Here in one paper is the probable reason why Apple abruptly pulled out of OpenAI's current funding round a week ago, after previously being expected to buy at least a billion bucks of equity.
(AI is peripheral to Apple's business model and not tarnishing their brand in the long term is more important than jumping on a passing fad.)……
Poseck erfüllt die Voraussetzungen für eine Duldung schon gar nicht. Ich denke, es ist an der Zeit, ihn an einer Autobahnraste seinem Schicksal zu überantworten.
The #LinuxDays have roughly a thousand attendees and during the conference there were 14 posts with the conference hashtag on Mastodon and 8 on Twitter.
Feedback submitted to Caltrain:
"Hi there, I just tried to get on train 424, which stopped at San Antonio around 6:35 pm. I was on the station rushing to the blue zone at the opposite end of the platform. It was very difficult to go over the bumpy stamped concrete. No conductor came out to meet me, and the train left without me. I'm quite surprised by this, as the conductors are usually very attentive. If I had been able to walk, I would have been able get on the train, but this time, I felt excluded based on my wheelchair. Is there anything you can do to make this better?"
I have been accepted into the Flight Simulator 2024 technical alpha, and I've also just learned that there is no NDA, beyond the fact that this is an experimental build and things may break--I've had one CTD so far.
Narrator is a lot better with the UI and they got rid of the querky navigation that came with a mouse pointer interface; I think it has this with Narrator disabled however.
One little tidbit of information interested me. The settings menu is divided into categories. General, controls, accessibility, and each of these has subcategories. Narration has one, but here's the thing. It says 'Narration and audio cues'. Right now, it only has the narration settings we previously had and the ability to make all audio mono for hard of hearing users. I plan on doing a quick look video over the weekend demonstrating the QoL improvements to narrator, differences to free flight screen and an overview of how settings work. I think they may have cut the AI copilot out of FS24, which if so is a bad move for those with severe physical disabilities such as CP.
Just casually opened the door of my #FS2024 Cessna walking around, describing the scenery around me with Jaws picture smart on this early Saturday morning. :)
The image shows a landscape at dusk or dawn, with a dark foreground and silhouetted trees against a gradually lightening sky. The horizon has a gentle
glow, suggesting the sun is either rising or setting. Sparse lights are visible in the distance, possibly from buildings or vehicles, adding a subtle touch
to the tranquil scene. The atmosphere feels calm and serene.
@modulux Yeah, he did.
I was totally with him on dynamic typing when I went through my Lua phase in the mid to late 2000s; that happened to correspond with discovering his writing for the first time.
One thing that I was trying to describe to the 15-year-old is that, when I was in college, google worked *so well* to find basically exactly what you were searching for that there was a site called "Let Me Google That For You" where you could snarkily send someone their question back and they'd see it animate the process of typing their question into google, then get the search results and bam, there's the answer to their question
I would *never* consider doing that now because almost never is the first hit the actual thing you want (and, honestly, it's getting rarer that it's top 10)
Hiya, another day, another #GoToSocial release candidate:…
We fixed a couple small bugs around interaction accepts and rejects :)
Please read the release notes carefully, especially if updating to this release candidate from v0.16.0 or below! There are migrations!
If you're using SQLite on OpenBSD or FreeBSD, please take the release version with moderncsqlite
in the name, as described in the release notes.
Thanks for reading and helping us find bugs! We're getting there 🙂
📝Inscríbete antes del 18 de octubre aquí👉🏾
Kritik an Israel - Amnesty: „Humanitäres Völkerrecht wird nicht eingehalten“
Amnesty International kritisiert eine „einseitige Parteinahme“ der Bundesregierung mit Israel und fordert auf, Waffenlieferungen zu stoppen.#GAZA #Libanon #AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL #ISRAEL
Spielplatz. Zwei große Jungs ärgern und provozieren einen kleineren Jungen. Kommt ein etwas älteres Mädchen (Geschwisterkind?) angerannt und baut sich empört vor den Großen auf.
