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Sud je naražen. Co víc potřebujeme na tenhle víkend? 😄

A co by to bylo za #cyklovylet bez videa z trasy 🙂👍
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Archos

Pěkný video. 👍🤩

Co to tam v Ostrově bylo za otočku? 😉

in reply to Martin Kroul

@martinkroul Jsem tam blbě odbočil a motal se po náměstí. Sice je tam super cukrárna, ale už jsem byl plný z Božáku :-))

Daniel's weekly report August 23, 2024…

blogposts, hackerone, CVE math, full curl, build times, google frontend, setopt, code style, scorecard, DoH options

Warum ist Barrierefreiheit in der Frontend-Entwicklung entscheidend? Oleksii (Aljoscha) Sukhodolskyi gibt Einblicke und teilt seine Expertise im neuen Blogbeitrag.

Jetzt lesen 👉…

#Barrierefreiheit #FrontendEntwicklung #DigitaleInklusion #Accessibility #OpenSource

Data breaches have become an almost daily occurrence. Most of their contents are self-explanatory like #email addresses or #phone numbers.

Others might sound a bit odd, like hashed #passwords.

Let's dive into the details with today's cryptography lesson!

in reply to BananaCocoYuck

@byuck Thank you so much! We want to continue working on more educational material about complex topics like cryptography to make them more understandable. What topics would you be interested in learning more about?

Oooooh! "but if you can't see, how did you send a message to me? How did you write?" Precious! #accessibility
in reply to Kirill

@Yinshi Да бля, она меня раза три потом: а если я вот такую фоточку пришлю, ты не видишь? Хотелось ответить: ну девочка, ну ёб твою мать, как в том анекдоте.
in reply to André Polykanine

Мне однажды посоветовали очки купить.

"Send me the screenshot of the page.
— Okay.
— Please click the place where the red arrow is.
— As I've already told you, I'm blind, so please describe in words.
— I marked you the place with an arrow, can't you see it? If you can't, I'll re-mark the place for you.
— I'm blind, as I've already told you. Sorry to be that person, but the word "blind" means, I cannot see. At all."
That's how my day goes. #Work #MyDay #accessibility
in reply to David Goldfield

@DavidGoldfield @alyssa6595 Too funny! I'm trying to think of something clever to say, but nothing comes to mind right now!

Madrid tamén ten episodios de protestas polo turismo masivo, o que pasa que se necesitan cantidades enormes de xente para que se note nunha cidade tan grande. Recordade como se protestaba polo ruído e as molestias durante as Jornadas Mundiales De La Juventud 2011da Igrexa Católica.

De paso, recordade os cánticos de BENNEEEE DICTOOOO EQUIS UVE PALITO PALITOOOO. Non ten nada que ver, pero eran moi graciosos.

in reply to Cogito ergo mecagoendios

Cando os veciños do Bernabeu se queixan do ruído dos megaconcertos hasta que as autoridades endurecen os límites, trátase dun debate social sobre a convivencia. Pero se os veciños de Santiago se queixan do ruído e piden que as autoridades os escoiten, trátase de madrileñofobia. Esta diferencia de marco segundo quen é o que protesta tamén forma parte do sesgo centralista dos nosos medios.

Ya know what? I'm gonna toot my own horn today On Here Specifically.

I have already received at least a dozen thankful comments/replies for letting people know they can slow down door closers. A lot of people have been living with irritating bangs in apartment buildings and whatnot.

And thanks to watching a YouTube video, their life is now better. I didn't sell anything to them, I just decided to share some knowledge in my own (hopefully entertaining) way.


IPB158: “IPv6 Mostly”: A Strategy to Balance Legacy and Modern Networking Needs

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Another small update that dropped a few days ago: the "hotels"-theme now supports more then just hotels, but also B&Bs, guest houses, motels, hostels, ...

This makes it easier to consult and add this information to #OpenStreetMap

Pietervdvn reshared this.

