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Pro dnešní den hudba vybrána 👍💪🏼…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

The final talks of the day in #DebConf24 are at 05:00 PM (KST) ( 08:00 UTC): 'Using Data for Community Growth' in Bada, 'T2Linux: Linux on 2017~2020 Intel Macs with T2 Security Chip' in Somin, and the LXQt Team BoF in Pado and the loong64 port BoF in CEO (no streaming for the both)…… #debian

Thinking about a curl kernel driver with live updates. Lots of potential.
in reply to Stefan Eissing

the live update feature is essential to facilitate a realtime stream of announced quic implementations

Lidl má nyní ve slevě zajímavé "městské" elektrokolo CRIVIT X.2 All Black, které má řemen místo řetězu a 360Wh akumulátor v sedlovce. Aktuální cena je 24 999 Kč. #kolo #elektrokolo…
in reply to Archos :distros_arch: :matrix:

@archos @minimax Dobré vědět, já se v kolech prakticky nevyznám. Cca 15 let mám crossové kolo Apache Indian 🚲, ale posledních 5 let nějak nebyl čas na něm víc jezdit a podle toho taky vypadá... Ale svět kol už je dnes asi trochu jinde.
in reply to Jakub Cabal

On zrovna nedávno testoval kolo z Lidlu Trail Hunter. Tak proto jsem to psal, jsou to vyhozené peníze. A fakt to nikdo nebude chtít servisovat.

* Do you want to improve your skills with NVDA?
* Are you looking to become an NVDA Certified Expert?
* Would you like to become familiar with the NVDA add-on store?

If you answered "Yes" to any of these, then the latest update to "Basic Training for NVDA" is for you!…

*Initially available in eBook format only! Free update to those who have previously purchased

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Training #ScreenReader #Accessibility #A11y #AmLearning #Learning #AmStudying #Study

in reply to NV Access

thank you so much for posting this. Is the certification process also covered in the training materials? I didn’t see that particular section in the description on the website.
in reply to Morgan Pimentel

@morganlynn1992 There is a mention of it in the back of the module, but they are not intrinsically linked - IE we created the training material first and it is designed to teach you what you need to know to be efficient with NVDA. Then we created the certification - and although it is based on the concepts presented in Basic Training, it is not required - ie you could pass the exam based on what is in the user guide and other places

“Nice work, Doctor.”

“Well, I thought she was bluffing!”

— Ace and the Doctor, as the Destroyer is freed, in “Battlefield”

#DoctorWho #quote #quotation

Buenos días desde la Administración Pública.

Todo bien y ya ha remitido bastante el calor. Hoy a ver si me pongo con una ejecución. Por más que lo intento, no me libro de las competencias de personal.

Next slot this afternoon at 03:30 PM (KST) ( 06:30 UTC) : 'Debian@Toradex - or how we use Debian containers in an embedded system' in Bada, 'Debian and new EU cybersecurity-related regulation' about one of the most important challenges for Debian and Free Software, in Somin and the Debian Contributors BoF in Pado #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea #debiankorea… #debian

#boardgames #bgstats
Knarr & Looot are awesome new ones for our group.

Star Realms;
Star Realms: Frontiers;
Star Realms: Colony Wars;
Azul: Summer Pavilion;
Potion Explosion;
Captain Flip;
Sea Salt & Paper;
Deep Sea Adventure;
5 Towers;
Keltis: Das Kartenspiel;
A légi társaság;

in reply to Zsolt B.

I haven't played board games in years. Mostly do to being super too blind, but also because people stare at their phones and I am the only young existing human in this company here that doesn't stare as much.
in reply to Mira 🤞🇧🇬🇭🇺

@tardis well, that's sad. For me what really helped was visiting board game caffes. (And I was lucky with colleagues too.)

I learned about secure software development on the job, but like ethical computing (which I've talked about before), this should also be included in formal education. Because of the current threat models, topics like security by design and zero-trust frameworks are critical when developing Internet systems.…

#securitybydesign #security #softwaredevelopment #zerotrust #infosec #cybersecurity #education

After the last update sbctl package stopped signing the efi kernel bundle. 🧐
I don't know why, yet. It builds the efi from vmlinuz and initrd, copies it to efi partition, but doesn't sign it for some reason.
I only found a notice about deprecating the bundling feature in the future.
Well I will have to find another way of uki bundling and signing...
#ArchLinux #sbctl
in reply to Dean Wallace :archlinux: 🖖

@angrylinus does it mean you have unsigned bundle in efi created by mkinitcpio and second signed bundle created by sbctl? Or can sbctl sign the bundle in place?
in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:

