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Very sad that Bryn the puppy has had to move to a new home to a variety of complicated reasons I don't really want to go into.
He was only here for a few months, january feels far off but isnt.
That's still nearly 200 mornings together, though. that sort of stuff imprints. I hate how the cute fluffy things get into your heart. I am sad this evening.
in reply to Sean Randall

Second morning without the dog. I know it'll get better, but until it does, it utterly sucks. I never imagined that after only a few short months it'd bother me like this.

After many years away from the stage, I am back! It looks like I’m accepted to give a talk at the Matrix Conference ( to present ✨ native simplified sliding sync ✨: how it differs from the first version of sliding sync (an experimental project implemented inside a proxy), how we’ve implemented it inside the Matrix Rust SDK etc. Gonna be fun!

#matrix #RustLang

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

A short story of a question turned into a new pending #curl feature:…


Genuinely curious about what the Fediverse thinks about this specific issue.

Do you think it’s important to have a free desktop (and mobile) environment, and if yes why?

🔄 Boosts welcome and don’t be shy, please let me know WHY you or others need it.

  • Yes. I use one personally. (81%, 132 votes)
  • Yes. I don’t use one, but others need it. (18%, 30 votes)
  • No, it’s just a toy for engineers. (0%, 1 vote)
163 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

Ludzie komentarze piszą, a ja się łapię za głowę...
Myślałam, że nanoboty w szczepionkach mRNA to już przebrzmiały temat, ale nie - dostaliśmy właśnie pytanie, czy zajmiemy się sprawą, bo "sieją mac adressami po bluetooth" 🤡

Goodness. I just need to fill my house with speakers. So when I'm in the shower, I can listen to my books. When I'm in bed, I can listen to my books. When I'm eating, I can listen to my books. When I'm leaving to go to work, I can listen to the last few words of my books. And then I need one in my head so I can always be listening to my books. And when I'm dreaming, lol, I can still follow the plot of my books.

#books #audioBooks

in reply to Sean Randall

although if I woke up and heard 'Power On' in an odd Chinese accent for the rest of my life ...

@jmd2000 re the safely remove hardware thing, you can put this in a shortcut which you can then either run from your desktop, any other folder, stick in your user directory to access from run or add a hotkey to. Mine is in my userfolder called remove so I just windows r, remove, enter.
You make a shortcut to
%SystemRoot%\System32\RunDll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL hotplug.dll
in reply to Sean Randall

Ah ok. So, can I just paste that into a new shortcut path as well?

[À RT, besoin d’infos]
J’ai un ami indien (20ans) qui s’est fait jeté dehors par sa famille après son coming out. Il veut venir en Europe pour étudier et fuir la persécution.
Vous auriez des infos sur comment rejoindre un cursus universitaire et combien ça coûte en France svp ?

Want an effective way to chase off your customer base?

Drop opt-out AI into your product after taking a survey about it and getting a "hell no" response from roughly 70% of those polled., I'm putting my faith in you folks. Please don't let it be misplaced.

#infosec #privacy #protonmail #tuta

What are your best privacy tips for staying private and secure online? ☺️

(Pro tip: send end-to-end encrypted emails with Tuta Mail 😉)

in reply to Tuta

if possible, switch your phone's OS to #GrapheneOS (Android), use #Molly (Signal) and obviously Tuta (or #Posteo, for example :ablobrainbowpeek: ) for calendar and contacts fully encrypted and not exposed to Google
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

And Track 2 talks on the livestream here:…

GUADEC day 2 will be back from the break soon. Catch Track 1 talks in 15 mins on the livestream here:…
#GUADEC 2024

Replying "Lol" to a message that says "Lol" is psychopath behavior.

I strongly hate the fact that I can't find any information on my ISP (Spectrum)'s IPV6 prefix delegation size, anywhere on their help topics.
in reply to Mister Krabs

Think I get a /56, which as things go is pretty deacent for the horror that is Sky in the UK. I could be totally wrong though tbh, I've slept since I looked. :P
in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

@TheFake_VIP Having a /56 is good. Allows you what, 256 /64 VLans, which consist of... If Google is correct, 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 IPV6 addresses each?

