A woman brought a limp duck into a veterinary clinic. Gently, she laid her pet on the examination table as the vet pulled out his stethoscope and listened to the bird’s chest.

After a moment, the vet shook his head and sighed. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but your duck, Cuddles, has passed away.”

The woman gasped. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure,” the vet replied. “Your duck is dead.”
“But you haven’t done any tests!” she protested. “He might just be in a coma or something!”

The vet rolled his eyes but left the room without another word. A few minutes later, he returned with a black Labrador Retriever.

The dog stood on his hind legs, placed his front paws on the table, and sniffed the duck from head to tail. Then he looked up at the vet with sad eyes and shook his head.
The vet patted the dog and led him out of the room. Moments later, he returned with a cat.

The cat gracefully leapt onto the table, sniffed the duck carefully, then sat back, shook its head, meowed softly, and strolled out.

The vet turned to the woman. “I’m sorry, but as I said, this is most definitely, 100% certifiably, a dead duck.”

He walked over to his computer, typed a few keys, and printed out a bill.

Still in shock, the woman took the paper and gasped. “$150?! Just to tell me my duck is dead?”

The vet shrugged. “Well, if you’d just taken my word for it, the bill would have been $20. But with the Lab Report and the Cat Scan, it’s $150.”

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I've been seeing hate on NASA lately, being bought into by leftists even, and I just want to point out something very important:

Musk has hated NASA for a *long* time. There is a reason it is being attacked, and a reason public opinion is being swayed against NASA: It *keeps SpaceX in line* more than anything else.

NASA is being seen as "competition" to SpaceX, as the obstacle in his way. It has been like this for quite some time, and now, with DOGE and other things, he can do something about it.

I would like to point out a few things:

They boast they can "do what NASA does for 10% the cost!" Sure, it's easy when you did none of the R&D.
SpaceX saved on:
Landing tech: DC-X project in 1991-1996
Tank structure: Shuttle SLWT tank, 1998-2011
Merlin Engines: direct descendant of the Fastrac Engine, 1997-2001.

Those three things alone saved SpaceX over 90% of the R&D costs. It's easy to "appear" cheap when you're using off the shelf tech someone else (NASA!) developed.

For every $1 spent on NASA, $8 is put into economy. Its stupid to not invest in that kind of ROI! 800%! At times, its ROI Has been 1600%!

Simply put, if you defund NASA, the economy would shrink so much you would actually have to RAISE taxes to make up for the lost revenue, and without its existence we would be 30 years behind in technology and the quality of life for everyone would be much lower. Science and research is GOOD for society, it's the fuel for all progress.

3. WHAT HAS NASA DONE FOR ME?! (Surely you just mean NASA is good for tech & science folk....)

Nope! Good for all!
Ever have an MRI or CAT Scan? They wouldn't exist without the Apollo program! The software that made them possible was originally written to analyze lunar photography.

Low power digital x-Rays was planetary body research.

Heart pumps are modeled after space shuttle turbopumps.

The software that designed your car was originally written to design spacecraft!

Who do you think pioneered all the early research into alternative power like solar panels, hydrogen fuel cells, and durable batteries? NASA!

NASA developed tech and satellites is also what improves agricultural yields while reducing the needs for water, fertilizer, and pesticides.

Do you really think Musk gives two shits? No. He wants the money, he wants to let SpaceX run amok without any oversight for safety, without any "competition".

All fights are important, but do realise that this one is a huge thorn in his side, and one that is keeping a huge problem from ballooning and swallowing us all whole.

Do not be fooled or swayed by lies, of tactics meant to divide, of things being done to make you be angry at NASA. If he can make you hate NASA, he won.

Expect far more space junk to fall, the night sky to be ruined by satellites, and the loss of all things good that proper research and design does for humanity and gives back to the world. Not to mention: enjoy seeing the horrible things he can accomplish fully unchecked.

ETA: Now that you know, call / fax / email your senators and reps, and whatever else too! Boosting gets people thinking, but thinking is not action!

#SpaceX #nasa #space #earth #science #technology

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Eitan

Assuming these allegations are not substantiated, how can someone perform such a graphic character assassination and receive such glee and celebration? This just seems like a horrible blood sport. Why would anyone make light of child sex abuse and/or slander someone like that? And how on earth is this celebrated and encouraged in the most televised event of the year??
in reply to Eitan

this is a huge question tbh, but the short answer is: marginalized communities, especially Black ones, live outside the boundaries of justice. Powerful people get away with exploitation all the time because the energy required to fight it doesn't exist. As a result, a culture develops to cope with these conditions, and this is what you're looking at here. People have been sick of Drake's shit for a long time, and he finally picked on someone more powerful than he is. This is the result.
in reply to 📚 natalie ✒️

@paparatti But how is it OK for powerful cultural institutions to endorse this and profit from it? "Hey Kendrick, we would be honoured if you got on the biggest stage in the world and repeat how Drake does it with minors".

I get that Drake can be annoying, and appropriates culture that isn't his. If anyone wants to insert him on a dis track go ahead, but the fact that this is a uniting cultural moment is sooo disturbing.

in reply to Eitan

I would say it's a little bit more complex than that, especially as Black culture has a lot of layered nuance to it that most outsiders miss and Lamar is a master of the game. It's not just about the individual crimes of Drake, it's also about finding justice where you can, how you can. Sometimes that means grabbing the nearest platform available and showing what you've got even if Hitler is standing over your shoulder (see: Jesse Owens at the 1936 Olympics).