I have mkinitcpio create the bundle and then sdbctl signs it, as I've always had.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Dean Wallace :archlinux: 🖖

@angrylinus I stopped to look for the reason of why bundles are not signed when I found the notice about future deprecation of the sbctl bundling. I want to solve this in a long term.
I now use the mkinitcpio to create the bundle and sbctl signes these perfectly fine.
Actually I don't know why I used sbctl for bundling at all. Did mkinitcpio add this feature later? Or I didn't find the proper setting in the wiki back then? 🤷‍♂️
Glad it all works again together...
in reply to Dean Wallace :archlinux: 🖖

@angrylinus Aha, ok That's why. 😄 I have set secure boot 4 years ago and started to use sbctl a bit later. Like 3y ago?
Tools are evolving the good way, it's nice to have it natively in mkinitcpio.

Btw I also have to update the way I am using tpm2 for drive encryption. Back than I had to hack it (and it still works), but now there also should be a native way to set it up.

in reply to Štěpán Škorpil :skorpil_cz:…

I'm relatively new to the SB thing..

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

After lunch break at 02:30 PM (KST) (05:30 UTC), 'a plan to support source code indexing on debuginfod.d.n' is exposed in Somin, while the 'New Members BoF' starts in Pado. and a workshop 'Mastering Disk Imaging and Cloning with Clonezilla: A Practical Lab' in CEO (not streamed). The talk 'Linux Containers with AppArmor Policy Namespaces' begins in Bada at 03:00 PM (KST) (06:00 UTC) #debian #debconf24 #busan #korea… #debian

Revolutionising accessibility: Voice enhancements in iOS 18 and macOS Sequoia…

Tamas G reshared this.

in reply to David Goldfield

That was an excellent piece on apple accessibility. They really seem to be making a statement with the new Opperating systems coming this fall.

The Summer COVID Wave: What to Know About the CDC's Current Guidance…

chat, this is the worst thing i’ve posted
in reply to Seirdy


Sensitive content

We still have months before iPhone 16 is in customers' hands, and I'm already excited about ordering one. However, I'm back to the question people have been asking for years: standard or pro? If the action button is only on the pro, that'll probably make the decision. Also, if the pro has a newer processor like happened with iPhone 15, I'll probably go for the pro. I keep my phones for 2-3 years, so I want all the onboard intelligence I can get for that time.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Yeah, it's like 3 times the cost here in Canada. May even be more when the 16 comes out. It is definitely hard to justify. I guess of adjusted to the fact that touch id is going away at some point, although I wish they would just move it to the power button or something.
in reply to K. Stanley

@kgs49 I'm clinging to touch ID as long as I can, but I know that one day, I'll be forced out of the dark ages (at least as far as Apple is concerned).

in reply to JJ :blobblackcat:

a type is a size, or a set, or a class, or a dating preference, or an intersection of the four.

You want to know how you know economics is bullshit?

There is no racism in their models.

Not a trace of sexism, ableism, homophobia or transphobia.

No one would ever make a single choice based in bias.

Have a great presidential campaign, USA 🤣

in reply to Ramen Witch 🧹🦋

Un tamalito. Un pan con mermelada. Una quesadilla. Bueno, dos, porque una es poquito.

Que hoy es día internacional del aguacate 🥑 y también día del orgasmo. 🤔

No offense to anyone personally but if you send me a five minute voice message I'm not going to suffer through it. I'm just not. Summarize or type it out.

Michael Connor Buchan reshared this.

"You know what, I'm gonna search for it anyway, but surely the perfect image for this doesn't exi--"

#rust #rustlang

I'm a fast typist, but not an infallible one. So when having the urge to copy something by hand "because it is short enough" instead of copy&paste, I have to remind myself to do the latter... or I'll inevitably mistype a package name or something that will make the CI fail.
in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

before we had the various boilerplate macros in GObject, I used to type everything out in headers and source files; I started doing that because every time I copy-pasted from other files I had to spend time remembering how to do search and replace with vim regexps; then spend time replacing things and fixing the result; and then removing the stray tab that some emacs user left in the original source I copied. Plus, hyper focus worked better with boilerplate typing 😅
in reply to Federico Mena Quintero

What happens to me usually, within a given 5min period I'll have made the same typo the same way in seven different places so everything runs fine.

I get back to it the next day and that variable or function is "now" somehow undefined. I'll have made a different typo that day first, got an error, corrected it, and surprised by it still being error!

Incredible stuff from The Washington Post here.

Less than 35-minute podcast. Or read the transcript.

