I would like to thank the big Internet monopolies of Google and Microsoft for killing the open email system so that we can focus on used closed proprietary silos that make it so difficult to do anything with.
This is the Internet we all envisioned.
Trudeau: We don't want to take any risks of Canada being flooded with (checks notes) affordable electric cars.
The quote:
> Federal regulations set up by Transport Canada to approve low-speed vehicles (LSVs) for public road use excluded the ZENN and other NEVs from Canadian roads. ZENN's battle with Transport Canada over LSV regulations was periodically mentioned in Canadian news.
Until we have essentially "solved" the climate crisis, the mass provision and use of AI is immoral. Their energy usage is simply indefensibly high.
Same goes for cryptocurrencies and blockchain of course, but that's both more widely understood, and no longer the thing that businesses are eagerly throwing money at, fearful of missing out.
Do you still use #Gmail?
Answer not listed? Let us know in the comments!
- Yes, I need it for Android. (32%, 150 votes)
- Yes, because I like it. (9%, 42 votes)
- No, why would I? (58%, 273 votes)
Unfortunately, Android doesn't work without a GMail account. I look forward to the day Google's monopoly would come to an end.
However, I haven't been using Gmail as a communication means for at least 4-5 years, but strictly to log in to the Play Store.
Same is true for all the other Google "free" products: Search, Maps, YouTube, Drive, Calendar, Pay, etc.
"If you don't pay for a product, then you are the product" 🤔
#Telegram and #Durov are once again in the media, so I translated my May piece about the service to English:
Telegram is neither "secure" nor "encrypted"
Calling Telegram "secure" or "encrypted" is misleading, and is journalistic malpractice.
Telegram itself seems to mislead about it on purpose.
Telegram's encryption protocol is suspicious and transmits cleartext device identifiers with every message.
They have been called out for it many times, and refuse to change.
Telegram is neither "secure" nor "encrypted"
This piece has been written for and originally published by OKO.press.When attributing, please attribute to: “Michał ‘rysiek’ Woźniak, Fundacja Ośrodek Kontroli Obywatelskiej „OKO”", and include a linSongs on the Security of Networks
Heya everyone, I thought I posted this here last night, but apparently I didn't..
I regret to inform you that the Screen Shot Off The Record plugin that we linked to briefly was found to have a key logger and was sending screen shots to unwanted parties.
So if you have this plugin installed, you will want to remove it immediately.
You can see our official post about this at pidgin.im/posts/2024-08-malici…
We are planning a more indepth post in the near future.
Malicious Plugin
Greetings everyone. It is with much regret that I am writing this post. A plugin, ss-otr, was added to the third party plugins list on July 6th.pidgin.im
I really like the idea of, instead of collaborating on a document via (for example) Google's servers and Google Docs, being able to have collaborators' computers talk to each other directly and share edits that way.
I really hope that "local-first" gains at least the sort of steam the FOSS movement has — as I've seen people comment, FOSS doesn't help if your computation is happening on someone else's computer.
Isaac Hayes III posted on Sunday that ♦️Donald Trump and his campaign have been served in their #federal #lawsuit alleging 134 instances of #copyright #infringement.
Just like anyone else, ⚠️political campaigns are not allowed to use music for their own gain without permission or buying a license.
Since Trump has continued to violate the copyright of the Hayes estate, 🔸an emergency federal hearing was granted on September 3.
By choosing to disrespect the rights and work of others, Donald Trump is now forced to show up in federal civil court as the defendant in a case that could cost him millions of dollars.
Guess what Ableton Live 12 uses... @bagder
I guess that by copyright year, it must be an olf libcurl version
Copyright (c) 1996 - 2012, Daniel Stenberg, <daniel@haxx.se>.
libcurl - your network transfer library
libcurl is a free and easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library, supporting DICT, FILE, FTP, FTPS, GOPHER, GOPHERS, HTTP, HTTPS, IMAP, IMAPS, LDAP, LDAPS, MQTT, POP3, POP3S, RTMP, RTMPS, RTSP, SCP, SFTP, SMB, SMBS, SMTP, SMTPS, TELNET, TFTP, WS…curl.haxx.se
this is included in the main binary, can't figure out which exact version they are using
I can see strings but not versions
I have the attention span and stamina of a toddler and feel, not to put too fine a point on it, absolutely blarg.
