So ...let's face it. A LOT of folks in tech circles are somewhat amazed a fully #blind person can even find the power button on a computer, let alone operate it professionally. I am such a person, and I'd like to bust that myth.
It's also true that many #hacking tools, platforms, courses etc. could use some help in the #accessibility department. It's a neverending vicious circle.
Enter my new twitch channel, IC_null. On this channel, I will be streaming #programming and #hacking content including THM, HTB and who knows what else, from the perspective of a #screenReader user.
What I need, is an audience. If this is something you reckon you or anybody you know might be interested in, drop the channel a follow or share this post. Gimme that #infoSec Mastodon sense of comradery and help me out to make this idea an actual thing :) #tryHackMe #streamer #selfPromo

reshared this

in reply to Florian

Well ...that teaches me to go to sleep right after dropping an announcement like this :-O I did not expect even a tenth of the response this received, thank you all so much for that.
I realize the channel's looking kinda bare at present. The idea to do this os only a day or so old, so 🐻 with me while I set up an initial stream and such. If people are curious, the YouTube channel over at has a number of archived game streams from my gaming channel, where I tackle #accessible #gaming, as well as a playlist on last year's Advent of Cyber on the TryHackMe event where I go through the challenges with a screen reader, critique the accessibility of a lot of them and overall trialed the format I want to pursue on the IC_Null channel. If people need a preview, that's where you go :)
in reply to Florian

We got up to 71 followers in not even a day. That is honestly meteoric.
Tomorrow at 3 PM EST I'll do a first #stream. We'll make us a #TryHackMe account, go through the new user flow, maybe do a room or two while looking at the various #accessibility gotchas we run into. In future streams we'll do similar for HTB, HTBA etc. as well as more #programming related things but tomorrow ...we leave pallet town all mozie-like. See you all then! #twitch #infoSec #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

Just a reminder, we're blasting off at 3 PM eastern today at Be there or 🐝🟥 :) Cookie for anyone who catches why what I just did is an #accessibility blunder. Today on the Docket; #tryHackMe's #accessibility, as well as whatever tools we encounter along the way. See you there :) #twitch #streamer #AMA #selfPromo #goingLive
in reply to Florian

It's Patch Tuesday. Good time to check your updates are up to date! But also it's time for another IC_Null stream today at 3 PM Eastern/9 PM CEST. More of #tryHackMe's Junior #penTesting path today, we zapped past most of the theory-only stuff last week and this week will be all about #webHacking. Prospective #bugBounty hunters curious about accessibility, this is the one to join. See you then at #twitch #selfPromo #infoSec #goingLive
in reply to Florian

Patch tuesday be upon us once more. That means another IC_Null stream at 3 PM EST/9 PM CEST today. Today we cover more #TryHackMe content in the #webHacking category. SOme announcements about the channel as well. Next week, we'll take a break from pure #THM to go full ham on #burpSuite #accessibility ... or the lack there of. Let's see how long it takes for us to be forced onto the far superior #zaproxy :) See you all tonight at #infoSec #cybersecurity #blind #screenReader #a11y #twitch
in reply to Florian

today's stream on #programming editors from a #screenReader perspective can be rewatched here:
in reply to Florian

Hey, look at that. Mainly through efforts from you lot, I was able to get IC_Null to #twitch Affiliate status in under a month. This allows me to make even better, more varied and interesting content for you all. Thanks for sharing, watching and showing me your interest everyone ... we've only just gotten started :) #infoSec #cybersecurity #streaming
in reply to Florian

Ahright, Patch tuesday be upon us so the final IC_Null stream for the week is upon us. Let's run down the remaining part of the web portion of the #thm Jr Pentester path so we're all good to go for the #burpsuite deep-dive next week. I can already say, that dive will be gory indeed :) You all know the drill by now, #accessibility as in how do these #thm rooms work when all you have to parse them is a #screenReader. Relatively smooth sailing so far, when do we run ashore and how do we sail on? COme see :) See you at 3 EST at or, pick your poison :) #twitch #youtube #streamer #selfPromo
in reply to Florian

We've been doing this a while. Let's SWING for the big leagues.
Tomorrow, we're doing a deep dive on #burpSuite from a #screenReader perspective. It will be mostly #blind (as in playthrough) as I've not looked at this program for a few years, and fully blind (as in sight) given ... well ... screenReader user :)

I've learned more, and hey who knows, maybe they've improved ......
If it turns out they haven't, we'll look at @zaproxy next as a more viable, generally more #accessible alternative. See you tomorrow at 3 EST over at #infosec #cybersecurity #zaproxy #portswigger #java #programming

in reply to Florian

I have more to say. I will not be silent! :)
In an hour, we resume our explorations of #burpsuite, @zaproxy and other such fun tools, through a #tryHackMe lens. More theory last week, more practicals this week. Come see, you'll be glad you did! :) or, pick your poison :) #selfPromo #hacking #cybersecurity #allThatJazz :P
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@JEkis I did see that, yes. It might make it better yeah, particularly if using the JAWS cursor. I honestly might do a stream where I JAWS script that UI as it should really not be that hard to do and I've been meaning to get into AJWS script and NVDA addon dev at some point :)
in reply to Florian

A recap: We've covered a number of things on this channel so far, from an @elementary review to a look at code editors, datascience tools, screen readers, hacking tools like Burp Suite and platforms like TryHackMe, all from a screen raeder user's perspective. I'm only just getting started though, intending to cover a wide variety of different things, from more #FOSS tools, audio/video editing, programming and hacking tools etc.
Today's stream will be more #tryHackMe content, with a look at #HackTheBox Academy next week. Anyone who wants this kind of feedback, and doesn't mind constructive, but thorough, feedback, come talk to me :) We'll be going live today at 3 PMeST over at https;// and #infoSEc #cybersecurity #accessibility #selfPromo #twitch #youtube #streaming