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My PhD student Sára and I are looking for people to participate in a study on usability aspects of interactive theorem provers. Please consider signing up!

Who? anyone who uses or has used an interactive theorem prover for whatever purpose

What? 90 - 120 minute interviews (possibly including a small think-aloud programming session)

When? interviews will be scheduled starting September 2024

Where? online (participants from anywhere are welcome)

We are hoping these interviews will help us determine how you interact with your theorem provers and to gain insights on how we can improve the user experience. We are interested in all aspects of interactive theorem provers, including but not limited to their design, their tooling, their libraries, and their documentation.

Sign up here:…

#Agda #Coq #Lean #Isabelle #Usability #TheoremProvers

This entry was edited (4 months ago)

Finally got to eat Indian mangoes this mango season. @divya gave me Kesar mangoes

I write about Indian mangoes here…

Whatever you think you know about mangoes, Indian and Pakistani mangoes *in season* are very different, and worth seeking out


Giving #LinuxMint a spin in a virtual machine because my mom has expressed an interest in migrating to Linux when #Windows 10 enters end-of-life. It's actually pretty darn slick and user-friendly; comes with a lot of stuff made by the Mint devs themselves for #Linux Mint, and I think it might be the perfect thing to migrate my mom over to. Will probably stick with the #Debian based LMDE.
in reply to Majid Hussain

It's Ubuntu based but they make some of their own design and security choices. For one, they are the lead developers of the Cinnamon desktop, so by default it ships with that and you will generally get newer versions of Cinnamon faster on Mint.

They also remove snaps in favor of flatpaks, though you can obviously reinstall snaps yourself if you prefer those, but by default it has flatpaks instead.

They also have a "Debian Edition" or "LMDE" that is based on Debian instead of Ubuntu.

in reply to Marcus

cheers for that info! that desktop enviroment is not accessible sadly

Týmy a jezdci letošní Tour de France

Spanish Parliament votes in favor of motion correcting Government's position on Western Sahara issue: "Support for Justice and Legitimacy of the Cause"

Rick and Morty "In The Homestretch" of 70-Episode Deal; What's Next?…

CISA confirms hackers may have accessed data from chemical facilities during January incident

The agency found no evidence that hackers exfiltrated information but noted the intrusion “may have resulted in the potential unauthorized access”...

🔗️ [Therecord]

Dobré ráno vinšuji. Tak vstávat kamarádi, vstávat. 😉 Už reď ráno, v půl šesté, je venku hnusné vedro 🥵 tak doufejme, že se to otočí a ochladí se. Protože Jiří bude jinak odpoledne nefunkční. 🤪
Ano, přesně, taky si to myslím, už aby byl sychravý podzim. 🍁 Tak hurá do práce a žádné přestávky, humlu v chumlu😀
Safra, teď tu projel debil na koloběžce a málem mi srazil. Co myslíte, neměli by ti blbečkové co jezdí po chodníku na koloběžce 🛴platit měsíční daň bezpečnosti? Třeba, já nevím, pakatel, 10000
This entry was edited (4 months ago)

How the European Accessibility Act (EAA) will impact product accessibility…

I see you Valérie Plante...

Montréal gets a Fête Nationale parade w/ no red tape politics.…

Canada Day parade cancelled b/c of red tape politics:… #polMTL #MTLpoli #cdnpoli #polcan #valerieknowsbest #BS

Beyond Doctor Who: Harry Sullivan’s War to be Turned Into an Audiobook This Christmas…

Structured Negotiation Helps Parties Improve CVS Kiosk Accessibility Strategy used by CVS and National Federation of the Blind after a filed lawsuit…

If You Tag, I Will Read…

Creo que necesitamos un movimiento jurídico materialista y empirista. En concreto, es necesario que el sistema judicial atienda más a la verdad material que a la forma. No hablo de eliminar ni reducir garantías cuando estas tienen un objeto legítimo, pero una cuestión como el plazo no debería en general sobreponerse a la realidad.

Lo que me ha hecho pensar en esto es esta sentencia del TSJ de Navarra absolviendo a una funcionaria de revelación de secretos. Reconoce que lo hizo y que es delictivo, pero se le pidió declaración fuera del plazo del año que manda la LECRIM.…

Three new Covid variants surge across UK as hospital cases soar

Experts are raising the alarm as new figures reveal Covid admissions have rocketed by a staggering 24 percent in a single week.…

Ireland: 'WAKE UP CALL' Major health warning issued as new Covid variant now accounts for one third of hospital admissions

A 24 per cent increase in admission to United Kingdom hospitals has been reported in the previous week for KP.3 - a subvariant of the deadly contagious Omicron strain.…

Last night i tested some apps with text to speech just out of curiosity. Just listening that the things it depict sound right at all.

I can't fully test things because i am not in a spot to do so, but this is something anyone can do really. Enable text to speech, click around your app, make sure that all fields, buttons, texts and things are described. Make also sure that you can use keyboard only to move around.