#GUADEC2024 Track 2 talks will be starting up in 5 mins. Watch the livestream here:…

If the Framework had a touchscreen option I would buy one in a heartbeat.
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I would love to see that, too. The FW13 I bought has been AMAZING, but a touch screen would be a killer add-on.
in reply to Odin Halvorson

@indubitablyodin I've been thinking about just buying one anyway - I've resuscitated my old touchscreen laptop, and so I can use that if I need spare hardware for testing touchscreen-related work.
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

For what it's worth, I'm loving mine. 😁 Though I'd recommend the Ryzen over the Intel. I got one used off Ebay for a solid price in great condition, too.
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

it really depends on if the hinge is up to the task.

my dell xps 13 hinge is wobbly when i touch it and it makes using it as a touch screen less pleasant.

gnome touch gestures are nice, itd be interesting to see it on a tablet.

I'd absolutely love it if someone would be willing to virtually hold my hand/walk me through a #Linux install. I really want to do it but there's so much documentation and so many varieties that I'm finding it hard to break it all down. I installed one of the Linux packages from the Microsoft Store, but I'm not even sure how to get started with that. I used to be able to work from documentation, and I still am in some situations, but in this case having someone walk me through it the first time would be super awesome.
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion I thought I'd play with it from within Windows, but my end goal is to have a separate laptop set up with just Linux.
in reply to Caroline Toews

Oh, then a boost is the most I can do for you unfortunately. I work in WSL but only from the command line, basically it's how I interact with every other remote Linux server. I know a guy who managed to make Orca work this way though, but since I'm not him, I cannot guide you, unfortunately, sorry.

@FloraIncognita_DE@wisskomm.socialGibt es eine Möglichkeit, die Zusammenfassung einer Bestimmung als Text zu teilen. Bild geht ja.

Your ancestors didn't sustain millennia of complex oral story traditions for you to call audiobooks cheating.

Hey: if you're in the tiny group of folks who generated a GPG key pair a few years back on an airgapped system, copied it to a paper backup, generated & signed subkeys that you migrated to machines you use daily: today is a great day to not just check on the continued existence of your paper backup but also to test restoring it to your airgapped machine and making sure it works.

There's no quiet story in the background of infosec masto prompting this reminder. It's just a good day for it.

in reply to Ben Zanin

a good time to recreate that old USB stick with the fading tape where I wrote CRYPTO and backed up periodically but which I haven't mounted for like 4 years now.

good lord. I pulled a microSD card out of a Raspi inside an IoT product and it appears they had some developer use a raspi to develop/test some software, and then they just yanked the SD card out of that machine and duped it on to all of their deployed products.

it's got .bash_history of the development process! there's git checkouts of private repos! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS?

reshared this

Among the things that I realised, this year is that I need to try to find more time to organise myself among some groups around the place where I live.

It is cool to be an activist in Spain, doing things in Spanish like texts or videos or whatever. But I need to be more involved within the communities I am surrounded by.

I tried to find some affinity groups between January and May but my mental health pushed me back last year and I've been recovering since then.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Andrew Gartzea

So, just in case there are people on the fediverse to whom it can reach:
I'm Andrew, a they/them person from Spain currently based in Cymru/Wales or, in other words, the Aberystwyth area.

I am interested in queer theories, intersectional feminism and anarchy communism.

I really would like to meet people with similar interests, but I am not really good at socialising. ❤ kisses and hugs.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

A frustrating part of bylaw #3 discussion is that a larger part of the discussion wasn’t about the bylaw, but a relitigation of whether the Python community should have an enforced CoC and whether it should be cool to call women sluts because there was a hilarious SNL skit in the 1970s.

It feels like it should be obvious, but again for those in the back: if you want a community to grow, the behavioral standards and expectations regress to the biggest common denominator. (1/8)

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in reply to Hynek Schlawack

But you literally can’t have a growing community behaving like a dozen of dudes in an IRC channel. The solution isn’t to be a jerk to people giving their best to continue Python’s success, but simply to form smaller communities with the necessary trust and context.

I’m a different person in a private chat channel or when meeting Python friends, too! This is like the most sociology 101 ever. (4/8)

in reply to Hynek Schlawack

Today’s Python community is nothing like the Python community of 2014—or even 2004!—and no amount of hand-wringing and name-calling will change that. It evolved from a bunch of nerds to a community of professionals. I’m sorry for what we lost, but I love what we gained. (5/8)

an old libcurl answer of mine on stackoverflow being questioned because I did not provide links to back up my statement when answering questions about code I wrote...…


(but yeah, I have stopped answering questions over there)

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

This reminds me of a "discussion" over at the dark side (twitter), as Grady Booch replied to a post of Elmo that he has no idea of software engineering. Shortly after a fanboy ask Grady what he has ever done for software engineering and he thinks Grady has no clue.

