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Items tagged with: Fennec

Firefox: Weshalb man LibreWolf und andere Forks bevorzugen sollte. 👇…

#firefox #mozilla #librewolf #fennec #mull #browser #datenschutz #privacy #android #audit #dsgvo #tdddg

E-Mail Server bei : #Posteo_de
E-Mail Clients: #fairmail #thunderbird
Chat: #signal
Office: #libreoffice
Browser: #firefox #fennec
Phone: #VollaPhone #googlefrei
Password: #keepass
Social: #mastodon
Video: #newpipe
Map: #openstreetmap
VPN: #openvpn
Radio: #radiodroid
News: #hamburger
Route: #osmand
Tracking und Werbeblocker: #pihole auf #rasberrypi
E-Mail Verschlüsselung: #pgp
Cloud Speicher in Deutschland: #MyStorBox
Captcha Plugin for Joomla! 3 and 4. : #aimy

All good FOSS mobile apps are found on @fdroidorg . Like #Fennec for example.