… #solarpunk #cyberpunk #solarpunkart #sciencefiction #future #community #ecopunk
Items tagged with: solarPunk… #solarpunk #cyberpunk #solarpunkart #sciencefiction #future #community #ecopunk
Really enjoyed Ayana Elizabeth Johnson's interview on #Vox's The Grey Area…
What if climate adaptation is beautiful? What if we act as if we love the future?
Definitely a worthy listen for this concerned about #ClimateChange & interested in #SolarPunk.
The climate crisis is a big problem. Marine biologist Ayana Elizabeth Johnson is dreaming of even bigger solutions.
The author of What If We Get It Right?: Visions of Climate Futures explores how we can tackle the worst effects of climate change, without resorting to nihilism.Sam Delgado (Vox)
i feel like this "Post-growth entreunership" is solar punk af..…
its like.. grabbing money from profit and invest into non-profit for profit of mutual aid! ❤️
#postGrowth #solarpunk #directAction #utopia #coop
Post-Growth Entrepreneurship
For more information on Melanie Rieback, please visit our website
A ship from the past, oil on panel, 2018.
This was the culmination of years of reading about ecology, collapse, and low tech, + my experience sailing on historical ships 100 years old.
#oilpainting #MastoArt #lowtech #sailing #sailcargo #containership #shippingindustry #postcollapse #solarpunk #ecopunk #ecology #windpropulsion
A #SolarPunk#Camp is taking place this week.
Unfortunately due to healthy issues I cannot attend.
But I wish good luk!
So my local library's makerspace offered a free event where they brought in a bunch of old tower computers, printers, game consoles, etc., - laid out a bunch of iFixit toolkits - and let everyone (kids and adults alike) take everything apart!!!
One kid was hesitant because they didn't want to break anything and the library staff were like, none of it works. We're recycling and throwing everything out afterwards! Go hog wild, you won't get in trouble! You're meant to break it and take it apart!
The kid was absolutely enthusiastic and went to town!
I got to be a kid again and go into detail about all the computer parts and what each of the hardware did. It was awesome watching my children and other kids and adults interact, share tools, show off what they found.
I spoke with the organizer afterwards and asked if this was a regular thing and he said that he didn't have enough old equipment to make it regular. I laughed and said all of my friends have CLOSETS FULL OF THIS STUFF and the idea of giving it to a bunch of kids and adults to play with would bring joy and meaning to their life, lol!
I gave him the time to meet up with @fxbghackers and told him to make a community announcement about needing old electronics for donation to take apart and he'd get truck loads.
Just another way community helps each other out. This is post scarcity education.
My "Single-Unit Hydroponic Grow Bin" 2.0
This thread will show how to build the grow bin and then follow along for six weeks as the example veggies grows.
(This is an upgrade from my proof of concept found here:…)
The goal of this grow bin is:
- To be small enough to fit in most places (the diameter of the base is 7 inches).
- To be self contained with everything needed to grow a plant.
- To be passive / automated / hands off - plant the seed, wait six weeks, harvest.
- To be exceedingly cheap (with bulk supplies, the individual unit cost comes out to about $10)
- Not require a lot of maintenance.
- To be simple to make.
- To be powered by a wall socket or USB battery (for folks charging batteries using one off solar panels).
This answers the obstacles of hydroponics being portrayed as requiring an expensive startup cost, having dedicated or expansive space for hydroponic growing, require special or complex equipment, or special knowledge and skills.
Start growing whenever you get around to it. Doesn't require following growing seasons.
Once you start growing, you can forget about it until it's done growing.
This grow bin utilizes the Kratky method of hydroponics.
(See how-to build in following thread.)
#solarPunk #hydroponics #indoorGardening
Tinker ☀️ (
Attached: 1 image My proof-of-concept "Single-Unit Hydroponic Grow Bin". (Edit: This project has concluded. Read the full thread for updates and progress reports.Infosec Exchange
Science Fiction, Utopia, Futurism, Fantasy
Tweets, Texts, books, debates sources...
#scifi #sciencefiction #utopia #futurism #dystopia #anarchsy #anarchism #solarpunk #indigenous #afrofuturism #cyberpunk #muslimfuturism #startrek
1/? 🧵 My #Solarpunk Link Collection
I’ll use this post to collect Links to resources (and people) within the solarpunk movement.
Youtube Channels:…
Authors here on Mastodon:…
Free online stories I liked:…
#climatecrisis #art #activism #books #bookstodon
Lex (
#Solarpunk Podcasts: The Fire These Times Solarpunk Presents Solarpunk Futures Mastodon
#Solarpunk Podcasts:
The Fire These Times
Solarpunk Presents
Solarpunk Futures
Solarpunk Prompts
Future Histories
Solarpunk Now!
