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An Overview of the Camera Types Found on Android Smartphones…

Say, Bluesky has public lists of accounts that users curate which helps a ton with onboarding. We have lists too, but only you can see your own lists.

Am I missing something? This seems a pretty obvious feature that only needs a minor code change? Or am I missing something and can I see other people's lists?


This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to modulux

There's already instances on Bluesky where people are being added to starter packs they didn't/don't want to be in.
in reply to Robert Kingett

Which doesn't sound like a lot of fun. For it to fly here it's going to have to be opt-in.

Why do governments still have Twitter (X) links on them? Surely we can be confident that it isn't a neutral public square in 2024. Are governments getting value from it? Agencies/departments do not need to pick between LinkedIn, Mastodon, Bluesky or Threads if choosing a new platform proves difficult, but remove Twitter from your social media feeds.

Having Twitter, but not the others isn't neutral, it is negative.

in reply to Mike Gifford

I’ve been wondering about this myself. Do government comms folks not have ethical standards guidelines or committees? X has not been a reliable or objective platform for years now.
in reply to Andrew Boardman

@boardman I suspect it is mostly moment that is keeping folks there. Plus they hired social media folks who were comfortable with Twitter, so....

If you don’t have at least a couple dozen people on your blocklist, can you really even call yourself part of the fediverse?
in reply to Samuel Proulx

I've not blocked one person sinve i've been on Mastodon. i've unfollowed, but not blocked.
in reply to Gina

I have only blocked people who decide compassion and understanding are not in their dictionary, and those who promote sex work because this is too disgusting for me to even look at. Oh and, a lot of spam related bots, but that's kinda meh. I also can't mute or block instances on my side, so if your instance has an illogical, stupid name, I don't follow you. 4 years of mastodon, or something. There are also quite a few blind people on my block list hahaha. Because some people cannot be talked to, or reasoned with and I have no time for this nonsense. Also, arguing is pointless. J muchprefer my silence and peace. I guess I grew up from wanting to constantly argue because I'm behind a keyboard and this is the internet.

Dnes už jsem schopen nějaké práce s textem, tak jsem sepsal, proč odcházím od Pirátů. Mnohým z vás bych to jinak dlužil po těch letech, co tu #piráti dělám reklamu. Už nebudu :(…

Update: Vložen správný screenshot na můj příspěvek pro (ne)vstupování do vlády. Konkrétně:…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jan Korbel 🐧

Prostě se z toho stala politika. Stejná, na kterou Piráti nadávali. Moc, ego, .... to se pak lidé projeví.
in reply to Jan Korbel 🐧

@Jan Korbel 🇨🇿 🏴‍☠️ Díky za zprávu. je to škoda. Se ztrátou lidí jako Janka Michailidu se z Pirátů stává řadová středopravá strana s trapným dětinským názvem. Už ta disciplinace Janky Bartošem byla pro mne varovným znamením, že něco smrdí.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Dnes jsem ukončil členství v @Pirati. Strana se včera vydala směrem, který mi není vlastní, a proto se naše cesty rozdělují. Před 14 lety jsem vstoupil do @Pirati, protože to byla jediná politická strana, která vnímala měnící se realitu jako důsledek digitální transformace a kladla důraz na skutečně zásadní témata. Proto jsem digitální práva prosazoval i během mých 5 let v Evropském parlamentu. A na výsledky jsem patřičně hrdý.
in reply to Marcel Kolaja

Tak to je škoda, ale chápu vaše rozhodnutí. Díky za odvedenou práci v Evropském parlamentu!

Really strange Eloquence/NVDA anecdote: while reading a website, if I use ctrl-arrow down to move through paragraphs, a question is read with lowering intotation and the end, whereas if I use ctrl-up arrow to go up paragraphs, the question is read with rising intonation. The question is: Why would you want to look at those?

Very odd!

in reply to modulux

I'd edit but neither my client nor my instance support it, and I recently can't type. But obviously I mean intonation, in both cases.