Qué maleducado, no me he presentado.

¡Hola! Me llamo Borja, soy un hombre de cuarentaytantos, vivo en Barcelona y soy originalmente de Madrid. Vivo bastante online, y ahora mismo lo que más disfruto en la vida es la lectura, así que en principio los libros serán mi tema por aquí.

Llevo un par de meses en esta cuenta de Mastodon pero hasta ahora no había escrito nada. Quiero ir adaptándome a este internet más pausado y humano, a ver qué tal se me da (espero que bien) ❤


Nohy začnem cvičiť po sezóne, aj trochu behať.

Boas xentes de por aquí 😇 eu son Laura, son de Madrid, pero vivo na Coruña (e falo galego☺️). Son xornalista, leo e escribo poesía e gústame saír á montaña, escalar, observar aves e ir de foliada (e bailar e ogallá aprender a tocar a pandeireta).

Ademáis, interésame a tecnoloxía e fixen investigacións sobre redes sociais, educación e feminismo. Estou aquí porque teño a ilusión de vivir nunha internet diferente que nos permita falar de verdade e imaxinar xuntas mundos mellores.


"Blake's 7" Is Coming To Blu-ray - Dark Horizons…

Welcome Aki Sakurai as #curl commit author 1300:…

Aux #US on s'intéresse aussi au nouveau #EAA (European #Accessibility Act) car certaines entreprises américaines seront concernées en 2025. En anglais par @dequesystems.…
in reply to Koena

bonjour ! Je cherchais quelqu'un de la communité francophone des spécialistes en accessibilité. Pour le contexte, je suis ressortissant ukrainien, j'habite maintenant à Strasbourg et je suis développeur et spécialiste en accessibilité, non-voyant aussi. Je voudrais vous demander s'il y a des articles détaillés en français pour des gens non-techniques sur l'accessibilité, l'EAA et toutes ces choses. J'éprouve beaucoup de difficultés avec certains services, je leur écris en mentionnant juin 2025 et l'EAA, mais il serait beaucoup mieux si j'avais des preuves, des sources à leur montrer. Merci !

doppio, lungo, redbull.. začínam byť hore pomaly

Long shot I know, but I'm looking for an Irish person that I can have a convo with about whether it's okay/a good idea to include what I'll call "Irish Aesthetics" for lack of a better phrase, into a fantasy story I'm planning. Any takers?

How To Use Invert Colors With Low Vision…

in reply to David Goldfield

Improvements to accessibility are documented in the release notes, I noticed.

¡Hola! Acabo de descubrir Mastodon y no tengo ni idea de cómo funciona.

Me encanta hablar sobre libros, música y cultura en general. También suelo comentar la actualidad.


Inside Chase’s Efforts To Embrace Accessibility And ‘Be The Bank For Everyone’…

Any #NVDA user has a suggestion on what I can do to get #Chinese #pinyin tone markers indicated when I read by letter? Some tone markers are, for example á or à, but others aren't.

If you need Perkins Brailler #SoundEffects for anything, if you fancy a bit of nostalgia or if you wonder what the thundering thing sounds like recorded through a pair of contact microphones that only pick up the sound on the surface of the device, I made this 67 sound strong sound pack.…

reshared this

in reply to Rui Batista

@ragb Nothing stopping you coming on the server one evening. You should do it.

I have build a new and improve #search functionality for @MapComplete. Still a work in progress, but a first testable version is onli e here:…

It supports switching themes, showing search results on the map and suggestions.

Still to do: highlighting the result on hover and making sure that a search result and layer info don't both show.

Please, test it, break it and let me know what went wrong, what was confusing and what you'd still love to see.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

MapComplete reshared this.

in reply to Pietervdvn

I'd expected the search to also find layers. E.g. if I type "fietspomp" I'd expect it to show nearby objects of that type, not just objects (unfortunately) named that way
in reply to Joost Schouppe

@joost_schouppe Yeah, that one is also on the roadmap for this feature ;)

Also: a filter that shows e.g. 'all shops with name'...

