE?

Es gibt ein neues Heft in der kurz&mündig Reihe von @digitalcourage

👉 Open Educational Resources. Wie freie Materialien funktionieren und warum dir das hilft.

Download und weitere Infos in meinem Blog:…

Bestellmöglichkeit im Shop von Digitalcourage:…

@joeran und ich hatten beim Schreiben viel Freude bei der kreativen Weiternutzung von #OER 🙂

#Erwachsenenbildung #FediLZ

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

me at a restaurant going to pay the bill, restaurant person: "alles zusammen?" me: "gegen 👏 den 👏 faschismus 👏"

Updating to #GoToSocial 0.17.3. Didn't get bitten by these bugs so didn't bother upgrading until now, so this shouldn't take long. (Famous last words.)

Having a weird issue with #NVDA on Windows 10 22H2 (AMD64) build 19045.5011. While using explorer, deleting files or pasting files doesn't seem to automatically refresh the folder view. Is this a screen reader issue or windows issue?
in reply to modulux

I'm not aware of an issue - and just checked GitHub and can't see anything similar there. Has it happened since you updated NVDA, or Windows? (And whichever one, have you restarted the PC lately?) For NVDA, the only other thing I can think to try first off, is press NVDA+q, then down arrow to "Restart with add-ons disabled" and press enter to do that and see if that changes the behaviour.
in reply to NV Access

Can't exactly tell when it started, only noticed it at some point. It seems to have stopped by itself though. I'll keep it in mind if it happens again. Thanks.

This account recently turned two years old. I'm one of the many emigrees from Twitter that started to dabble with Mastodon in November 2022 in the wake of the Musk take over.

My account on Twitter isn't *that* old either, only starting in early 2022. I had long thought to close my account there when reaching 1000 followers here (I have almost 3000 on Twitter), but this consideration changed recently after Mark Nelson convinced me during the Luxembourg pro-nuclear event two weeks ago.

I'll first observe that my followerbase has been growing much slower than I first anticipated and perhaps hoped. I just hit 650 and this has several causes. One is that people on Mastodon perhaps just don't care, following degrowth logics. Maybe my style of posting also doesn't 'connect', but most importantly, I think, is that the mass adoption of Mastodon and the wider fediverse hasn't happened yet.

Many that tried Mastodon in the November 2022 wave, weren't prepared that they needed to put in some work to get a filled timeline, due to a lack of algorithm serving as an onboarding mechanism. Most people just don't care and rejoined Twitter/X or, later, Threads.

This mass adoption can still happen, probably via the route of Threads fully implementing ActivityPub (still pending after 1.5 year...). Either way, Mastodon et al are still a very safe bet if we look further into the future. It can only grow on the long term, say a decade.

But for now, the 'Twitter bubble' regarding accounts posting on energy, politicians, journalists, even many people on the far left don't care about setting up shop on the fediverse... yet. As an activist aiming to influence to get nuclear energy wider adoption, this is a hindrance to my primary function of caring at all about social media.

For now, I'll remain on Twitter, be it that I'll post more 'strategically', in line with my goals. The fediverse is still my long term bet. We just started this journey, on towards a future of an open web!

#Mastodon #MastodonMigration

in reply to Emil Jacobs - Collectifission

Can't say I agree, but I understand. Yes, there's a lot of degrowth positions around, which makes it hard to get heard against that norm.

Do you like psych in tech and want to see it more valued? Some suggestions for folks in tech that have helped me directly:

- if you have presence in org-legible places, post about our work in places our bosses see it, like linkedin (I know, I know 😭 ). It can be as simple as "loved this! [link]" boom!
- we're often judged on engagement numbers (I know 😭). Post things like our preprints (…) in community groups, or employee channels. Who knows maybe you'll find friends!

Aaron Swartz was a digital rights champion who believed deeply in keeping the internet open. The organizers of Aaron Swartz Day will celebrate his life at 2 pm PT on Nov. 9.…

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Oh no. This is really sad. I hope the a11y team didn't get impacted?…

Cannondale SuperSix EVO 1 s groupsetem SRAM Force D2 AXS je báječný #RoadBike — letos jsem na něm najel přes osm tisíc kilometrů a každou, úplně každou jízdu chrochtám blahem, jak skvěle se mi na něm jezdí. A zvlášť ve větru, kdy jsem míval na předchozím Canyonu Ultimate dost často nahnáno.

Yes, it’s true that 54% of US adults struggle with reading, although the grade level equivalence is a dubious inference. I study this, so I want to share a few insights: namely that this trend isn’t unique to the US and better understanding the data has more implications than you may realize. /1…

wow. Just found a Windows keyboard shortcut I never knew existed. Alt + F8 - Reveals typed password in Sign-in screen. This according to:….

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The #XMPP Newsletter for October 2024 is out!

