If you harbored any doubts regarding #Bluesky and their claims of decentralization, you HAVE TO read this brilliant, insightful toot by @jonny about the impossibility of multiple relays and what would happen if one tried to split off from #Bsky the corporation: neuromatch.social/@jonny/11336…
I actually recommend you read the whole thread - and follow Jonny! (Thank you for the recommendation @oblomov!)
jonny (good kind) (@jonny@neuromatch.social)
Content warning: long, bsky, atproto, on the impossibility of multiple relaysNeuromatch Social
Sharkvember Shortcuts Weekly Roundup
Here at Freedom Scientific, we have renamed the month of November to Sharkvember, a month-long celebration of accessibility, creativity, and community. Visit the Sharkvember page for a list of even…Freedom Scientific Blog
Fiala: Dejte mi ještě čtyři roky a budete mít platy jako v Německu
Premiér Petr Fiala (ODS) uvedl, že považuje svoji vládu za nejúspěšnější v české historii a chce příští rok na podzim vést koalici Spolu do voleb a znovu kandidovat na premiéra.Oldřich Danda (Novinky)
"Premiér Petr Fiala uvedl, že považuje svoji vládu za nejúspěšnější v české historii."
Byl jeden světový politik, jmenoval se Biden a ten taky tvrdil, že jeho vláda je velmi úspěšná. A ona objektivně v mnoha ohledech úspěšná je, ale když se tváříš, že je vše "nadmíru výtečné", a nepřiznáš, že i tak můžou mít lidi problémy, i když za ně tvoje vláda ani přímo nemůže, prohraješ volby.
Izzy's freie Bibliothek
Katalog mit freien eBooks (Public Domain, Creative Commons): kostenlos und ohne Anmeldung stöbern und herunterladen!ebooks.qumran.org
I was doing so good there for about a week. Now I'm back to this thing where I sleep for no more than two hours, then I'm up for the rest of the day.
I've gotten about 8 hours or so of sleep in the last four days.
I guess it's better than being awake for many days straight, which I've also done somewhat recently.
In related news, stress sucks.
bird.makeup - Tweet
Vnímám 17. listopad jako druhou šanci. Před pětatřiceti lety jsme dostali možnost změnit sebe, svůj život, okolí a zemi. Tehdy si nikdo z nás neuměl pořádně představit, jak by měla demokracie a naše země vypadat.bird.makeup
But only FF on Windows, nothing else. Although, I do have Chrome installed for these 1% of the time when some app decides it's going to say it doesn't support FF.
Holy crap Samsung Health on my watch is abysmal. I'm sick of trying to make it work properly.
Back to Google fit, even if it can't find me on my walks.
Will avoid both these brands for my next watch.
@fireborn the GPS is terrible. I'm constantly walking through buildings or stumbling around like a drunk. I can deal with that but the constant checking that I'm still on my walks despite the elevated heart rate and (drink) GPS activity is infuriating. Sometimes 10+ "are you still walking?" Prompts per 30 mins.
Today it just paused the workout for no apparent reason. I didn't notice for 10 mins even though I have to check it every minute or two for that above-mentioned prompt.
So bad.
Interestingly, I have a Huawei GT3 which is fantastic with fitness stuff but it doesn't play nicely when synchronising the date over health sync. I might try it again, it's been long enough for an update 🤣.
I submitted the manuscript for my next book!
It's a collection of folktales about misunderstood / underappreciated animals. Bats, sharks, wolves, rats, spiders, etc. I managed to find cool stories for each, and in every one of them the animal is portrayed in a positive light.
It was one heck of a research project, and I really enjoyed it 😄
i'm going to make a radical claim:
the "phone" has basically ceased to exist.
these devices we call phones? they're pocket computers that just happen to have cellular connectivity. they should be treated as such - which means open specs, unlockable booting, replaceable operating systems.
if you need to blob the cellular bit for regulatory approval, fine, do that, but agree a standard interface to it (like AT commands for old modems, or the interface to the Pi's GPU capabilities) that all OSes can use on all cellular devices. but there's no excuse for locking down any of the rest of the device, is there?
This one’s quite important, thespinoff.co.nz/atea/25-10-20….
While Māordom has been in an uproar about the Treaty Principles Bill, which New Zealand First MP Shane Jones says is “dead in the water”, the coalition government has quietly set the wheels in motion for at least 28 pieces of legislation to have their Treaty clauses reviewed and potentially removed.