Zobudil som sa so zvláštnou náladou, smútkom asi.

in reply to modulux

Good morning! It's nice to occasionally see your posts in the feed like right now. I still remember the idea of playing nomic with, I really should join the game with you. Has it started, how is it going on? I hope not everyone expressing their will to join ended up just like me, and if so, I'm sorry
in reply to sanfierro

Hi hi, not really going. Only got 1 interested player besides myself. Maybe I should try boosting the call again, but I don't think it's going to work out.

I really love this description of a retracted study: not only does it explain what was retracted (turns out men don't generally divorce their sick wives), but also it covers what the error was (a coding problem treated people who left the study as divorced) how it all went down (someone tried to replicate, asked for data and didn't get the same analysis. Contacted the authors and they were horrified and immediately worked to retract).

It's a really nice story of why replication matters and how to be good at science. This is how I was taught science should work, but I rarely come across such good retrospectives.…

#science #PeerReview

Breaking 🥳: Apple has adopted 6 of our 11 recommendations for choice screens and default settings for browsers + fixed two deceptive patterns we discovered.

Huge thanks to the DMA team and EC!

Read about the changes + what still needs to be fixed:…

reshared this

Those Fridays fly by faster and faster! Keeping up with them sketches so far. Let's not talk about everything else.

#friday #sketch #procreate #gnome #icon #design

LibreOffice 24.8 is here! It's our latest major release – and this video shows some of its new features:…
in reply to LibreOffice

And here's the same video, but on YouTube:…

mir fällt immer wieder auf, dass sich euer Kalender an den Bedürfnissen von Manager Typen orientiert. Und an Müttern und Väter, die irgendwie 20 verschiedene Sachen an einem Tag geregelt bekommen müssen.
Es gibt aber in den Einstellungen überhaupt keine Optionen. Ich habe nicht so massenhaft Termine und möchte prinzipiell in der Monatsansicht starten.
Und wenn ich einen Termin für nächstes Jahr habe, will ich durch Klick auf das Jahr / Datum es händisch eingeben. Nervige Wischerei
in reply to Foxle

Vielen Dank für dein Feedback. Ich werde es an unser Entwicklungsteam weiterleiten.

Tooth fairies spend the first thirty years of their lives as remora fish collecting teeth from sharks. So you know they don't play.


in reply to Rachel Rawlings

When I was a little kid I absolutely believed in the existence of the Tooth Fairy, thanks to my dad. It didn't damage me as an adult in the slightest. 😊

První zastavení na výbornou kávu v Nejdku. První sedmi kilometrové stoupání za mnou, teď už to lepší nebude 😄
#cyklovylet #klinovec
in reply to Archos

Tak jsem doma, zpátky od Ostrova byl hrozný protivítr, už jsem chtěl jet vlakem 😄😄

#cyklovýlet #klinovec

in reply to Archos

To jsou čísla, 😲😁👍
Kam se hrabu s mými 13 km na rotopedu obden. Apropos, vy se nějak rozcvicujete před jízdou?
in reply to Milu P. Pragerova

@Milu Ne jedu bez rozcvičky, většinou delší vzdálenosti se jezdí v pomalejším, něco jako konverzačním tempu. Ono víc náročnější jsou ty kopce na Klínovec, než ujeté kilometry.
in reply to Archos

Já to měl tedy dnes výrazně skromnější. 😀
Nicméně cesta lesem i nelesem, polem i nepolem (i oraným) a hlavně, tak od půlky, kdy jsem se začal vracet, s půchýřem, protože jsem si vzal nový malo rozšlápnutý boty, ve kterých se mi shrnula ponožka. 🤦‍♂️ Ale naše hafanka zcela spokojená. 😁
in reply to Archos

Jojo, labrador, to je prostě vodní psisko.🌊🐕‍🦺