Thanks, Covid and postcovid chest thing.
At least my misery about the dog has been upgraded to actual physical issues.
@lulu_bear I feel really bad about work; I booked the whole week off for London then just zonked out completely this past week also.
Granted, it's a bank holiday that's still a lot of time off.
Can't help being ill, I guess, just feels wrong. Fingers crossed I pick up soon
Define Besprechung
Learn using BigBlueButton, the trusted open-source web conferencing solution that enables seamless virtual collaboration and online learning experiences.bbb.metalab.at
LibreOffice 24.8: New features
A look at some of the new features in LibreOffice 24.8, the free and private office suite, created by our community of volunteers and certified developers.Le...YouTube
LibreOffice reshared this.
In Afghanistan, the Taliban's Minister of Education has announced that girls' schools are likely to remain closed permanently.
As a Muslim let me be explicitly clear. This is apartheid, vile, & inexcusable.
Prophet Muhammad(sa) declared, "It is incumbent upon every Muslim male & every Muslim female to attain education." His wife Ayesha was a leading scholar & jurist. His final words were "women are your committed partners." Not servants—PARTNERS.
Taliban terrorists are a stain on humanity.
Community Member Monday: Gladys David - The Document Foundation Blog
Today we’re talking to Gladys David, who is helping out in LibreOffice’s Quality Assurance (QA) project… Hi! My name is gladys, I’m 41 years old and I’m French.Mike Saunders (The Document Foundation)
im talking about notifications overall - these should be configurable at ease with a simple click from main options, not from "expert configuration" that will be overwritten after next release. and that did happen to me on both linux and windows.
i like LO but how you handle this thing is just copypasting corporate software behavior.
Self-driving Waymo cars keep SF residents awake all night by honking at each other
Haunted by glitching algorithms, self-driving cars disturb the peace in San Francisco.
Online-Banking und Banking-Apps machen immer größere Fortschritte im Komfort, aber der Datenschutz bleibt dabei leider fast immer auf der Strecke. @rufposten hat den großen Online-Banking- und TAN-App-Test (35 Banken) gemacht! 👇
#banking #app #dstenschutz #dsgvo #TDDDG #teamdatenschutz #bank #android #ios
The second time in a month my #ArchLinux laptop froze during update.
Always the same scenario. Sunday, I returned from trip, waked the laptop up from sleep, run yay -Syu, went to unpack, and then found laptop frozen.
I suspect #nvidia as it always is problem with their shitty driver.
So again:
1️⃣ disable secure boot
2️⃣ boot using arch netboot
3️⃣ unlock and mount root and efi drives
4️⃣ delete pacman lock files
5️⃣ reinstall all packages
6️⃣ reboot
7️⃣ enable secureboot
8️⃣ boot normally
Espero que tenham ficado alertados para o perigo que é dormirem com pouca roupa no Verão.
E se tivessem que sair assim para a rua?🥺
A je to tu. Venku je regulérní tma. Ani narůžovělý pásek nad obzorem. A dneska nám tu prší. Což ale beru jako opravdu příjemnou změnu. Vodu ven pořád ještě nemáme nataženou. Chodím zalívat konvemi. A to znamená konve do koupelny a z koupelny běh po zahradě....
Za letošní léto budu mít svaly jako z posilovny. 😁
Takže vstávat bobánkové a šup! Vytvářet hodnoty! Nebo tak něco. 😊
🚨**X/Twitter je financován z Ruska**
I přes Muskův odpor sdělit, odkud vzal na financování koupě Twitteru to nakonec vyšlo najevo - ruští miliardáři ovládaní Kremlem. Už je tak jasné, proč se od Muskovy akvizice platforma ubírá tímto směrem.
Thread by @DenisDanilovL on Thread Reader App
@DenisDanilovL: Elon Musk has complied after all and provided a list of X Holding Corp shareholders who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. And who do you think turned out to be the investors of the X...…threadreaderapp.com
A ty jsi zase kdo? 🧐
Ne, tvá přezdívka je s tou instancí tak zakořeněná, že tuším. Ten v tom běžeckém dresu, že jo?
David Goldfield
in reply to Martin from Toronto • • •Brian Moore
in reply to David Goldfield • • •Martin from Toronto
in reply to David Goldfield • • •Robin Frost
in reply to Martin from Toronto • • •David Goldfield
in reply to Robin Frost • • •