Read about the latest XMPP universe updates and the latest updates on our #standards!…

Enjoy reading! 📰 ☕

#jabber #chat #interoperability #rtc
#opensource #decentralization

Sometimes people are like "you act like someone who is having a conversation with you online is supposed to exert cognitive effort to learn something about who you are" and I'm like????? Yes??????
in reply to Cat Hicks

@modulux @hypostase ps. speaking as someone who studies cultures among technical people specifically (!) I think there is a lot of assumption in your argument that these are deeply neutral actions vs that they perpetuate a kind of context culture; I mean there's a REASON I get this kind of flak more than my many friends on this platform with extremely different looking avatars than mine eh
in reply to Cat Hicks

Ok, first off I do consider you a nerd, you're a research scientist, how much nerdier does it get? I was generalising and, perhaps, not using language precisely enough.

I do agree that there are values in conflict, hence my point that treating text like that has problems as well. I just get the feeling that there are a lot of people on the fedi with experiences like what I described, could be wrong about this and it could be something else; it would be interesting to know. I do hope that you are welcome here, and, as I said, I do try to adapt to my interlocutor's interaction style and I think we should all try to be mindful of this if possible.

And regarding whether the "social indifference" is omnidirectional, for myself, I can't see avatars (not a metaphor, I'm blind) and most of the time I have no real expectations of the gender or other physical characteristics of people. But I'm also convinced that you're right people get treated differently according to those sorts of factors. I hope the fedi becomes more welcoming in this regard.

XSF Announcement

We invite everyone to the 27th XMPP #Summit in #Brussels, #Belgium next year again. Get involved in development of the XMPP protocol in person and remote!…

#jabber #chat #interoperability
#rfc #opensource #decentralization

I recently finished reading "The Rule Book: The Building Blocks of Games" by Jaakko Stenros and Markus Montola (2024). You can find the open access version on the MIT Press website:…

It’s an altogether great introduction to what rules in games and play are and how they work. Just very good all around!

Here's a thread on some things that stuck with me. 1/XX


I want to enable comments on my blog again, but (I'm current possibly overthinking things in that) I'm worrying if I need a privacy policy, or how I should think about things like GDPR, and should users be able to delete their comments?

Never thought about this stuff for a second back in the 2000s!

in reply to Simon Willison

What about spam? How are you going to balance between preventing spam and not discriminating against disabled users with captchas?
in reply to Matt Campbell

I used to have a cookie-based antispam plug-in on my blog that caught pretty much all the automated spam attempts. There have to be better ways.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I was planning on doing sign-in-with-github and require accounts there to be at least six months old so when I ban someone it at least costs them something (plus I can allow-list individuals with newer accounts on a case-by-case basis)
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt I allow comments on my podcast site without requiring logins or captchas, but I use a lightweight Naive Bayes model (under 100 lines of code and no dependencies) to filter out spam. It works almost perfectly—maybe because most spam isn’t in German or because the site has relatively low traffic. I was genuinely surprised at how effective this approach has been.

Can anyone recommend a good file extractor for Windows? I don't just want to view the files and listen to them, I want to upload them.

Never mind, I now have 2 programs I like, along with 1 or 2 I don't, because I'm impatient, lol.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

The use of LLM has far reaching consequences on "free thinking", free speach and humanities.

LLM being copycat machine controlled by for profit entities they have all the interest of make everything blend and implement mechanism to suppress what is being output.

We have seen it already. Can't fucking say fuck, but has not problem reproducing fascist, racist, mysoginistic rhetoric.

in reply to Hubert Figuière

this is the ultimate propaganda machine and people are falling for it.

parallel: look at the great american (USA) book burning that is currently happening.

🇫🇷📅 Tal día como hoy, un 18 de brumario de 1799, se llevó a cabo un golpe de Estado contra el gobierno de la Primera República, el Directorio. Este golpe puso fin a la Revolución francesa y dio inicio al periodo napoleónico.

PD: ¡viva el calendario republicano!

in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

I liked that the Hable works with more platforms. I used it to type to the TV for a time when we had one to try. I also spent about 2 weeks reliving old text adventure games on my phone with it.
But largely the similarity of Braille Screen Input rendered the hardware useless to me in the long term. It was just too much money for not enough gain.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Yes, I use braille screen input on my phone for typing, and am considering challenging my self to see if I can use the BSI interface and only that interface.
in reply to Darrell Bowles

@vol4life8657 @cachondo Honestly, I really don't like BSI. It's okay but I just don't like the way I have to pull out my phone to use it and even when I try to type fast, it just doesn't jive with me.
in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

@vol4life8657 for me, I'd stil have to pull out the hable, or writer or whatever.
I'm down the time on unlocking without biometrics, and unless you're wired in or using apple-specific airpods, Voiceover lags with bluetooth hardware so I can't go as fast as I'd like on device anyway.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @vol4life8657 I haven't tested my speed and honestly, don't care to because accuracy matters more than speed, In you opinion.
in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

@vol4life8657 oh accuracy is important and that's harder to measure than speed of course, but speed gives you an indication of what you can do and at least provides a tangible difference between bluetooth and not for me. It's a useful comparitive measure, if nothing else
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo I see. Personally, I like having options so I'm considering purchasing the writer. I like my hable though. It's serving me well.