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Items tagged with: Comedy

A terrible #Business #DadJoke for the day...
My best friend, a turtle, is a successful business owner. He recently told me he's launching a shell company.
#DadJoke #Funny #Comedy

Someone might get a bit of a chuckle out of this. This is a pretend ad I did after observing many of these scammy kind of ads on YouTube.
I really felt my voice was on with this one.
#Comedy #VoiceActing #Blind

2:30pm ET this Saturday November 12th, watch a livestream (free!) of my stand-up #comedy at !!Con

10-15 minutes of #jokes about the psychological occupational hazards of working in software, #opensource celebrity, and other tech experiences

#bangbangcon #conference #entertainment #free

[time for a #reintroduction! #introductions #introduction]

I'm Flo (he/him), a #queer #author of #lgbtqia #fiction.

Primarily I write #sliceoflife, #comedy, heartwarming & lighthearted, #gay #romance in a variety of settings, such as #hopepunk, #scifi, #fantasy, #steampunk, #horror, #gothic, annnnd the list goes on~ 😅

Some more things about me:

— I'm currently pumped for #NaNoWriMo!

— I like #writing, #reading, #drawing, #art, #gaming, #movies, #books etc.

— I dabble in #learning #mandarin and #tokipona (which i don't tend to talk about here).

— I am #agender, #asexual, #aromantic, (thus #AroAce) #disabled, #ActuallyAutistic, and a #demiguy

— i have a wishlist (mostly full of very, *very* gay books):

— alt accounts at & @floghost

sup y'all - twitter addict here wanting to do an #

I'm a comedian, writer, and actor, interests are # # # # # # # # #

also a # - I made my own digital series called Distance about a long distance relationship where you as the audience get to pick which side you want to watch first:

I'm also from # (born there, moved to US when I was seven) and live in # now.
