The next Nobel in Physics will be announced on Tuesday. Clarivate Analytics, the data analysis company, suggests the time for quantum computing has arrived and is saying that David Deutsch and Peter Shor could be the winners.
Curiously, although with fewer options, there's one Spanish physicist, Juan Ignacio Cirac, winner of the Wolf Prize, that appears among the favourites, also for his contributions in quantum computing.
Even if it's not the time of Cirac, there's another Spanish guy, Pedro Jarillo-Herrero, who was one of the discoverers of the magic angle of the graphene (that the graphene turns out to be a superconductor if you rotate 2 flat surfaces 1.1°).
Spain has never won a Nobel in Physics or Chemistry, and the scientific community here is longing for one. Even although Cirac and Jarillo-Herrero work outside (Germany and the US, respectively), if any of them wins, this could launch the science in Spain, with more support for research, more reasonable evalutions of merits and better conditions for young scientists. One can always dream.
Reminder: new home for the Inclusive Design Principles… the old domain has lapsed and now advertises gambling 😑
In a move that absolutely no one asked for:
I am porting the Windows Vista/7 desktop Gadgets to Wayland with some GTK sorcery.
These widgets are actually zip files with web resources plus some metadata.
I got the Machine CPU and RAM stats working, along with some of Microsoft's weird JS API's.
It really sucks to be in a world where you have to choose between two vendors for the tools you must use to access most of your life, both of which have clearly stated they are actively working against both your best interests and the best interests of society. Of course, there's an alternative — various third parties, many of which are actively malicious and none of which are remotely reasonable choices when it comes to security, feature parity, or anything else.
Today this is about browsers, but the fact that I have to specify is its own problem.
Relearning modern HTML, and amazed to find that <a> tags have a "ping" attribute that just fire off an async POST to whereever you like when someone follows the link. Explicitly designed for tracking user activity, and has been in browsers since 2011.
According to MDN, Firefox is the only browser that doesn't send them by default. Not for any particularly noble reason, there's just an 11 year old open bug to finish shipping it and it's not done yet.
Was ich nie gesagt habe, weil ich die Antwort kannte
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Hledám pro matku práci. Má základní vzdělání a s počítačem neumí. Celý život dělala uklízečku. Na současnou práci už nestačí, protože jí z tahání těžkých věci bolí páteř. Ideální lokalita Hlučín, Moravská Ostrava. Na plný úvazek.
Koukám na jeden inzerát... Uklízečka... Angličtina a filipinstina výhodou. Lidem už jebe.
Am I misunderstanding something or does this article indicate that adding menu/menuitem roles somehow ensure keyboard operability of dropdown menus? (They don’t.) The use of <ul>/<li> elements is also superfluous as the added roles mean it could be just <div>s. Not a bad practice, but the article seems to indicate using a list is somehow helpful to AT users. (It isn’t.) I’d also recommend the aria-haspopup=menu (although equivalent to true, it’s more specific).
I second this brand. I bought a Ninja and it couldn't even compare to my Insta-Vortex.
Great dial easy to read/set and clean quickly.
Next one I buy will be another Vortex.
Aprone's accessible games have a lot of smaller puzzle-type things.
Überdenke deine Definition von stark sein.
Referendar as touradas para quê, realmente?
Acabe-se com elas, simplesmente.
O PS e o PCP insistem em falhar, neste ponto. Haja coragem política para ficar contra a barbárie.
@ragb @joaombarbosa @dplouro
@joaombarbosa @dplouro @ragb
@dplouro @catiafilipe @Isabel626 @ragb
Sobre as touradas, há seis anos Diogo Batáguas publicou um vídeo com um ponto de vista interessante:…
Em relação a quem estaria ou não bem numa praça de touros, duas considerações: (1) "animais" somos todos; (2) deduzo que não tenha sido a sério, mas desumanizar o outro é normalmente o primeiro degrau na escadaria da barbárie -- vamos tentar evitar esse caminho ⛔
@catiafilipe @dplouro @Isabel626 @ragb
Sim, é um bom sítio para começar. Neste nosso cantinho já houve um tempo em que se acabaram os jogos de morte entre pessoas e outro em que se acabaram as execuções públicas e depois a tortura e castigo público. Quando andei na escola, as professoras ainda castigavam os alunos mal comportados com reguadas, hoje já não. A sociedade vai evoluindo e o que é aceitável hoje, irá deixar de o ser no futuro.
@joaopinheiro @ragb @Isabel626 @catiafilipe @dplouro
A luta contra a crueldade -- em que se insere a crueldade animal -- vai-se fazendo na lei, mas é importante que se faça também no sentimento geral da sociedade. Mudanças à força contra a vontade de uma parte significativa da população não são eficazes. É melhor começar por outro lado: impedir primeiro o financiamento público a essas atividades, depois a publicidade e só depois partir para a proibição total do espetáculo.
Se não houver quem queira ver acaba. É preciso investir em atividades alternativas/duradouras, alargar a oferta, enfim, tornar "obsoleta" esta economia. A "paixão" não desaparece por decreto, a não ser por imposição violenta. Acho curiosa a imposição do "fim" nisto, nunca funciona 😅. Uma "paixão", não só não acaba assim como medra mais - o "orgulho" da "terra" pesa. Isto é subestimado, sinceramente, não percebo como - parece que não querem realmente acabar com as touradas.
Habe gerade eine Vorstellung des Projekts "MetaBraille" gesehen. Das ist ja saustark! Open Source Tools haben die verwendet und sich eine eigene Braille Tastatur gebaut, die im Prinzip von jedem blinden Menschen nachgebaut werden kann.
Sogar die Steuerung vom 3D Drucker.
Die 3D gedruckte Tastatur kann man dann an das Handy koppeln. Klasse!!
FediVerseExplorer likes this.
When I think about reading, the activity, I think of it as something distinct from listening to an audiobook. I enjoy the physical and mental act of reading. It is recreational for me in a way that listening to an audiobook isn’t.
But I do love and listen to audiobooks, and listening to audiobooks “counts” as reading, whatever that means. If you ask me what books I’ve read, I’m going to list those I’ve read and those I’ve listened to (and in some cases I’m probably not going to remember which is which).…
Does listening to an audiobook count as reading?
Please boost for reach.
- Yes (59%, 378 votes)
- Yes, but… (18%, 117 votes)
- No (22%, 140 votes)
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🎉 We've released a September 2024 update to the Snikket server software, read all about it here:
72 Stunden – insbesondere über ein Wochenende – sind kaum ausreichend sind, um auf ein hochkomplexes Gesetzesvorhaben in angemessener Weise zu reagieren.
Die betroffenen Verbände und Organisationen, darunter auch der Verein Tacheles e.V., hatten gerade einmal drei Tage Zeit, um eine Stellungnahme zu einem Gesetz zu verfassen, das weitreichende Veränderungen im Bereich der Bürgergeldgesetze und Arbeitsförderung vorsieht.…
Auf Kongressen unterhalten sich über das Thema Wundmanagement ein Anwalt und TikTok Influenzer. (Sponsoring durch Verbandsmaterialhersteller).
Humor wird zum Forschungsthema,dabei wird aber #Misogynie, #Fremdenfeindlichkeit und #Ableismus nicht thematisiert.
Und natürlich mit Prise Apfelsaft aus Urinflasche,Inkontinenzhose auf dem Kopf,Patient*innenShaming und Contentkopieren von US Creatorinnen.
in reply to fanta ✅️ • • •