Items tagged with: Spotify


Items tagged with: Spotify

Just found out Spotify is hosting Andrew Tate. Not only that, they appear to be hosting a podcast specifically about how to traffic women into prostitution. I guess the #Spotify LLM didn't like my question.

#andrewtate #sextrafficking #sellout

The moment you pay for #Spotify and still get #ads 😒

Jakou aplikaci na Android používáte na podcasty?
Migroval jsem ze #Spotify na #Tidal (protože… a… ) a chybí mi tam dvě věci: playlisty na generecká témata (relaxing sauna), ale to si pořeším sám. A pak to, že to neobsahuje podcasty. To mě až tak nevadí. Ale znamená to, že se musím podívat po aplikaci na podcasty. Na GPlay je toho mrtě. Máte nějaká doporučení?

Been using Spotify since 2006, but now that I have been using Apple Music for a couple of months I think there is no going back. What I love in Pandora and Apple Music is that I can just play my own Station that plays songs endlessly. Most of the time I don't know what to listen, I like to shuffle everything I might like without much thought.

Spotify concentrates on playlists and as a hard core music fanatic those playlists get easily worn out.

Apple Music and Pandora focus on finding new music and shuffling without limits. In Spotify you always have to have Playlist.

Been using various platforms and been trying out different ways to listen my whole life and thankfully all of these listens are combined to one profile at - from @lastfm I can always find my songs.

#Music #Spotify #AppleMusic #NowPlaying

Tak tohle mě opravdu rozesmálo, protože takhle začíná s editorem Vim asi každý. Taky si pamatuju dobu, kdy jsme na to s kamarádem natěšeně koukali, pak nevěděli co dál a nakonec rebootovali. Mimochodem: ten playlist na Spotify opravdu je. #vim #spotify

My #spotify alternative:

- Nextcloud from Hetzner, 5e/month for 1tb
- Put all my music i buy there
- Install
- On my phone, i installed Ultrasonic
- Use the nextcloud music ultrasonic credentials to connect to it
- Done!
- On your desktop/laptop, you can just sync the music folder through nextcloud client, so its always up-to-date

Sure, it can cost more to buy music (or you can download from youtube, i dont judge). But at least the files are mine and always there, backed up.

And when you got all the stuff you like, it costs only 5e/month, and you gain much more than just music streaming service. I use my nextcloud for so many things.

Best part is that your money goes to artists when you buy from them.

Haló, haló, volám o radu.
Týká se #streaming #music #deezer #spotify

Rád bych doma poslouchal v rozumné kvalitě streamovanou hudbu ze svého Deezer účtu, případně z dalších streamovacích platforem. A nějak nevím, kde a jak pátrat, jediné co vím, že nechci BT reproduktor.
Našel jsem třeba DUNE HD REALBOX 4K, ale jak pravím: Nemám ani tucha.

Nejste tu někdo schopný mi relevantně poradit? Díky předem.…

This is such a cool idea.

It's estimated that 100,000 new songs are uploaded to #Spotify every day.

Inevitably, that means loads of really great music never gets heard.

Thanks to Venus Theory, I've just heard about #Forgotify, which points you to songs on Spotify that have no listens, or at least no complete play throughs.

And I've already found some real gems!

#Musodon #Music

For my latest release entitled 'a Moment of Solitude', I decided to build down towards a state of calm. Starting out with up-beat grooves and rhythmic elements, by the last few tracks it's relaxed, drum-free and hopefully puts you in a place of contemplation and thoughtfulness. Check it out via one of the links below:

On #Spotify:…

On #AppleMusic:…

The #Youtube playlist:…

The #Distrokid #Hyperfollow page:…

The Thunderbird podcast is now available on several major podcast clients, such as:




You can also subscribe using good old #RSS:…

If we're not in your favorite app, give it a few days and check again. Thanks for listening!

#Thunderbird #Podcast #ThunderCast #Email #OpenSource #Linux

Sometimes Open Systems Beat Those Who Try To Lock Them Up: Spotify’s Podcast Colonization Flops… #news #proprietaryaudio #gimletmedia #protocols #podcasts #spotify #silos