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Items tagged with: Rant

Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for nine years but the real problem is me #a11y #linux #rant…

#rant #libreoffice #Seitennummern

Also, ich komm ja echt gut mit meinem Writer in Libre Office klar. Und das viel besser als mit dem schrecklichen MS Word.
ABER: WARUM ist das Einfügen von Seitennummern so ein pain in the ass?
He, @LibreOfficeDE?
Kann man das nicht bisschen intuitiver gestalten?
Jedes verdammte mal, wenn ich ne Arbeit schreiben muss, muss ich wieder und wieder die Anleitung bemühen, weil es nicht einfach mit einem einzigen Menüpunkt funktioniert.
Dafür, und nur dafür HASSE ich dieses Programm.
Man verdammt, es ist ein Office Programm, es sollte intuitiv im Schreibprozess zu bedienen sein. Nein, statt dessen schreibe ich vorher einen Entwurf, um nebenbei in nem frischen Dokument erstmal den Pain der Seitennummerierung zu bewältigen. Damit es mir nicht meinen Text kaputt macht.

$4000 fridge from GE has the ability to set fridge and freezer temperature with an app, however they left out the ability to see current readings in real-time. I’m now having to pay more for temperature sensors just to be able to monitor for any strange fluctuations. Also any smart appliance that connects to water should include a water leak sensor by default. #Rant #InternetOfShit

There's a lot of software still in use that fails to handle correctly text that isn't encoded using the 7-bit ASCII character set.

Latin1 was an 8-bit character set, based on a VT100 terminal character set from 1983.

Work on Unicode started in about 1989.

UTF8 was formally introduce in 1993.

Only the very newest of software can be expected to understand these newfangled text representations.



busybee: fluffy rambles: Please stop using open captions… #Accessibility #VideoEditing #Captions #YouTube #Video #Blog #Rant #A11Y

My imaginary children aren’t using your streaming service

Whenever I start up Netflix, I'm asked if I want to create an account for my children.

I don't have children. I don't want children. I find most children annoying - not yours, obviously, yours are lovely. But I resent being asked every single time whether my imaginary kids want an account. It's ju…

#/etc/ #childfree #moan #rant #tv

With web forms, for birthdate, a text input should be used for the best usability. A dropdown for the year is bad, but this is ridiculous! Sorry, but no one will be born in 2055 for another 32 years. Found multiple instances in the same painful process to sign up my son for a sport. #rant #UX #UXfail #UIDesign #UIFail #usability #forms 😖