„Lasst ihn in Ruhe!“
„Verschwinde, wir hauen keine Mädchen!“
„Aber ich haue Jungs!“
Mir erscheint es für einen kurzen Moment, als stehe die Zeit still und in der Stille vermeine ich das freudige Raunen millionenfacher Frauen aus allen Zeiten zu hören.
Die großen Jungs sind dann einfach verschwunden.
"In der aktuell erregt geführten Debatte über die gesellschaftliche Bedrohung durch Besteck redet niemand über Löffel. Es geht nur um die Messer. Da aber ist man quer durch die Parteien mit Verboten schnell bei der Hand. Kann sich jemand eine ähnliche Diskussion über die weitaus größere Gefahr auf Deutschlands Straßen vorstellen, über die Straftäter am Steuer? Sie scheint undenkbar. Und genau das ist das Problem."
I really appreciate an honest code comment 😄
This class implements the Noam Learning rate schedule. This corresponds to increasing the learning rate
linearly for the first ``num_warmup`` training steps, and decreasing it thereafter proportionally
to the inverse square root of the step number, scaled by the inverse square root of the
dimensionality of the model. Time will tell if this is just madness or it's actually important.
I've started working on the site, using the "classless" version of this style sheet.
I'm using the Hugo static site generator. I'll write more about it when I create a blog for longer-form posts.
#accessibility #css #WebDevelopment
Pokud nekdy potkas neco nize, tak zkus :)
Albrechticky - Koleck0% IPA
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Zichovec - Drink & Drive non-alcoholic IPA
zejmena ten Zichovec je luxus a Opice vlastne chutna skoro jako jejich vlajkova lod Sun Apa
Der Kleidung nach zu urteilen wurde ich eben im Neuenheimer Feld von einer Klinikmitarbeiterin fast frontal mit dem Auto angefahren, weil sie an einer engen Stelle einen entgegenkommenden Radfahrer (viel zu dicht) überholen musste. Mich hat sie anscheinend "übersehen".
Today, @james' @Podnews revealed that @AntennaPod the amazing open-source podcast player, just added transcript support! 🎉
"Version 3.5 of podcast app AntennaPod now displays Podcasting 2.0 transcripts, joining Pocket Casts and Apple Podcasts."
This is a game-changer for accessibility, SEO, discoverability, and the ability to quickly search within an episode.
Huge shout-out to the AntennaPod team, especially Tony Tam, for developing this awesome transcript feature! 🙌
@projetslibres_podcast you are the ones who introduced me to Castopod but your podcast doesn't support transcripts?
Florian Idelberger
in reply to Charlie Stross • • •Sevoris
in reply to Florian Idelberger • • •that may in part be a campaign to gather information on possible interaction workflows.
They‘re maybe also prototyping API designs for being able to pipe semantic information between different applications.
Florian Idelberger
in reply to Sevoris • • •Sevoris
in reply to Florian Idelberger • • •that depends on how you think about the interaction workflows around people manipulating and moving information between applications.
I mean yes it‘s a poisoned data source, and it‘s definitely a compromise, but it‘s not like "I want this from my digital assistant" isn‘t data that can be used in some shape or form.
Jeremy Kahn
in reply to Sevoris • • •> I want [this] from my digital assistant
is 1000% valuable product-direction research data
Current systems are basically outsourcing to call-center style labeling factories — with a bit of ML laundering in between — & this fully pre-dates the LLM boom (Facebook M,? & when Siri was new)
Recent LLM innovation has let them do more of the ML laundering and time shifting by throwing compute at it
But they're still mostly emulating what a call-center drone can do
Jeremy Kahn
in reply to Jeremy Kahn • • •That "emulate form without doing actual reasoning" is so effective at charming the executive class into throwing money at it…
…is kinda damning of the executive class' own "genius" intellectual self-regard
They themselves have used prose-based discriminative pattern-matching (& privilege) to get where they are, not actual reasoning
"That guy fast-talks like he knows what he's talking about, put him in charge of a division" is no way to run a system of {governance}