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Items tagged with: siliconvalley

“The fact that large platforms are adopting ActivityPub is not only validation of the movement towards decentralized social media, but a path forward for people locked into these platforms to switch to better providers. Which in turn, puts pressure on such platforms to provide better, less exploitative services. This is a clear victory for our cause, hopefully one of many to come.”

Famous last words.

#mastodon #fediverse #threads #BigTech #SiliconValley #zeroSumGame

Silicon Valley Bank collapse sends tech startups scrambling

That story again:

#SiliconValley tech startups learn first hand about the dangers of centralization. 👀



“Many browsers and anti-spyware applications are designed to reject and delete third-party cookies. Adobe ensures that cookies can always we [sic] set even if third-party cookies are blocked.”

That feeling when you admit you’re spyware.

#Adobe #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #adtech #spyware #SiliconValley #BigTech via @GossiTheDog

… Or, in what a previous head of public policy at Mozilla told me while we were chatting before our talks at a data protection conference:

“Aral, we’re just another Silicon Valley tech company, I don’t understand why you’re holding us to a such a higher standard.”

When I finally managed to pick my jaw off the floor the only retort I could manage was: “But that’s not what you tell people.”


#Mozilla #fediverse #SiliconValley #ventureCapital #BigTech

If you use the Firefox browser – or a privacy-respecting Firefox fork, like LibreWolf ( – take a look at the LibRedirect extension ( It automatically redirects links/embeds of surveillance capitalists like Google (YouTube, etc.), Instragram, Twitter, Reddit, etc. to community-run instances that remove tracking, etc.

#selfDefense #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #SiliconValley #libRedirect

“In principle, I don’t believe anyone should own or run Twitter. It wants to be a public good at a protocol level, not a company.”

– Jack Dorsey, the cunt who made his billions by making Twitter a company and not a public good.

#SiliconValley #hypocritical #billionaire #cunts

“‘I’m very proud’ – French president Emmanuel Macron bites back at criticism after ‘Uber files’ revelations”

That’s because you’re a neoliberal cunt of the first degree, Monsieur le Président.

#macron #uber #neoliberalism #institutionalCorruption #france #siliconValley

Hey, Aral, what’s this “institutional corruption” bullshit you keep harping on about? (Part 2 of 2)

Oh, I don’t know…

“When the company needed data to influence policymakers, according to The Guardian’s report, it also paid academics to publish research that would bolster its misleading economic claims about the company’s business model”

#SiliconValley #lobbying #revolvingDoors #institutionalCorruption #uber #uberFiles

Hey, Aral, what’s this “institutional corruption” bullshit you keep harping on about? (Part 1 of 2)

Oh, I don’t know…

“Uber tried to recover its image by courting politicians, including President Emmanuel Macron of France. Texts show how Macron went out of his way to bolster Uber’s growth in France and allowed the company to maintain regular communication with his immediate staff.”

#SiliconValley #lobbying #revolvingDoors #institutionalCorruption #uber #uberFiles

IAB Europe’s consent popups are unlawful

“IAB Europe ‘was aware of risks linked to non-compliance’ and ‘was negligent.’”

IAB Europe is the online advertising industry’s (aka adtech aka the folks I call “people farmers” trade body)

Via @jayrope

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