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Tell me you’re a US developer without telling me you’re a US developer.
in reply to Hylke 🍵

@hbons one time I encountered a credit card payment form that insisted adamantly the ZIP code was mandatory

After a bit of searching I found out there's a "magic" ZIP code that means "elsewhere not in the US" that they're supposed to accept (it might be 99999).

Still extra silly though.

in reply to Renato Ramonda

that’s gas stations in (US of) America.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub why would it need anything beyond the card (and possibly PIN if they've been updated to the current century)
in reply to Renato Ramonda

US cards don't use PIN. The US banking industry declared their customers too stupid to remember a PIN.

Note that last time I encountered this was in 2018 as I haven't driven south of the wall since.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub they USED to not have a PIN. As mentioned else thread, in recent years the CC circuits have started a "forced" upgrade campaign: in case of fraud (and it's extremely easy with mag band and no PIN) the retailer is not covered by insurance and is responsible out of pocket.

This is making a lot of them upgrade.

But of course there's a giant inertia (and backlog).

in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub @renatoram my bank offered me the option of setting a PIN for my new credit cards. But with 1 exception, I've never used it.

Cards don't just get a PIN code, they also have a priority which can be "use PIN always" / "use PIN only in unattended POS" / various. The bank set mine to "Unattended" which means I can use it to buy things at automated kiosks (like for a train ticket). But if I go to a checkout counter with a clerk, the PIN *cannot* be used, and a signature is required instead.

Jedes mal wenn ich im Wald war und die Ruhe, das rauschen der Blätter, die Geräusche der Tiere und den Frieden dort erlebt habe frage ich mich, warum uns der Schutz unserer Natur und Umwelt nicht sooooo viel mehr wert ist. #oneLeahADay

📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 29. Juli, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

Earpiece Mode in Jieshuo Screen Reader…
in reply to Accessible Android

How do we submit suggestions? If actions were more widely supported and braille keyboards such as the orbit writer were supported i might look at it.
in reply to Dennis long

@Dennislong82 You can email the developer. The email is provided in the Jieshuo Settings window.
And it's assumed that Orbit Writer should work, because it is a keyboard not a Braille display. Action support is also up to app developers, and more apps with actions are released or updated.

#ECJ: Wolves cannot be designated as a huntable species at regional level when their conservation status at national level is unfavourable #Spain #environment 👉…

After the dinner, at 6:00 PM (KST) (09:00 UTC) don't forget to attend the performance Poetry Attack 01 and to participate at the traditional Cheese and Wine party in CEO… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

New Certified Open Source Hardware!
Metabraille from @oskar_mbr has the UID AT000009.

Metabraille is:
Metabraille is a mobile hardware keyboard that enables the input of Braille. Metabraille can be used like a smartphone without a fixed base while standing or walking.

Find it in the directory!…

Last slot before the Dinner, at 4:30 PM (KST) (07:30 UTC): Gnuk 2.2 and Gnuk Next, in Bada, l10n and i18n Bof in Pado and Go team BoF (not streamed)… . #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Did you catch the #Blog last week? We had an article on the new (to NVDA 2024.2) command to jump between text paragraphs. We had some great feedback and gave the article a good update, so do check it out if you haven't already, be sure to try the feature, and let us know how you find it!

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #Features #Efficiency #Feedback

in reply to NV Access

After encouraging you to catch up on last week's blog post... I completely forgot to attach the link (which I had copied to include)! Here it is:…

(#NVDA has commands for jumping between text paragraph, but it doesn't have a command to prompt me to include the link I copied before I post - something for a future update!)

#Monday #Oops

Some years ago Fracture Sounds made a library called 'Box Factory' in which they abused a great deal of boxes of all shapes and sizes, and it's very fun. I made a silly track using said library called 'A Bunch Of boxes' and this is what it does.

Welcome back to DebConf24, talks start at 2:30 PM (KST) (05:30 UTC) with 'Leveraging Deterministic Updates to Improve the Customer Experience on Debian' in Venue Bada, 'Beyond Yocto: Exploring Debian for Embedded Linux Development' in Venue Somin, 'Python BoF' in Venue Pado. 2 non-streamed sessions are also planned, 'Translating in Debian' in Venue CEO, and 'FAIme web service DIY workshop' in Venue Hyorim. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

“Apple Vis: A Message Of Thank you…
in reply to David Goldfield

I still say someone else should take over operations. Closing something as valuable as AppleVis is a shame.

Join us at 11:00 M (KST) (02:00 UTC) for Reproducible Builds: The First Eleven Years in Venue 4: Bada, perf in Action: Real-World Applications in Venue 5: Somin, Local Groups BoF in Venue 6: Pado. Stick around at 11:30 AM (KST) (02:30 UTC) for Debian on Chromebooks: What's New and What's Next? also held in Venue 5: Somin.#debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian…

I'm old enough to remember when this would be displayed on their platform because of a single browser support.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

just to clarify. FIrefox isn't a supported browser. And don't tell me "it's beta". Because you'll sound like a Googler, and I don't mean this as a compliment.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

there is probably some API Firefox is missing, and the tiny user share makes it impractical to support, been there myself. At some point you have to own the browser choices you make.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

I tried Firefox and Chrome on my Android phone and basically every browser on my Linux desktop. (Firefox, Chromium, Chrome, Edge, and even GNOME Web.) Nothing is supported.