Bright Green Futures
Bright Green Futures Podcast | Susan Kaye Quinn | Substack
We lift up stories about a more sustainable and just world and talk about the struggle to get there. To build better futures, we need to imagine them first.Bright Green Futures
Inovativní přístup jordánských a katarských vědců spočíval v umístění sekundární věže na vnější stranu stoupací věže a skrápění suchého horkého vzduchu, který již jednou prošel turbínou, vodní mlhou.…
Stačí přidat vodu. Dvojitá solární věž vyrobí dvojnásobek energie, funguje ve dne i v noci
Dvojitá solární věž, kterou vyvinuli vědci z univerzit v Jordánsku a Kataru, dokáže nepřetržitě vyrábět elektrickou energii – ve dne i v noci. Podle výsledků výzkumu tato inovace funguje účinně v horkých a suchých oblastech a nepotřebujeKarel Kilián (
Letošní #solarbike #solarpunk experiment sice začal zatím nejefektivnější solární nástavbou z hlediska jízdních vlastností a hmotnosti, ale taky zkratem step-up modulu... protože plastová krabička, do které jsme s kolegou dali druhý modul pro step-down na napětí USB, byla ve skutečnosti pokovená a tudíž vodivá - což nás mělo napadnout... Takže změna plánu z dálkové cykloturistiky na vlak a baťoh...
Ale dlouhodobě bych solární #bikepacking viděl jako perspektivní. Správně umístěné panely za jezdcem, které nezasahují do proudu vzduchu aerodynamiku klasického kola zlepšují, ne zhoršují (vypozorováno při jízdě z kopce). Tohle konkrétní uspořádání navíc vypadá trochu jako TIE fighter 😉
I never really feel as unflappably positive and optimistic as SolarPunk postulates. I am much more into being a (non-cannibalist) Morlock of sorts. And now I have a name for it: #LunarPunk.
by Ashton K. Arnoldy As genres of speculative fiction—fiction which aims to imaginatively influence the manifestation of our collective future—solarpunk and lunarpunk hold a promise that their ance…Solarpunk Station…
Hopepunk and Solarpunk: On Climate Narratives That Go Beyond the Apocalypse
I hear the following more often than I would like from some of my fellow educators: “My students can’t or won’t discuss climate change. They’re too privileged/preoccupied with their phones/ju…Literary Hub
"Smart gardening without coding - all free and open source" is an interesting and inspiring article about how to set up an automated watering system using a rain barrel to collect #RainWater, a #RaspberryPi Zero W, #FOSS software from and some hardware sensors and modules:…
#solarpunk #garden #opensource
Smart gardening without coding - all free and open source
All open source, no coding, remote accessible DIY automated smart
I'm Allison, a freelance copyeditor (and sometimes writer & artist) hoping to connect with international comrades who share my enthusiasm for speculative fiction, mountains, disability justice, and ecosocialism.
We might get along if
- you're still wearing PPE,
- you have a favorite plant (bonus points if you wear it as a tattoo),
- you like The Expanse despite its being on Amazon, and/or
- Bernie 2016 broke your heart.
Hope to meet a lot of new folks soon. Glad to be here!
P.S. I'm also going to keep an eye out for
I am a story reviewer for Imagine 2200, a #climatefiction & #solarpunk contest seeking #sciencefiction stories that show a path to a clean, green, and just future. (Or just show what it's like to live in that future!)
Feel free to message me with any questions!
🌅 Submissions close on May 5th! 🌄
Full guidelines at:
Fix Submission Manager
PREMISEFix, Grist’s solutions lab, invites you to submit a hope-filled climate fiction short story for our second annual contest, Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future
Just posted a new article! I explore the possibility of combining Compressed Air Energy Storage with Biochar pyrolysis for a "shovel-ready" and rural friendly energy storage regime.…
#climate #biochar #energy #solarpunk
Fire and Air: Combined Biochar and Compressed Air for Resilient Energy Storage
If you’re tuned into the world of renewable energy, you’ll know that rapidly building out global energy storage capabilities is a hot topic. With the rapid and long-overdue deployment of wind, solar…A.C. Tupper (Medium)
On the 28th of May I'm co-organizing , a short and free #solarpunk conference with discussion panels on technology, infrastructure, art and narratives! Feel free to join us, we'll have QnA sessions with experts!
We'll have lots of FLOSS people, Appropedia, Global Innovation Gathering and more!
#sciencefiction #scifi #future #futurism #sustainability
SolariseCon: Seeding Solarpunk Futures
A day of global conversation on Solarpunk, a movement and a subgenre of speculative fiction in which humanity has addressed climate change.Eventbrite
Hi everyone, I'm Paul Czege. I make roleplaying and storytelling games. Sometimes I make board games to play with my ten-year-old son. If you know any of my games it's probably My Life with Master. Though someone shared one of my checklist NPCs to Reddit a few weeks ago:…
My current primary project is Traverser, a #solarpunk #ttrpg about...