Not the onion.
The Pentagon and NORAD Respond to Danielle Smith: Nope, We’re Not Spraying Chemicals Over Alberta…
(Danielle Smith is the Premier of Alberta for those not following)
I feel I have lost sanity just reading this.
Something no one talks about enough:
CPU cycles aren't free.
Memory reads and writes aren't free.
That shit takes power. A miniscule amount per instance, yes, but it adds up quick if it's from an app that everyone uses constantly. All that power comes from somewhere, and right now that's mostly fossil fuels.
When people complain about software bloat, it's not just a UX problem, it's an environmental one too.
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Yes! I think about this all the time. In aggregate, how much has simply making your app Electron instead of a native UI cost humanity in terms of energy and CO2? I wager that it's *vastly* more than anyone wants to consider.
Modern software is an absolute nightmare of thoughtless and absolutely unnecessary waste.
It should be legally mandated that developers can't use a machine less than ten years old.
to the people who did the TTS audio description for Stargate SG-1, would you kindly please, for the love of all that's holy in this world, finish what you've started? Like why the hell do you have certain episodes in season 3 not described, and then it goes back to audio description in season 4, but in stupidly random order. why why why?
</end rant>
I have had a lot of people ask about the test to becoming a ham radio operator, one resource is
The test is a multiple choice test, with the answers already published, plus a few simple math formulas. I have heard of people studying for a week or two and cramming the question/learning the formulas and getting their license immediately. I personally recommend getting the license FIRST before worrying about operating the radio/etc., as it's a lot easier to have a license and have someone guide you through the actual operation after you can transmit on the air.
On the one hand, translating COBOL to another programming language using an LLM is likely to lead to disastrous results.
On the other hand, I disagree about generative AI being a short-lived fad. I think there's something useful there, and after the hype and the rush to add generative AI to everything die down, that useful core will remain.
I'm a professional! 🏆
"We’re pleased to welcome you to the Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVP) program in recognition of your outstanding contributions to the community"
the only time I tried Siri it couldn't fucking understand what I wanted, so it got the boot.
Reminds me of the Newton handwriting recognition.
My distaste for modern software design essentially boils down to corporations presuming they know how people want to use their software.
And that this lines up to the use they'd prefer.
This is essentially neo-feudalism...
Heck, it doesn't always yield a good experience! My "techie" tools don't require me to know techie details like what all the different media file-formats are, whilst my mother's "non-techie" tools do!
"{"context": "https://"}"
That is a valid activitypub document. You can add literally any other property to it and it continues to be valid. And thus we have a solution to whether we should keep or change or break or abandon activitypub. Just add that line to any message in any protocol, and now it's activitypub. Thanks to the openness and flexibility of activitypub, we can in fact have our cake and eat it, too.
I'm prepared to accept my grant from swf, now
me holding a gun to Activitypub: tell me the name of god you vaguely rdf piece of shit
Activitypub: can you feel your heart burning? can you feel the struggle within? the fear within me is beyond anything your soul can make. you cannot implement me in a way that matters
me cocking the gun, tears streaming down my face: I’M NOT FUCKING SCARED OF YOU
Die @openhomefoundation freut sich übrigens über Sprachschnipsel eurer Stimme. Es soll nur "OK NABU" eingesprochen werden, also viel einfacher als etwa bei #commonvoice
Gerne so viele unterschiedliche Sprecher wie möglich, damit später dies wakeword zuverlässig erkannt wird…
#stt #stimme #voice #nabu #crowdsourcing #commons #nlp #ml #homeassistant #hass #iot #smarthome
gibt es zu unterschiedliche Varianten. Manche sprechen solche Kürzel nicht als Wort sondern als einzelne Buchstaben. Finde das nahzu unbrauchbar für ein key word ... An wen kann man sich da wenden? Wer legt diese Wörter fest?
Well, thanks GPT, you dug this up for me:… - is this one of those situations where lazy-loading for performance can make accessibility worse?
This is *the* best way for governments to be "sovereign" in the face of big tech dominance. Well done, Germany and STF.…
Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund throws cash at FreeBSD and Samba
Unix-like to work on infrastructure, SMB reimplementation on 'key milestones'Liam Proven (The Register)
Sperrminorität im EU-Rat: Niederlande bekräftigen Nein zu Chatkontrolle
Die Niederlande wollen den Kompromiss der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft zur Messenger-Überwachung nun doch nicht unterstützen.
I just tested this (with Claude 3.5 Sonnet) and it does indeed work.
I gave it a diff between two commits, asking to describe what changes were made, and it did it perfectly.
"Da erklärte die AfD die Grünen zum angeblichen Hauptfeind unserer Gesellschaft und alle machten mit. Man kann mich gerne korrigieren, aber noch nie in der Geschichte der Bundesrepublik haben die Grünen den Bundeskanzler gestellt. Aber es wird immer so getan, als wenn sie seit 30 Jahren an der Macht wären und niemand sonst. Der Tonfall etwa aus CDU und CSU gegenüber den Grünen unterscheidet sich nicht von dem der AfD. Das unterhöhlt die Demokratie, das ist zersetzend, weil sich die Parteien so koalitionsunfähig machen."
Sehr treffen formuliert von Ilko-Sascha Kowalczuk.
Dieser Feldzug gegen andere Parteiein, die fest auf dem Boden der Demokratie stehen, ist ein Irsinn, der die Union kein Stück voran bringen wird!
Aah, new instance, new #Introduction post I guess.
I was on another instance that's closing down, so I've done the migration thing and decided to end up here.
As this server has the word 'hear' in the domain, and I'm a #Musician, it somehow seems fitting I do so.
I'm a #London-based musician that plays piano/keys, and finger-drumming also on keys.
I make #youtube videos on various things that interest me, make the #StroongeCast podcast with my wife, have two ridiculously amazing children and read voraciously. Being stereotypically British, I do like me a good cup of tea as well.
What genre I play is up for debate. Genres though, yes quite a few.
Jazz, Funk, Soul, R&B, Reggae, Pop occasionally, Drum and Bass recently.
This is too long already, so I'll just end by saying links to projects in bio for the interested.
Thanks for your time, and feel free to say hi.
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I’ve published my article on the Impact Hero SDK (as used by at least 16 browser extensions) and the refoorest extension. The company behind these is the France-based Colibri Hero, also known as allcolibri:…
Trust me, the article title is justified. I couldn’t believe it when I saw how everything they claim turns out to be a lie. Their line of business is commonly called “affiliate fraud,” so they carefully avoid this topic and instead make the impression of being supported by altruistic companies that genuinely care for our planet.
They promise to plant trees if people use their extensions but their numbers are all fake. The numbers displayed by the extension don’t add up to the numbers shown on their web page. Maybe they should have implemented access control if they didn’t want anybody to figure that out. And the numbers on the web page – well, these have been increasing at a constant rate of 20 trees per hour for the past four years, completely ignoring what their extension users did or didn’t.
Do they actually donate any money? Probably, I don’t know. They don’t disclose their finances, and if they did these would probably turn out fake as well. Should anyone trust them? No, not from what I saw. Should these extensions be nuked from orbit (or at least from the add-on stores)? Yes, absolutely.
There is more “fun” stuff going on here, so feel free to read the article.
Hubert Figuière
in reply to Daring Fireball • • •