Key terminology here is “investors.” This seems like just the right sort of trickery perfected by conservatives in America.
thx @ClareBear
The under-the-radar Treaty clause review that could have far-reaching consequences
Shane Jones has the Treaty clause in the Conservation Act in his crosshairs – and it's just one of an estimated 28 laws set for review.Liam Rātana (The Spinoff)
The Conversation Africa has published a number of articles explaining the continent’s sanitation problems – and potential solutions.
#medieval #MedievalArt
This is gonna sound a little wonky. But have you ever been scrolling late at night and you come across those videos of that guy cleaning those filthy rugs?
That's what meditation feels like it's doing to my brain.
#meditation #buddhism #buddhist #buddha #meditate #meditationpractice #JapaneseBuddhism #MentalHealth #mensmentalhealth
Boosnout to nejde, bo je to od @Petr90 🔒, tak alespoň takto:
Snad máte lepší #dobréRáno.🙂
Takhle by to přátelé nešlo.
Ale jinak #dobrerano všem
Patřím mezi ty, kteří se v listopadu ‘89 zapojili do dění. Když jsme se poprvé v úzkém kruhu sešli, abychom založili místní Občanské Fórum, ještě jsme měli strach, že nás rozežene Veřejná bezpečnost.
A že to schytáme, jako všichni ti, kteří byli odvážní před námi.
Patřím mezi ty, kteří si přejí, aby se nic z toho bolševického zla už nevrátilo. Jistě, mnoho věcí se dalo udělat jinak a lépe. Nikdo ale neměl manuál, jak na to. Proto jsem spokojena s tím, co se nám, naší společnosti, podařilo. Není to málo.
Dost lidí ale už zapomnělo.
Patřím mezi ty, kteří nikdy nezradí myšlenku, se kterou jsme v listopadu ‘89 vyšli do ulic.
Pokud nás bude víc, neprohrajeme. Možná se zdá, že tentokrát dostaneme přes držku. Možná. Ale naši oponenti nemají, kromě lží a prázdných slibů, co nabídnout.
Reddit's r/programming once again proves how sensitive they are
"Oh no, the furry blog has furry art on it. Time to gripe in the comments!"
Weak display.
This is your cue to start your own blog, fill it with furry stickers, and share it widely.
I want to see foxes and tigers on every r/programming thread.
I want to see r/netsec full of dragons and sergals.
You can leave r/crypto alone. They've largely been accepting of my silly musings.
Change Twitter link on launch screen to Mastodon · Issue #28163 · element-hq/element-web
Your use case What would you like to do? Currently if you start element without being logged in it shows these links in the footer Why would you like to do it? I think it would make sense to link t...GitHub
An Ohio man guilty of Bitcoin laundering must forfeit over $400 million in assets
Larry Dean Harmon, who ran crypto mixer Helix, was given a three-year prison sentence and ordered to forfeit over $400 million in assets, for Bitcoin money laundering.Wes Davis (The Verge)
How to Add a Brand Preset to OpenStreetMap
Just wrote a little blog and made a video about this to hopefully make it easier for folks to figure this out. I've looked it up a few times throughout the years and it was always a little tricky to find.
How to Add a Brand Preset to OpenStreetMap
TLDR: Learn how to add brand presets to OpenStreetMap by following the official Name Suggestion Index contribution guide. A video tutorial demonstrating this process is available here.Ray Berger (Ray Berger's Blog)
New app: RabbitCommand (#2935) · Issues · F-Droid / Requests For Packaging · GitLab
The app complies with the inclusion criteriaGitLab
IzzyOnDroid - Open Collective
IzzyOnDroid provides a curated repository of FOSS Android apps, transparently labeling anti-features and performing additional scans.opencollective.com
I moved nearly 40K pictures (which were linked from #OpenStreetMap and created with @MapComplete from imgur to @panoramax
You can read more about the proces
Thanks to @thibaultmol for hosting the server
Moving pictures from IMGUR to Panoramax: some thoughts and little facts
As you might know, Im the main developer of MapComplete. For those who dont know, MapComplete is an OSM-viewer and editor, where contributors can easily answer questions, add new points and upload pictures from a POI from a cozy website.OpenStreetMap
FediVerseExplorer likes this.
For Berlin we could upload 10+ Million photos, it would need quite some resources. But we are working on it
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Document default `User-Agent` by br3ndonland · Pull Request #15608 · curl/curl
Description curl offers a --user-agent option for modifying the User-Agent header supplied in its requests. The man page section for this option explains how to use the --user-agent option, but doe...GitHub
Chris Cooke
in reply to David Goldfield • • •David Goldfield
in reply to Chris Cooke • • •