"I do not authorize META, Facebook or any entity associated with Facebook to use my penis, scrotum, taint or anus in any way, past, present, or future.

It is strictly prohibited to disclose, copy, distribute or take any other action against me based on my penis, scrotum, taint or anus. Violation of this may be punishable by law.

However, in the spirit of compromise, Mark Zuckerberg may personally gargle my balls."

After careful consideration I came to the conclusion that it makes no sense to keep the session export/import feature, once the key backup export/import feature is in place.

After a long transition period no one came up with a use case which a session export/import covers that is not covered by just logging in on a new device and import the key backup.

If you have know a valid use case, please comment on this.

Otherwise the key backup export/import will superset it in the next version

Posthumous is out now! A variable blackletter script with gloopy round corners and lots of OpenType features, this type family has been such a labor of love. I'm so excited to share it with you all!
Learn more about it, download a PDF specimen, or purchase a license → prologuetype.co/posthumous.

#newrelease #typedesign #typefoundry #blackletter

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

I've seen a lot of posts about switching from WhatsApp to Signal. While this is perfectly fine and justified, I'd like to remind everyone that Signal still has quite a bit of accessibility issues which don't seem to get much priority. In the meantime WhatsApp continues to be by far the most user-friendly option to people with accessibility needs. So next time you decide to scorn someone for using Meta products, please remember that you're enjoying the privilege of using an app that has been designed for your kind. I, as a blind person, don't have that privilege.

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Tired of inconsistent spacing in your Word docs? 😫 Stop hitting Enter multiple times!

My video this week reveals the secrets of paragraph spacing, including "before" and "after" settings, plus line spacing tricks. Learn how to create professional documents with ease. ✨ No more messy formatting!

Click the link to watch and transform your Word skills. ➡️ lnkd.in/ekegyBEQ

And as always, I am looking for new video ideas. What's your biggest Word formatting frustration? Share in the replies! 👇
#WordTips #MicrosoftWord #DocumentFormatting #Productivity #TechTips #WordHacks

I just released versions 0.6.2 of rsop, a stateless #OpenPGP ("SOP") CLI tool based on @rpgp:


Changes since rsop 0.6.0:

- decryption based on session keys is now supported,
- generation of man pages and shell tab completion has been added,
- some subtle semantics fixes for component key validity were implemented.

For more on #SOP, see datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft…


El lobo huye aullando

El lobo no ataca al hombre.

El lobo, cuando tiene hambre,

ataca a los tontos murciélagos,

a las tontas ovejas,

a los tontos corderos.

El lobo huye aullando del hombre,

al lobo el hombre le da miedo.

Con su gorra calada,

con su escopeta al hombro,

su cinturón de balas.

El lobo huye aullando.

El hombre es un lobo para el lobo.

Y que no suceda,

lo que más te asombre,

que el hombre sea

un lobo para el hombre.

The #chatmail #fosdem talk from @compl4xx is public. It goes into topics such as

- why chatmail servers?
- how to setup a server with your child
- (avoiding) spam filtering
- metadata and guaranteed end to end encryption in #deltachat
- #cryptographic #interoperability for email message routing

Thanks to attendees for the great energy even if was the last talk on the day and also for questions and conversations afterwards!


More information on Joplin and OneNote comparisons from my posts yesterday to ensure clarity and to clean up some statements on the public record. OneNote is fully capable, and does offer more features than Joplin. As we told BITS users in chat, OneNote is probably the place to stay in commercial environments. We are simply providing choices for users to look at for their specific needs. We meant no harm.

David Goldfield reshared this.

OnePlus 13 and Oxygen OS 15 Accessibility: Persistent Challenges for Visually Impaired Users accessibleandroid.com/oneplus-…

#AndroidAppRain at apt.izzysoft.de/fdroid today brings you 11 updated (9 RB) and 1 added apps:

* Open Note: a powerful Markdown notepad 🛡️

At apt.izzysoft.de/magisk the discontinued (archived) LSPosed module was replaced with its successor by JingMatrix.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid repository :awesome:

Okay, I couldn't let #SuperbOwl pass without indulging in personal show n tell 🦉

Some ancient Athenian Owl coins. 5 silver tetradrachms and one small Athenian bronze. Only the reverses are shown. The other side of each bears the bust of Athena

Dates - Main box and 1st two in top row were struck 454 to 404 BCE. Top Right: 393 to 294 BCE. Centre left column: 170 BCE. Bottom Left: 166 to 157 BCE

#numismatics #ancientgreece

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Greetings all. A long time ago when VoiceDream caused a big Kerfuffle around subscriptions, there was a lot of talk about alternatives. Someone had mentioned that there is an alternative reading app that could import from VoiceDream. Does anyone remember which app that was? VoiceDream's audio playback issues and TTS issues are getting old at this point, and it's seeming less and less likely that they will be fixed. Thanks in advance.

As promised, here is my podcast on how to get started with Audio editing if you are blind. pnc.st/s/the-pauls-place/aa7dc…

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