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Items tagged with: venturecapital

… Or, in what a previous head of public policy at Mozilla told me while we were chatting before our talks at a data protection conference:

“Aral, we’re just another Silicon Valley tech company, I don’t understand why you’re holding us to a such a higher standard.”

When I finally managed to pick my jaw off the floor the only retort I could manage was: “But that’s not what you tell people.”


#Mozilla #fediverse #SiliconValley #ventureCapital #BigTech

It’s the process I don’t trust because I know how venture capital works and I’m pretty sure you do too (at least I hope you do or you’re in for a rude shock. I don’t say that sarcastically either, I’ve actually met founders who didn’t know what they were giving up by taking VC.)

So, assuming you know how VC works, what’s the return on investment your investors expect for $8M? In other words, what’s the exit you promised them in exchange for $8M?

#ventureCapital #vc #penPot

OK, so I just got an email saying @penpot just got $8M in series A.

Last I raised concerns about their funding (…), @diacritica assured me “you won't see any VC” (…)

Well, this sure looks like VC to me.

Folks investing $8M are going to want a billion-dollar exit. So who’s that exit going to be to (Adobe’s already full, is Google hungry for a design tool?) Or do they plan on going public?

#vc #ventureCapital #BigTech #exits #openSource #penPot