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The BC NDP's platform has a very relatable filename: bcndp_anactionplanforyou_final_final_final_final_web_0.pdf…
#bcpoli #cdnpoli

TIL you can link directly to text content in a web page without using an ID attribute


This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Is it hypocritical to fear Absolute Persistence as a backdoor but trust Apple’s ecosystem control? Both offer deep access, but it’s about perception: people trust brands differently. Absolute tech, used for security, isn't just for enterprises but consumers too. It’s a reminder that we often accept the same tech under different labels, based on who we trust more. Been thinking about this a lot. And although Absolute Persistance isn't activated or installed on all machines, it's there on many.
in reply to Tamas G

looking at the Absolute client, it's very small and phones home your location to the Absolute app. If your machine is stolen, as long as a police report gets filed and it cannot be recovered in 90 days, they'll give you the price of your laptop for a new one. You do have to attach proof of a police report. Apple's "persistance" activation tech is hidden within the security chip, so maybe harder to hack, but even more impossible to remove. Both can be deactivated by device owners themselves.
in reply to Tamas G

Absolute and Apple also both offer options for locking the device and displaying the message. (I wish Absolute had the option to play a sound, but at the basic level the lock and recovery process offered by both is similar.) Sure, could people hack Absolute's module to redirect the endpoint more easily? Probably, depending on firmware access, and this is where fearing Absolute has more argument to hold. At the same time, it's a slippery slope: As we know, M-series chips have gotten hacked before

Thought I'd share this funky little ringtone/loop/whatever one might want to use it for, inspired by working through @ToniBarth's guide on the #Reaper pitch cursor. Thoughts and boosts welcome.

I was going to get a brain transplant, but I changed my mind

Where do rabbits go after they get married? On a bunny-moon.

Do you use any of our Fedora Labs? These are spins of Fedora that are set up with specific use cases in mind.

We have labs for:
* Astronomy
* Neuroscience
* Design
* Gaming
* Music
* And more!


#FedoraLabs #Fedora #Linux #OpenSource

In 2021, Spotify launched Wellness week, where we get off work for most of the company as a time to recharge, reset. (…) and has continued yearly since, which makes me super glad to work at a place where mental health gets recognition to this level. Next week is no work for me (and many of my colleagues) so I'll be able to get a break from most things code-related. I will not wrap myself up in some random hobby project! Need to relax.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

Bluesky has raised a $15m series A

This just in time for the weekend, so we’ll be treated to endless tirades about the satanic rites of venture capital

and why the One True Way of building a pure and decent social platform is a grumpy dude paid a terrible wage to ignore user feedback…

in reply to bsky:

I'll be happy to start sending money to developers of fediverse software who *don't* ignore user feedback.
in reply to Matt Campbell

The problem with VCs is that they'll want their outsized payday, and sooner or later, they'll push through whatever enshittification is necessary to make that happen. At least with crowdfunding, there's some chance that we can contribute to developing good software and a healthy network for its own sake.

Sicherheitsforscher, die im gesellschaftlichen Interesse Schwachstellen finden und melden, sollen sich nicht mehr strafbar machen. Das fordert das Justizministerium in einem Gesetzentwurf, den wir veröffentlichen. @Lilith und der @CCC begrüßen den ersten Schritt – und fordern weitere Änderungen.…

This letter written by Charles Babbage in 1840 is fascinating ...

... since it appears to be his earliest ever attempt to describe computational recursion in plain language

He *had* to use plain language -- the very concepts he was struggling to enunciate didn't yet have names

As Bruce Sterling puts it, this passage is “a breathless, painful description of the unique ability of software to operate on itself”

Item #12 in my latest "Linkfest" newsletter, free here:…


I've donated to #SuperSwingDistricts, a strategy for donating to local candidates in important races that are also likely to "turn out" many voters who wouldn't have voted for the federal candidate otherwise. Thanks @glyph for building and sharing this 💜

Please take a look, this strategy seems compelling to me:


PSA your Spotify subscription pays to push fascism. Not to compensate musical artists.

Someday people will talk about that weird month we all sang sea shanties together the way we talk about that month in the 90s we spent on Gregorian chants, and some people will say "wasn't that weird" or "do you feel old now" but hopefully the conclusion most of us reach is that getting together to sing literally any random nonsense is kind of great.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)

If you vote for a fascist, you are a fascist.

Own it or shut the fuck up.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jorge Candeias

Similarly, if you root or in any way support a fascist against a democrat, however flawed that democrat may be, you are also a fascist.

Again, own it or shut the fuck up.

And this applies to all levels of politics, from your neighborhood to global geopolitics.

I really want to use my @playdate more, but the lack of a backlight makes it so hard to see after my cataract surgery. If I am not in perfect lighting I am looking at a blob.

The handheld is a joy and it is a shame I don’t go to it more often.

If anyone has recommendations on how to get better contrast/lighting please let me know. #playdate

🔓 Šmírovací #Cloudflare?
Jak jsem se dozvěděl a později pochopil: CF radši nenasazovat na #servery, které odesílají citlivá data.
Cloudflare funguje jako proxy, od výchozího serveru dostává šifrovaná data přes https, které rozšifruje. Následně se spojí s cílovým serverem a data opět posílá sifrovaně (a nebo ne). Co se s daty v rozmezí u CF děje, to je otazník, věc důvěry.
Rozhodně bych CF nenasazoval tam, kde běží mailserver apod.
Vhodné je používat end-to-end šifrování. #bezpecnost #webhosting
in reply to Archos

@archos no, ufw je celkem fajn na jednoduché věci. Jak od toho člověk chce něco složitějšího, jako DNATy, forwardy, atp, je to někdy docela boj to přesvědčit ať to dělá co má, jak a kam to správně zapsat.

