📢 *AI-generated podcasts aren't here to replace human creativity* 🎙️—they're enhancing accessibility, especially for people like me who learn best by listening. As a blind student, tools like NotebookLM turning PDFs into podcasts help me absorb material more effectively. 🎧 It’s about *learning in a way that works for you*, not replacing the personal touch of traditional podcasts. 🧠💡
#Accessibility #AI #AIforAccessibility #Podcasts #Blind #AIAccessibility #LearningTools #NotebookLM
Mandated wiretap interfaces and cryptographic backdoors are *expensive*, both in terms of money and, more importantly, exposure to risk. Worse, those burdens are borne inequitably.
Overall, almost no one is the subject of a lawful wiretap, even in places where wiretapping is an important investigative tool. Most people aren't suspects. But these mandates degrade security (and impose other costs) for *everyone*, the vast majority of whom will never be wiretapped.
Qué terible brutalidad, y qué sentimiento pone esta chica... bueno, ya abuela supongo. Hasta se le quiebra la voz cuando lo cuenta.
Mozilla's CEO doubles down on them being an advertising company now.
tl;dr: "LOL get fucked"
They've decided who their customers are, and it's not you, it's people who build and invest in surveillance advertising networks. But in a "respectful" way....
3.2.2 and 3.2.5 talk about unexpected changes of context, and opening a popup then moving focus to it is a change of context, but the criterion hinges on whether that change is “unexpected”.
It could be argued that this kind of popup-login pattern is quite common, and therefore not unexpected. If I was auditing, I wouldn’t fail them for that.
So yeah I share your frustration and annoyance with this pattern, but I don’t think it’s a WCAG failure.
@siblingpastry I have no way to predict whether a given website will be using Google as just one of its many login providers, before I visit and get this dialogue in my face. From that point of view, could we reasonably claim that if something is impossible to predict, it's also unexpected when it does happen?
I would only truly expect a Google related login prompt to be forced on me if visiting a website owned by Google. I don't much enjoy the idea of disabled people expecting bad behaviour by default, and hence it becoming normalised.
Meanwhile, if a website offered 15 social providers and they all followed this behaviour, it would be hugely disappointing if WCAG had nothing to say about the web essentially becoming un-browsable.
FediVerseExplorer likes this.
- Automattic (45%, 169 votes)
- Mozilla (54%, 202 votes)
While Heinlein had a valid point in this authorial insert, he tiptoed around his own cognitive biases: if entertainers and athletes were inappropriate, WHO did he think deserved to be taken seriously? And why are entertainers and athletes disqualified? Consider President Zelenskyy of Ukraine, or President Vaclav Havel of Czecheslovakia—a comedian on one hand and a satirist on the other, both went on to be statesmen.
I'm amused even Heinlein drew a line on organ trade in The Cat Who Walked through Walls:
As for the foot itself, by invariant local custom "spare parts" (hands and feet and hearts and kidneys, etc.) were not bought or sold; there was only a service and handling charge billed with the cost of surgery.
Galahad confirmed this. "We do it that way to avoid a black market. I could show you planets where there is indeed a black market, where a matching liver might mean a matching murder--but not here. Lazarus himself set up this rule, more than a century ago. We buy and sell everything else... but we don't traffic in human beings or pieces of human beings."
Hast du mal #DieGrünen gewählt und bist enttäuscht? Reporter Rico Grimm will von ehemaligen Wähler:innen wissen, was sie der Parteispitze gerne sagen würden. Mach mit bei seiner Umfrage! 👇
Původně jsem se omluvila z finančních důvodů, ale máma mi zařídila odvoz tam i zpět, protože mě tam chce, a dokonce nebude ani očekávat okázalý dar hodný jejího významného jubilea (slíbila jsem jí ho dodatečně).
Pocity mám smíšené, ale víceméně se na tu slávu těším, když nic jinýho tak se aspoň zadarmo najím, že jo 😀
Je tedy čas se pomalu připravovat, protože co nevidět mě někdo vyzvedne...
❤✊️ ¿Sabes que puedes firmar @NOESMICULTURA.ILP online si tienes certificado digital? Es la mayor y más ambiciosa campaña social para que la tauromaquia deje de ser patrimonio cultural de España. Basta de llamar cultura al sufrimiento y explotación animal 😢.
Firma aquí ✍️🐃❤️
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• Si ya has firmado en papel no es necesario que firmes online.
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Hay un tal Pedro Insua, que se dice filósofo de los de Gustavo Bueno, diciendo que las razas humanas son distintas subespecies y que ha dado conferencias al respecto, y criticando a Juan Luis Arsuaga (sí, el paleontólogo portada de Nature) por decir que las razas como concepto científico no existe, que es construcción social.
Una rápida búsqueda en Google le diría a Insua que las distintas subespecies, de reproducirse, darán indivíduos estériles, por tanto 'raza' y subespecie no son iguales.
Der Große Böse Wolff
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