Each day, I am constantly amazed at the amount of information you send out both here, on other social platforms and via email. thank you. I obviously don't read all of it, but there's plenty that interests me so I'm very much appreciate your post. My real question though is, when do you sleep? Lol!
in reply to Douglas Hunsinger

Thank you for your kind comments. You asked when I sleep. To paraphrase the wormhole aliens from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sleep? What is this?"
In all seriousness, getting a good amount of sleep is a major priority for me and, more often than not, I'm generally successful at meeting my sleep goal. With a good RSS reader, having good computer skills and using a few Leasey shortcuts when I'm on my Windows computer, maintaining the Tech-VI list and getting material posted to Mastodon and LinkedIn takes less time and effort than you might think. Also, I hardly ever post to X and Facebook unless I'm posting announcements about the BT Speak representing Blazie Technologies. For most announcements, I stick to Mastodon. There are definite benefits of having an X account but I rarely post non-work-related material to that platform. If more important things demand my attention in either my personal or professional life, then I prioritize on those things.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

For #DoctorWho fans with a qualifying print disability, here's the latest Doctor Who title added to Bookshare:

The Official Quotable Doctor Who: Wise Words From Across Space and Time
Cavan Scott Mark Wright
"All of time and space. All things that ever happened or ever will. Where do you want to start?"From a junkyard in Totter's Lane to the fields of Trenzalore, the last of the Time Lords has navigated the past, present, and future using knowledge gathered from centuries of adventures in space and time. Now the authors of the bestselling Who-Ology have collected the best of that timey-wimey knowledge into one place. Covering themes of home and work, travel and technology, the history of the Earth and the fate of the future—you'll find a Doctor-y bon mot for every occasion here.Collecting half a century of quips and quotes, and beautifully illustrated throughout, The Official Quotable Doctor Who is your indispensable guide to life, love, mirth, and monsters.

Copyright: 2014 ISBN: 9780062382757
Features: Contains images

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

It would be nice if all the lefty writers on Substack got together and created a digital publication with subscription. Big Tech betrayed us and I really, really don't want to subsidize them and I also can't afford multiple individual subscriptions.
in reply to SocProf

in the case of Substack it has been the nazi bar all along. We have been knowing that they deliberately subsidize nazis post there.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Konečně se blíží dlouhé zimní večery. Nastal čas kdy konečně obnovím akvárium.
To zas bude nářků doma, že je to 400 litrů vody, jestli nejsem blázen
Jen je škoda, že zajímavé stránky s akvaristikou nejde v ČR najít 😔
in reply to Archos

jak se píše rybič tam koukám co která ryba vyžaduje
pak pohledej horacovoakvá
Já si s tím vystačil
Záleží do čeho chceš jít
in reply to GuloGulo

Ale jo, já je znám ty weby. Já mám akvária od malička. To byl spíš takový povzdech.

Oh cool. The Prudence Screen Reader for Android is still being developed.A few annoyances to get it working, but man it's snappy: prudence-screen-reader.en.upto…

Dvě hodinky na kole, dnes to v té mlze, bylo spíš na pořádný čaj s rumem, možná asi jen ten rum.
in reply to Schmaker

Já mám celkem drahé přímo na silničku oblečení a stejně taky mrznu. Do kopce se člověk spotí a z kopce je pak zima. Na tělo mi bylo fajn, jen ty nohy. U mě nastává období, kdy budu více běhat a méně jezdit 😀😀
Stejně jsem si chtěl příští rok k padesátinám nedělit maraton v Praze. Tak to budu muset pořádně začít 🤷🏼‍♂️
in reply to Archos

Někde jsem tady viděl (možná u @Nevolte xChaose! ?), že se dělaj návleky na boty, aby do nich tolik nefučelo.

Každopádně maraton bych nedal ani autem, jsi borec :)

in reply to Schmaker

Jo ty mám, ale to je škoda peněz. Takhle, do hoďky jízdy jsou v pohodě. Díky, bude čtvrtý maraton, ale uvidím jak to půjde.
in reply to Schmaker

@schmaker návleky na boty mám akorát na běžky a nepamatuju se, že bych v nich jezdil na kole.

Nevhodnost cyklodresů pro zimní cyklistiku řeším tak, že se v podstatě oblékám zhruba jako na běžky, včetně funkčního prádla a rukavic. Vlastně mám komplet překryv výbavy na zimní/jarní/horskou cykloturistiku a na běžky. Do bot dvoje ponožky. Jezdil jsem takhle v zimě po Praze jako kurýr na cargokole (takový záskok, ne pravidelně)

S tou letní je to taky, že jestli budu chtít vyhrát SunTrip, tak možná o kalhotách stahujících svaly nohou budu muset uvažovat... já zase nejsem tak zarytý odpůrce úchyláren, třeba si to ještě užiju :-) (i když už jsem spíš dědek)

in reply to Chao-c'

Na zimu mám cyklistikou bundu z Lidlu a je v pohodě. Ty návleky jsou o ničem. Jak jsou kovové kufry na botech, tak od nich to promrzá.
in reply to Archos