That was popcorn time 😁

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

you’re awesome, but this could’ve prevented with a simple “src: I’m the author” instead of expecting everyone to know you by name (which is something I consider a well read engineer would know, but still)
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Allow us to introduce you to Mike, our potential mascot. He made his debut last year at #FOSDEM, but never made an appearance since. What do you think, should we embrace him into our family? Let us know in the poll!

#mascot #branding #OpenSourceDesign

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

AntennaPod reshared this.

in reply to AntennaPod

It immediately reminded me of Cl***y, even before I read any comment. That is, not really good memories.

As long as it comes hidden behind a content warning, I guess I can live with it.

I don't mean to be harsh or devaluate the work done here, so I'll try to be more specific. The combo metallic-object-that-sit-on-a-desktop with eyeballs-that-stare-at-you-all-day under those exageratingly-friendly-eyebrowns, it reminds me of office work, management, and surveillance.

in reply to AntennaPod

Na, I don't like it. It has no neck 😅 and it's kind of infantile. I connect your brand more to stability, innovation, connection and self determination and I don't see that in Mike.

Endpoint Security extensions and DriverKit were ambitious projects, but they sure are looking good in retrospect…
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

the ocsp fetcher on has problems now. i need to switch to a proper ocsp fetcher to complete my “I can’t believe it’s not Caddy™” setup. Disabled OCSP Stapling in the meantime. :sobbing:

using shell scripts for ocsp stapling file refreshing is bad for puppy.

Our first presentation of #GUADEC day 2 is Keynote Speaker Stephanie Taylor. Catch her talk “Google Summer of Code 20 years of OSS Mentorship” in Track 1!…

Wenn mir jemand erzählen will, dass Gewerkschaften und Betriebsräte nicht notwendig sind, weil es in Betrieben ohne auch gut laufen würde, frag ich die Leute jetzt einfach, wer denn wohl erkämpft hat, dass sie nicht wie in frühen Zeiten der Industrialisierung täglich 12 Stunden ohne jeglichen Arbeitsschutz in der Fabrik stehen müssen. Weswegen sie diese Bedingungen nicht mehr ab ihrem 7. Lebensjahr erleben müssen, weswegen sie auch eine höhere Lebenserwartung als 40 haben.

I see a joke template.

"As someone fascinated by infant baptism, The Godfather (1972) was a real disappointment. How would you like it if I took you to see a film called 'Sicilian New Yorkers Murdering One Another' and it was just an hour and a half of people promising to bring up a child as a Christian"

in reply to marnanel

as someone who really likes math, The Matrix (1999) was a real disappointment. How would you like it if I took you to see a film called "Kung Fu Reality Simulator" and it was just an hour and a half of someone reading from a large set of numbers in a two-dimensional array

Welcome to day 2 of #GUADEC2021! We're starting up in Track 1 in just a few minutes…

@AntennaPod congrats on 3.4.1 and finishing your 3 year modernization push!

PSA: when a company has a sudden disaster and then you hear on the socials “the CEO sold stock two days before it happened!” or whatever, almost every single time, that’s because the CEO sells stock on a preannounced, fixed, repeating schedule, which is specifically to avoid insider information influencing the decision when and whether to sell. And if you’re selling on a fixed, repeating schedule, then there will always be one that happens to have been not too long before any given disaster.

I’m not saying that the illegal version of this never happens, I’m saying it doesn’t happen quite as often as people posting this stuff in a scandalized tone think it does. I mean, what, do you think the C-suite of Crowdstrike were pre-informed that they were gonna accidentally crash their own product and decided to offload some of their stock instead of stop the push to production?

I thought being a programmer was a waste of effort, a thankless job that would never make a difference.

Then #CrowdStrike showed me that with a single line of code, I can make the world a better place.


#DieAnstalt vom 16. Juli 2024

Herr Neffton zum Globalen Süden:
"Der #CO2-Ausstoß würde sich vervierfachen, wenn Sie so leben würden, wie die!" "Ach ja, also, weil die nicht aufhören wollen, darf der Globale Süden erst gar nicht anfangen, oder was? Ja, aber eine Grundversorgung wäre schön: Strom, sauberes Wasser, so was ..."

Im Globalen Süden leben 80% aller Menschen weltweit.
Weite Teile würden unbewohnbar, wenn die #Erderwärmung weiterhin so zunimmt, wie derzeit - betroffen wären rund 3,3 Milliarden Menschen!
