Windows 95 Turned 29 This Year: What One Of The Best Operating Systems Taught Us
It might be ancient by the standards of computers, but it gave us so much.Jason Dookeran (How-To Geek)
8 Microsoft Word Features I Wish I Knew About Sooner
Don't miss out on these features!Shan Abdul (How-To Geek)
Microsoft PowerToys Update Adds Advanced Paste and OCR
Manage your Windows PC clipboard like a pro.Faisal Rasool (How-To Geek)
Měli jsme koláčky.
Manželka snědla jeden a pět jich nechala v krabičce, s tím že ji moc nechutnají. Tak jsem je sežral.
Po půlhodině manželka jódluje, že jsem snad nesnědl všechny, že to měla na snídani. Tak jsem se omluvil a ona říká , že ji teda musím ukojit chleba.
- Říkám, neřekla jsi kouzelné slovíčko.
- Kurva tak ukrojíš mi ten chleba když jsi mi sežral koláčky?
- To nebylo to slovíčko!
Myslím, že dnes spím na gauči
Don’t Take the Bait on These Phishing Scams
Scammers want you to take the bait, but you’re smarter than that!Debbie Gluzband (How-To Geek)
Did you catch up on our last In-Process blog at the end of October? If you haven't yet read it (or even if you have) you'll be pleased to know I've now FIXED the table of contents links so you can easily get to:
- the 2024.4 release info
- Info about add-ons
- Emphasising stability
- Benefits for users and developers in our add-on approach
- And all about reporting font attributes…
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Blog #Info
In-Process 31st October 2024
It’s that spooky time of year for all those who celebrate Halloween. And it’s also Diwali for our Indian friends. Whether you participate in either of these or not, there is something we defi…NV Access
NVDA 2024.4.1 Released
NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2024.4.1 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. Highl…NV Access
For those on the Beta / RC branch, we have also pushed a Release Candidate build of 2024.4.1 for you - note this is identical to the 2024.4.1 from yesterday, but will keep you on that path so you'll be the first to get NVDA 2025.1 Beta 1 when it comes out in time.
If you want to be on the beta / RC branch, download from:…
If you want to be on the stable branch, download from:…
Apologies for any confusion caused!
NVDA 2024.4.1 Released
NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2024.4.1 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. Highl…NV Access
Ich nutze euren Kalender, um zu dokumentieren, wann ich mein Akutmedikament nehmen muss und was da gewesen ist. Wenn ich das dann meiner Ärztin zeige, möchte ich aber natürlich nicht, dass sie meine sonstigen Termine sieht! Da wäre es wichtig, die Ansicht filtern zu können!
Kalender können sehr viel mehr sein, als nur Terminplaner für Geschäftsleute!
Broaden your mind!
Das war wirklich nicht eindeutig, bzw. für mich nicht intuitiv. Deshalb bin ich auch nicht auf diese Idee gekommen. Im Dreipunktemenü rechts habe ich geschaut. Da habe ich die Funktion erwartet.
Tuta Reviews
Do you agree with Tuta's 4-star rating? Check out what 54 people have written so far, and share your own experience.Tuta
NVDA 2024.4.1 Released
NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2024.4.1 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. Highl…NV Access
Creating a Music Video as a totally blind producer
I have always been totally blind, but Visuals, have always interested me. I signed up for a class at work a month ago to better understand visual graphs and charts from an annalyst prospective, as …Drews Sound
I do mine in an A4 ring-binder. The right-hand page is the search and the left-hand page lists the words. So effectively it's double-sided Braille with the words to find listed on the back of the previous search sheet.
I haven't tried making it smaller yet. I like A5 for carrying about so I might have a go at making a travel pack for my next vacation.
This is the line I see over and over again:
“While technology offers promising alternatives, it's essential to recognize the unique benefits that guide dogs provide beyond navigation, such as companionship and emotional support.”
If this is true, if these benefits are so unique, why do only 2% of blind and visually impaired people in the UK currently use a guide dog?
#Accessibility #AI #Blind #Disability #GDBA #Glide #Glidance #RNIB
Fascinating discussion, as always.
I was a guide dog user for a decade or so. he was useful when my daughter was young. At first I carried her around because she was too young to walk, then too small to walk far. So in that regard, he took my concentration off the route somewhat and let me chat to her and be more of a passive part of the navigation process.
I learned to use a white cane and am incredibly confident, but the tactile awareness of your surroundings are far more limited with a cane, of course. I certainly feel that walking around in any sort of busier environment with my daughter aboard was easier, less stressful and more natural with the dog to keep us on the path and stop for problems.
After his death, naturally the number 1 question was whether I'd be getting another one.
We now live in a small village. there's a church and a post office, a social club and a few public houses. the nearest city or town is 10 to 12 minutes away by car or a little longer by bus. Getting to and from any of these local things is more than doable with a cane, and even if I were in the office more than a few times a month, it seemed to me that having a dog just to get me there and back was counterproductive. he'd have about 20 minutes of work a day. The free running, grooming, finding him a sitter for any holidays and general maintenance required for that level of practical intervention wasn't worth it, in my judgment. Sure, he'd been a part of the family for a long time and we would never have gotten rid of him, but to establish a whole new dog in very different circumstances wasn't part of the agenda. First and foremost to me a guide dog is a navigational aid, and you only get that in the right situation. For me, that's not here and now.
websites in 2024:
1) decline all cookies
2) decline notifications
3) disable JavaScript to bypass paywall
4) no videos, images and popups work now
5) finding the page completely useless and irrelevant
6) returning to play Doom 3
this could enable kids eat proper before exam time.