Za návleky jsem utratil nemálo peněz a všechno byla slepá cesta — nakonec jsem si pořídil zimní tretry a jsem za vodou (i dnes). Oblečení mám cca do nuly, zrovna v sobotu ráno mi dorazily čapáky 0–8 stupňů. Jasně, že to všechno stojí raketu, ale mě to baví a naprosto skvěle to funguje. Zvlášť tady je to nutnost. @xChaos @schmaker
in reply to Pavel Kout

@pavelkout Jj přesně, ty návleky je škoda peněz. Oblečení mám v pohodě, ono je i znát když se člověk obleče moc a nebo málo. Ono to chce vychytat. Teda aspoň u mě. Jinak budu budu muset koupit. To e nedá svítit :-)

@xChaos @schmaker

in reply to Archos

@pavelkout @xChaos @schmaker
Jezdím málo, řeším to levně pomocí vrstev.
Tělo je v pohodě, v zimě, do kopce uberu abych se moc nepotil, větrání reguluji rozepínáním větrovky. Ale jezdím les, terén, pomalu.
Nohy je problém, beru slabší/tlustší merino, na to neprofuk kalhoty.
Tretry teď nemám, ale řešil jsem to teplou ponožkou na to nepromokavou ponožku co neprofoukne, používám spíše turistické tretry(na těch mých 3-4k ročně) kam ty 2 ponožky narvu ... pak návleky do -5°C ještě pomohou.
in reply to Archos

@schmaker jo tak to jo, já prostě nejezdím s nášlapy, jsem hodně oldschool městský cyklista/cykloturista.

why does glibc have a function called memfrob() that according to the man page "frobnicates a memory area" and appears to just xor a string by the fixed number 42 and nothing else
in reply to velzie is still tired

lots of complex software has test or example variables, functions, and constants. Chromium has a test permission called “frobulate” that doesn’t do anything but trickled its way to the Permissions-Policy header where people started to notice and cite it.
in reply to velzie is still tired

lots of complex software has test or example variables, functions, and constants. Chromium has a test permission called “frobulate” that doesn’t do anything but trickled its way to the Permissions-Policy header where people started to notice and cite it.

That’s my guess.

Have you ever heard of, or used, the word "extramural"? Simple yes or what the fuck will suffice, but if you feel like clarifying, that's also okay.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Estelle

No, but my Latin is sufficient to guess that it's something done outside of the walls.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion Yup. Commonly used in South Africa to denote activities outside school hours, but in the context I read it yesterday, it was talking about any strenuous outside activity as a result of heat warnings.

I'm ashamed and proud at the same time: Ereyesterday I made a huge leap for our main pet project from #PHP 5.6 to 8.3. Ashamed because well, 5.6 in 2024, and proud because I could do it after several months of weekend updates. There are some small errors still, but they are really small. And huge thanks to #A2Hosting who maintains those super mega old versions (yes, they have even 4.X still!), sometimes it's needed although I'm totally for everything new and against keeping legacy for years. Anyway, it's done and gosh, it's blazing fast now!
in reply to André Polykanine

Ещё и в языке, видимо, стало многое более удобным, так что в случае какого-нибудь багфикса не надо думать "бля, опять на этом 5.6 писать".
in reply to Kirill

@Yinshi Вот это уж точно. И аутентификацию нормальную сделал, и хэширование паролей, а не позорный sha1, как раньше было.

Národní monitorovací středisko pro drogy a závislosti vydalo Zprávu o nelegálních drogách v České republice 2024:

(PDF, 173 stran)……

Ach, Mensch, #friedlicheRevolution, #FallDerMauer...manchmal kann ich's nicht mehr hören...

Den Fall der Mauer habe ich verschlafen. Wir lebten damals im #TalDerAhnungslosen...

Aber auch am Tag darauf sind wir nicht nach Berlin gefahren. Unser Ziel war es doch nicht in den Westen zu kommen, sondern zu sehen ob und wie bzw. was von der Utopie verwirklicht werden kann.

Doch allzuschnell traf der Konsumrausch aus dem #Osten auf den sich entfesselnden Kapitalismus aus dem #Westen und erstickte ganz schnell die keimenden Pflanzen.

... ja, es geht schon wieder 🙄

in reply to FediVerseExplorer

Da gabs Utopien? Echt?

Ich dachte die einzige Utopie waren Neckerman-Pauschalreisen und D-Mark Konsum? Von was Anderem habe ich damals nix mit bekommen, sorry.

Und ja, ich wollte als Wessi auch nicht nach Berlin zum feiern. Mir war nicht nach feiern zumute, jeder mit ein bissle Ahnung über die Kohlsche BRD ahnte doch was da kommt.
Bin dann 2 Jahre später nach Ostberlin und habe mir an Silvester dann die mittlerweile eingetroffene Misere angeschaut.

in reply to UffTaTa

Würde mich nicht wundern, wenn Du anderes nicht mitbekommen hast. Bis heute dominiert wohl eine mehr oder weniger einseitige, verengte, westliche (Presse/ Mediensicht) auf den Osten ...