Apple is total clown shoes. They must be restricting by user agent string. There's no reason it shouldn't work on Linux, especially in GNOME Web / Epiphany.

The first talks for today begin streaming at 10:00 AM KST (01:00 UTC). What happens if I delete a live demo of upgrading to PEP-518 Python packaging in Venue 5: Somin, Debian Brasil BoF in Venue 6: Pado. There are 2 non-streamed sessions planned: Introduction to LibreOffice Korean Translations (Wiki & UI Translations) in Venu7: CEO, and DebConf bursary team BoF in Venue 8: Hyorim. #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Reformist formally takes over as Iran's president after supreme leader offers endorsement…

#MastodonForHarris has reached $400,000 after an initial goal of just $1,000.

As pledged, I smashed that subscribe button for Senator Tammy Baldwin, perhaps the greatest representative Wisconsin will ever have.

Next Senator gets adopted at $500,000!

Join the effort and show your support for #Harris and Mastodon:…

#uspol #politics #uspolitics #election #election2024 #Mastodon4Harris

Interesting thought: If AI takes all our jobs and reduces overall purchasing power, who’s Going To Buy stuff? #AI #ML…
in reply to Chi Kim

AI? We will be just watching on the sidelines and eat sandwiches! :)

If anyone out there is really, really board, the BBC did a technology and visual impairment retrospective, talking about how tech has changed the lives of blind folk. I feature, talking about the law and AI, at about the 17 minute mark:

How podcasting is turning into an industry of megastars with huge deals and the biggest audiences; Edison: the top 25 podcasts reach ~50% of US weekly listeners (Anne Steele/Wall Street Journal)……

Welcome back to the 2nd day of the 24th Debian Developers Conference, held this year in Busan, Korea. Live streaming for most talks is available via your web browser. Our full schedule and links to viewing is updated each day:… #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

Everything We Know About Amazon’s New Home Internet Service…

Nachdem ich Oktober 2022 die Verkehrspolitik in Paris aus nächster Nähe erlebt habe und nun London mit seiner Ultra Low Emission Zone ULEZ und seiner Citymaut, die zu messbaren und erlebbaren Verbesserungen führt (kaum Autos in der City), finde ich das Gewese ums Auto in Deutschland verblüffend bis peinlich. Wichtig: Die ruralen Gebiete von F und GB hängen nach wie vor sehr stark am Auto. Aber auch dort ist der Zuwachs an E-Autos deutlich. Zu ULEZ siehe u.a.… 1/x

Ah ah ah !

"Pour info j’ai vu des polémiques apparaître sur une soi disant moquerie hier lors de la cérémonie des JO. Renseignement pris la référence n'est pas du tout la Cène de Léonard de Vinci.

C'est le Festin des Dieux de Jan Harmensz van Biljert, peint vers 1635 et conservée au Musée Magnin à Dijon.

Les dieux de l'Olympe célèbrent le mariage de Thétis et Pélée ; au centre de la table, ce n'est pas le Christ, mais Apollon couronné. Bacchus-Dionysos est allongé au premier plan."

in reply to 🇵🇸 Bénédicte in

C'est dommage car j'adore les blasphèmes, surtout quand ils font rager les fachos. Comme quoi c'est vraiment nul les JOs.

Les ouvriers décédés sur les chantiers des #JeuxOlympiques

- João Baptista Fernandes Miranda, 61 ans
- Amara Dioumassy, 51 ans
- Seydou Fofana, 21 ans
- Franck Michel, 58 ans
- Abdoulaye Soumahoro, 41 ans
- Maxime Wagner, 37 ans
- Jérémy Wasson, 21 ans

Paix à leurs âmes 🌙

Liebe Leute,

ich bin soeben auf meine bislang längste Fahrradreise aufgebrochen. Ich werde in den nächsten Monaten von Freiburg, über die Alpen, durch den Balkan, die Türkei & den Kaukasus bis ans Kaspische Meer nach Baku fahren, um dort 100 Tage und über 5000 km später im November von der nächsten Weltklimakonferenz, zu berichten & für das Fahrrad als “Zukunftstechnologie”, im Kampf gegen den Klimawandel, zu werben.
Ich werde mich immer mal wieder von der Reise melden❤️

Liebe Grüße, Ingwar

Sitting at the gate about to go home, and this is here.
in reply to Quin

Wait... Is that displaying on a screen near your gate? How has that system still not recovered from CrowdStrike? That message is due to CrowdStrike issues.
in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson no, that message is due to a faulty boot. Millions of screens displayed it long before Crowdstrike

Stille Fahrradfahrt

zum Gedenken an den durch einen Autofahrer am 30.01. getöteten

30.07. 19:00 Uhr sharp
Hans-Rosenthal-Platz am „RIAS“ Volkspark

Strikte Beachtung der StVO.

weiße Oberbekleidung bspw. #VisionZero-(Ride-of-Silence)-T-Shirt.

Bitte gebt mit dem Einschalten der Critical-Maps-App ein Zeichen der Solidarität.
@fedibikes_de @fedibikes_berlin @RespectCyclists @radxberg @berlin_radler @CCitiesOrg @ligi