If you want to help with #Linux #accessibility this is something anyone could try to do and fix! It will not make things perfect necessarily but it really does help. You dont have to even write code, you can document things and then make a bug report!

I learned a lot from this @LateNightLinux podcast episode and i highly recommend anyone who makes apps and websites to listen it! Even if youre not on linux!…

This entry was edited (5 months ago)

Der Podcast ist bisher (bin bei Folge 2 "Warum so wütend hier?" von 6) sehr, sehr spannend für mich. Ich bin in der Gegend groß geworden, hab damals in #Freital im Bus von einem Glatzkopf, wie sagt man: "auf's Maul gekriegt", ohne dass es jemenschen gejuckt hätte.

Spannend finde ich an diesem Podcast dennoch vor allem, wie #Journalismus hier eine Selbst-Erzählung inszeniert, nach der JournalistÏnnen, sensibel, objektiv, souverän und medienkompetent kommunizieren können. Beschämend finde ich, dass sich die beteiligten JournalistÏnnen das Scheitern dieses Anspruches an medienpolitischen Wirklichkeiten nicht eingestehen wollen/können/dürfen, ja sich dem nicht mal bewusst zu sein scheinen.

Gleichzeitig macht es mich ratlos und traurig zu hören, wie in diesem Podcast unter dem Deckmantel der "Verständigung zwischen Dorf und Stadt / Wir wollen nicht über, sondern mit den Menschen reden" ein wirklich schlimmer old school #Kulturalismus betrieben wird.
Ich hätte mir gewünscht, in diesem Podcast auf mehr ethnografisches Wissen / Kompetenzen zu treffen. Jedenfalls hatte ich beim Hören den Eindruck, dass die MacherÏnnen selbst diesen Anspruch hatten.…

#LVZ #Pretzschendorf #Sachsen #Medien #Dorf #Erzgebirge #Medienkompetenz #Leipzig #Podcast #Ethnografie #Kulturalismus

in reply to Torsten

Gibt's den auch irgendwo als richtigen Podcast, also als RSS?
Würd' mich sehr interessieren.

I think this is going to be one of my new favorite branch names for rewriting projects in Rust :)

Da beklage ich erst heute noch die mangelnde Medienberichterstattung zur aktuellen #Corona-Lage - und finde plötzlich dieses tolle Meinungsstück. 👏

"Und wer einen Fuß in die Tür der wenigen #LongCovid-Ambulanzen bekommen will, muss oft Monate warten. Eine wirkliche Strategie ist nicht in Sicht. Angesichts der steigenden Fallzahlen ist das ziemlich leichtsinnig."…

psf drama, gendered slur

Sensitive content

in reply to jacoBOOian 👻

psf drama, gendered slur

Sensitive content

Canned coffee recalled over deadly toxin fears…

this new #systemd feature is really cool
being able to *just* connect to a libvirt qemu vm is really nice, without having to think about network config

i just updated libvirt in nixpkgs to the latest version so it supports this :3

Na fotce to tak nevyzní, ale tohle vyšlápnou je masakr. Vzadu, jak se silnice ztrácí v černoťe stromů, je zhruba půlka toho masakru 🥵

Apple becomes first target of EU's new digital competition rules aimed at big tech

Posted into Top Stories in Business @top-stories-in-business-FlipboardUK

Good morning! Despite crappy sleep I was able to get up at 7am! And go for a run AND stretch before breakfast! This is what I aspire to. I actually woke up much earlier due to a very loud crow shouting, “Cark! Cark!” over and over again on the roof. Feeling good 😊 How are you?
in reply to Charlotte Walker

doing well tar! mark? cark? or the audio encoder which converts files to aac? which happens to be called faac?? I tell you, you could not make this up. search for faac if you don't believe LOL

Resources 1.5 has landed on Flathub yesterday with battery monitoring along with other bug fixes and improvements! 🥳

Check it out! :)…

#Linux #GNOME #Flatpak #Flathub

reshared this

MSC2867 got merged 🎉.…

It only took a bit under 4 years. 🙈

in reply to Bubu

And it's actually in the (unstable) spec now!…

Recently, there was a viral tweet claiming that NVIDIA is like Sun from the Dot Com Bubble. Despite my best attempts to resist talking about this, I am giving into temptation: on today's Oxide and Friends, @ahl and I will take this one apart. Is NVIDIA like Sun from the Dot Com Bubble? Join us today at 5p Pacific to discuss!…

in reply to Bryan Cantrill

Just a reminder to please include some kind of alt text for the image. Thanks.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt The image itself is all text; hoping that the text readers do okay with that?
Unknown parent

Ik ga via Breda…

There Are Now More Than 2,000 Free Live Channels on Services Like Pluto TV, The Roku Channel, and Tubi in the United States…