Fun fact: everything Elmo has done to reinstall That Man in the Whitehouse was enabled by software developers.

Sleep well.

Imagine an autocorrect that would always replace certain words by others. Imagine this come from law. And LLM with never output these words either.

Watch it fucking happen.

(if you wonder which words, use your imagination, I'm sure we can compile a list based the book burning)

פולמוס: נעמי קליין על זיכרון טבח ה-7 באוקטובר ככלי תעמולה בידי הממסד הישראלי - זו הדרך

> כל מפעל הנצחה מכוון לגעת בלבם של אנשים שלא נכחו במאורעות. אך יש הבדל בין יצירת חיבור רגשי לבין מאמץ מכוון להכניס את הצופים למצב טראומתי ולהופכם להלומי-קרב. מאמץ זה הוא הסיבה לכך שחלק גדול מהמיצגים של הנצחת 7 באוקטובר מתגאים בהיותם "אימרסיביים"

beznádejný prípad
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Tous les ans, la personne la plus riche au monde est sacrifiée et sa fortune distribuée aux plus pauvres.
Tout le reste de l'année est consacré à une redistribution compétitive de la richesse des milliardaires pour ne pas être le plus riche.

trouvé sur tiktok en anglais

Today I saw a MAGA post about "your body, my choice" assaults on women.

- Half of the comments were saying nobody ever says that.

- The other half of the comments were saying it.

This is how MAGA operates, in a nutshell, and more broadly speaking, how all fascist movements operate. They simultaneously do the horrific thing while also denying any instance of the horrific thing.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Being a computer scientist, I plan to teach a ten-year-old some basic programming concepts. Given that I am blind and he is sighted, can anyone please suggest a platform that does not bore him to death by confining him to text-only while at the same time being accessible to me so that I can check what he's doing and where he needs help? #blind #accessibility #programming
in reply to Endarion

I found Keyboard Navigation for blockly. But i did not find a working online example.…
in reply to Oskar

@oskar_mbr It's definitely uncharted territory. Hope someone with teaching experience chimes in at some point. And thank you so much for the research you did!!

Happy 55th Anniversary to #SesameStreet! To celebrate this milestone, this account will be exclusively posting GIFs featuring the Sesame Street Muppets each day through Friday, November 15th! Wishing you a week full of sunny days!
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Welcome to new people joining from 𝕏!

Remember, posts are called toots here, likes are called florps, retweeting is technically a cross-account posting exploit that they can't fix because we're using it, and our version of Grok is called Garfiald.

There's no algorithm here! Literally none. There is no computer code behind Mastodon. Each http response is typed out by hand by your server admin in real time. Sometimes this means you won't see replies from other servers, but that's ok, other servers are full of losers anyway.

People here make a point of using alt text — if you can't find an image you want to post, just post a picture of your cat and describe the correct image in the alt text. Nobody will notice, or at least nobody will mind.

The first thing you should do is make a pinned toot with your pronouns, political affiliation, and favourite Linux distribution. Cisgender people are welcome on Mastodon but aren't officially supported, so some features may not work properly.

But most importantly, have fun! Users found to be not having fun will be given a written warning in the first instance and banned if the behaviour continues.

#Jaws users. Since updating my work laptop to #Windows11, Jaws keeps saying “Working on it” when opening folders etc in File Explorer. This is really annoying, just shut up and open the damn folder! Is this just me?
in reply to David Nason

Hi David, this is new verbiage that Microsoft is sending to all screen readers. I was raising this issue only yesterday in a meeting with Microsoft. We’re getting a lot of negative feedback about this, it’s unnecessary and we’d like it removed. I think we will get there.

The internet really started to go downhill the moment some smart-ass bastard decided that "No" on pop-up dialogue boxes should be replaced with "Not now" when what we really want is a button that means "Never fucking ask me this again."

Buenos días, ¿cómo se deja de seguir a alguien? no lo encuentro; gracias
in reply to Isgoria

Abriendo el perfil de la persona tendría que salirte un botón para dejar de seguir.

Kid is playing a Christmas playlist with Wham in the car and I'm not certain he's going to make his next birthday.

La gente estos días va como loca al twitter 2. Se creen que se han quitado la venda de los ojos. Creen estar viendo.
in reply to Javier

@lobonegro Somos como el prisionero volviendo a la caverna de Platón para que nos insulten, pero es que sabemos lo que hay fuera.