From WP Tavern, @rianrietveld discusses understanding the European Accessibility Act and its impact on websites.…

#EuropeanAccessibilityAct #EAA #WebAccessibility #accessibility

Can't believe this runs in a terminal! 🤯

🐠 **lifecycler**: Terminal aquarium 🫧

🆙 ASCIIquarium reaches a new level! 🐟

🦀 Written in Rust & built with @ratatui_rs + @bevy

⭐ GitHub:

#rustlang #ratatui #tui #aquarium #terminal #asciiquarium #bevy #gamedev #game #gamejam

Can you seriously not move by links or form controls with Voiceove in regular applications? I'm not even trying to throw any shade, I just assumed for years that you could do this, but I am trying it now and they only appear in the rotor if I am in Chrome or Safari.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I've been playing some #CounterStrike 2 lately. I only really play #deathmatch or arms race - no sweating necessary :D
I find it quite relaxing, but also stimulating (when I'm sleepy) also quite inspiring for my work on #Liblast. It's incredible that CS has been around for like 25 years now and the game never fell off the map. The game design has been pretty much unchanged for 2+ decades and it seems to just work. It's like chess. The game is almost cannonical at this point :D
#gaming #thoughts
in reply to unfa🇺🇦

is arms race already back? I stoped playing because in the beginning #CS2 had no arms race anymore
in reply to treefit

@treefit Yes, arms race have been out for a couple months, I think. There are two Valve made maps and a third community made one.

More often than not these days I use the ChatGPt app on my phone to find things out, instead of the browser to search. Quite simply I find it easier and more efficient to have a conversation than type on a touch screen device.

With Apple Intelligence set to inject Siri with ChatGPt capabilities, the conversational UI is about to undergo another evolution - but this time I'm wondering if and how it'll change the way I use my screen reader too?…

in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 Oddly I haven't really used it, at least, no other than in VSCode. I should try to use it more on Windows. Any tips?
in reply to Léonie Watson

I mostly use Copilot on my iPhone. The UI is pretty decent, so I don’t think you really need any tips to use it! Try it out! :)

Here's a little poll because I'm super curious and it might affect what I choose to do with my tooling I work on.

Boosts greatly appreciated!!

Which scripting language(s) would you be comfortable using for a tool?

#gamedev #indiegamedev

  • Lua (5.1) (55%, 20 votes)
  • Luau (Roblox) (8%, 3 votes)
  • Lisp (16%, 6 votes)
  • Python (69%, 25 votes)
  • Other simple embeddable script lang (please share!!!) (8%, 3 votes)
36 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

in reply to Queen Of Smooches 💋 looks interesting, but is still relatively early.

If you want maximum flexibility (let people use whatever lang they like) you could go for wasm, but that's probably overkill.

depends on the tool audience: Lua and Roblox-lua is widely used for game scripting already and python is used for scripting in blender (3d editor).

He's now referring to one of the moderators in the third person, calling her "rude" and "nasty."

This is going _fantastically_.

in reply to Matt May

I am really surprised people do not get tired of all this constant whining and complaining. Same phrases, same expressions, same same everything… Isn’t this boring after a while?
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 People always say he has a high floor and a low ceiling, and this is a classic example. He didn't win over any voters at NABJ today. But few of his core voters will even hear about it, or believe it's all just ginned up controversy.

He'll probably even tell his base that Black journalists can't be trusted because they were so mean to him. He was aiming for that right from the start.

Wow, this sounds quite interesting! Bookmarking……

Wow, that’s quite a write-up! Lots of good advice though!…

If you're a blind person wanting to learn a language, I recommend reading Florian Beijers' article about it here.…

WestphalDenn reshared this.

I've been more annoyed in work meetings lately because Google Meet got rid of the Control +E and Control +D shortcuts, used for toggling camera and microphone respectively. Is this just me, or has anyone else noticed that the keyboard shortcuts are gone for those controls?
in reply to Tamas G

@kevinrj They went away for me for about two hours a couple of weeks ago then mysteriously returned after I opened a ticket with my employer. Please contact Google's disability support desk and let us know what they tell you.
in reply to Tamas G

I didn't know they even existed. I gladly don't have to use it regularly.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I can usually last a few days max with an empty Downloads folder. Then I inevitably get a file in there that I need to keep *just a bit longer*, and the whole thing falls apart.

This time, I set up a systemd timer to trash everything in Downloads daily. So far so good, I've lasted way longer than usual! And if I do need something "for a bit longer", the trash is kept for a week, but I have to manually go there and restore the file every day (annoying!), or actually find the proper place for it.