QA/Dev Report: October 2024 - LibreOffice QA Blog
General Activities LibreOffice 24.2.7 was released on October 31 Olivier Hallot (TDF) continued with a massive Help bookmark cleanup effort and improved the help for BASIC’s Option Explicit statement Pierre F.x1sc0 (LibreOffice QA Blog)
Por cosas que he leído por aquí.
Primeramente recordar que la comunicación se realiza a través de herramientas convencionales. No existe una forma objetiva de comunicarse, pero tampoco cada cual puede inventarse la suya, porque está forma debe ser compartida, por lo menos entre el emisor y el receptor, y habitualmente compartida por una comunidad extensa. La convención en la comunicación exige que la forma de hacerla sea conocida y aceptada por la comunidad. En resumen, nadie individual, ni un grupo, por grande que sea, puede *exigir* una modificación de esa forma de transmisión. Y menos para adecuarla a su ideología.
La ideología política, que es también ideología social en tanto que la política es la forma en que regulamos las relaciones de los individuos en una sociedad, tampoco es objetiva. Dentro de unos ciertos límites que marca la propia función de la política: procurar una convivencia social estable (no he dicho justa, sino estable), no existe una política objetiva ni subjetiva. Como con la comunicación, nadie puede imponer individualmente a los demás su ideología (necesitará al menos de votantes o de militares que compartan su ideología), pero tampoco existe una forma objetiva determinable por métodos científicos de determinar una "ideología cierta".
Dónde quiero llegar? Pues a algo que ya he dicho muchas veces, que los humanos tenemos demasiada tirada a exigir que los demás hagan las cosas a nuestro modo, porque siempre estamos convencidos de que nuestra ideología no es como la de los demás, sino que la nuestra es la correcta o la mejor. Y señores, hay una palabra para cuando alguien intenta imponer su ideología a los demás, y está palabra es "totalitarismo" y esto vale para los que quieren obligar a los demás a cambiar en cualquier aspecto que no sea objetivo.
Por indagar un poco:
1. Que se entiende por exigir? Cual es la diferencia con persuadir?
2. Por qué "menos para adecuarla a su ideología"? Por qué la consideración ideológica es merecedora de menor respeto que cualquier otra, por ejemplo, estética?
3. Que significa imponer? Como se distingue de persuadir, convencer, impulsar?
4. Cual es el riesgo de esos mecanismos de "imposición"? En que medida se puede o debe equiparar la actuación política en si misma que requiere de la coordinación y el establecimiento de pautas de comportamiento con el totalitarismo? Es toda acción colectiva totalitaria, y si no, por qué se trae la palabra a colación?
I have now written to both Sky News and an MP about the widespread lies spread by news media and government about the events of #amsterdam
Lies? Yes - the evidence is there for us to see, if we look.
Why should we be bothered? -- Because if we don't resist where do you think this will end?
Racist Israeli Football Thugs RAMPAGE In Amsterdam - And Media LIES
You are being lied to.Please like, subscribe, comment, share - and help us take on the media lies here:
Games for Blind Gamers 4
A game jam from 2025-02-01 to 2025-03-10 hosted by NightBlade. Welcome, Blind and Sighted Game Developers! Welcome to the fourth annual Games for Blind Gamers jam! The goal of this jam is to build awareness of
reshared this
AppleInsider (
Amazon drops early Black Friday deals on Apple's new M4 MacBook Pro, Mac mini, iMac -- and even the M2 MacBook Air 16GB https://appleinsider.Mastodon
Anyway, happy to see any improvement bit coming along our way!
Zugängliche Audio-Hardware
Zugängliche Audiohardware Du kennst sicher die Sorgen, sich ein neues technisches Gerät anschaffen zu wollen, aber im Voraus nicht zu wissen, ob du es überhaupt benutzen können wirst. Im Zeitalter derToni Barth
NVDA 2024.4.1 has been released! This is a patch release to fix a bug when saving speech symbol dictionaries. Pressing the Close button in the Symbol Pronunciation dialog will now save the symbols dictionary and close the dialog.
Full info and download at:…
#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #NewVersion #News #Update
NVDA 2024.4.1 Released
NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2024.4.1 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. Highl…NV Access
Kelly Sapergia reshared this.
NVDA 2024.4.1 Released
NV Access is pleased to announce that version 2024.4.1 of NVDA, the free screen reader for Microsoft Windows, is now available for download. We encourage all users to upgrade to this version. Highl…NV Access
there is not one good billionaire.
billionaires are the enemy.
make that the beginning of your daily affirmations.…
Mark Cuban Deletes His Pro-Kamala Harris Tweets - TheWrap
Mark Cuban was challenged by Libs of TiikTok for deleting his pro-Kamala Harris tweets after the election.TheWrap
Aaaanyways: jak správně čistit dětem zuby víme? Do kolika? A čím? A proč jsou mléčné zuby důležité? A proč NENÍ Okay nechávat v puse zub s kazem? Plak detektory znáte?
Nebo stále převládá mantra "staré školy", že jsou to zuby na zkoušku a vrtat netřeba?
Popravdě v případě dětí mě ta pro zubaře (i rodiče) pohodlná dogmata, která pak rozdělují "starou" a "novou" školu, deptaji ještě víc.
Žádný problém vztahující se ke zdraví nikdy nevidím jednoduše...
in reply to Ivan Stloukal • • •