@mush42 @ZBennoui I found a TTS library that's interesting. Can this be light and efficient so it can be added to Sonata a longside Piper and the upcoming OptiSpeech?

I don't really understand why the CBC hates Trudeau and wants to force him out as leader.

I don't even like Trudeau, but the CBC's constantly trying to push a "Liberal caucus is revolting!" narrative is just so transparent and they aren't even owned by a billionaire.

in reply to Dave Mac Farlane

I'm pretty sure the person in charge is a con... you know the same con that want to disband the CBC because of their leftist-bias-agenda....

I hope there's a special place in hell for people who get off the train just to start smoking while standing in the door, blowing all the smoke inside the carriage.

por qué en algunas publicaciones con advertencia no puedo ver el post? me pasa incluso con menciones...
in reply to JC 🦁

Es con el TW Blue? Si es el caso, es por un fallo de programación. Si el perfil del usuario o el contenido del tut tiene algún carácter especial, no muestra.

opinión sobre luces de navidad de vigo

Sensitive content

in reply to JC 🦁

opinión sobre luces de navidad de vigo

Sensitive content

If only there was a different browser with arm64 builds 😁

From: @benschwarz…

I think the tide is starting to turn in GNOME and free desktop accessibility for blind people. Check out this positive message on the Orca mailing list, from a former vocal critic of free desktop accessibility:…

Note: This has nothing to do with the work I did earlier this year prototyping a new Wayland-native accessibility stack. So I'm not being self-congratulatory.

reshared this

in reply to Matt Campbell

*blushes* Hey, that sounds like something I'd write.

Oh hey, I wrote that like yesterday! :)

Sorry for being the party pooper, but my dream, 30 years ago, when I first experienced The Web with the NCSA Mosaic browser on a SUN SPARCStation LX, was definitely not that I will spend a lot of time clicking away nasty pop-ups, cookie banners and filtering 1000s of trackers. But maybe that’s just me ……
in reply to Jan Wildeboer 😷

I remember in 1995 people talking about the commercialisation of the internet and how it would destroy everything. They weren't wrong.

Having to tap the "don't support the Factorio devs sign" again but no one will listen because no one really cares.…

The GNOME Foundation Board is seeking input on what people would like to see from GUADEC in the future. We'd love to hear your thoughts.…

Keep in mind how fast things pass by and are gone—those that are now, and those to come. Existence flows past us like a river… Nothing is stable, not even what’s right here. The infinity of past and future gapes before us—a chasm whose depths we cannot see. So it would take an idiot to feel self-importance or distress. Or any indignation, either. As if the things that irritate us lasted. (Marcus Aurelius)

It'll be a RISC-V @fosdem DevRoom in 2025! 🥳

Mark your calendars! CFP details will be out soon!

Status: flood-pinging my son's phone because he installed an auto-clicker which went wrong, so now he can only use his phone again when it runs out of battery or otherwise reboots. Vaguely hoping the flood-ping helps drain the battery faster. Other ideas appreciated! (don't dare to put it in the fridge) #NerdChallenge
in reply to Emile is a Data Junkie

press and hold all the physical buttons it has for 30+ seconds. This usually triggers hardware reset.

This article provides tips for content authors on how to create accessible posts. This includes writing using plain language, incorporating alternative text for images, providing clear instructions for forms, using labels for buttons or links, and providing a clear title for each webpage.… #accessibility

Gramerly: we will read your emails and wrote a summary for you, saving you time!

Also gramerly: We will write your emails for you.

Like, at what point is this just burning gpu cycles for no reason? No one is reading the long as email Gramerly wrote cause gamerly is also summarizing it on the other side.

I wonder if any Linux-capable system-on-module that can be purchased in small quantities has power management competitive with modern smartphones. The Raspberry Pi Compute Module 4, the SOM used in the BT Speak Pro (, definitely doesn't. Deane Blazie said as much on the BT Speak support forum. So they have to use a big battery (8200 mAh, compare with typical smartphones) for decent battery life. Used more efficiently, that big battery could allow impressive battery life.
in reply to Matt Campbell

Well, you do have access to the console on a BT Speaks. I'm wondering if there are some services that you could turn off to make it more power efficient? Yeah, that does sound like a pretty big battery though.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@mcourcel As a part time linux user who is partially sighted... I would say I think there is still a long way to go...
in reply to Matt Campbell

That answers a question I had about the BTSpeak battery as I have had my own struggles powering an RPi in the past.

We all know about scripts/

But are people aware of scripts/

$ cat scripts/
print('lol no')

Gmail, Outlook, they all offer an “Unsend” feature – but did you know that this only delays sending your email?

Do you use the “Unsend” feature or do you dislike the forced delay? Let us know in the comments!

Find out more about the “Unsend” feature 👉…

#Email #Emailtips #Unsend #Emailundo

in reply to Tuta

There's a type of typos that can only be discovered after hitting “send” (basically Schrödinger's typo), like “Dear Sir or Adam”, so having such a feature can be really valuable.
in reply to Tuta

I don’t use the features on the clients you mentioned above, but I do on another one and the unsent message goes into my draft, so I can fix any typos or other errors I might have typed.

Welcome Kazuho Oku as #curl commit author 1310:…