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Items tagged with: goinglive

Ok, in an hour, i'll be starting this up. High temps, high effort and high complexity, what oculd go wrong? Let's dig into the #screenReader #accessibility of #jupyter notebooks, a tool prevalent in #dataScience, #python #programming in general, #machineLearning and therefore also practically all things #ai etc.
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo

Test your might! On this Walop Wednesday we'll be waloping indeed as we look at what's changed in #mortalKombat1. THere's been a number of #accessibility updates and I'm curious how it's faring these days. There'll be #gaming, chuckles and laughs as we explore what's new. See you in 45 minutes at #twitch #streamer #goingLive #blind #screenreader

It's Patch Tuesday. Good time to check your updates are up to date! But also it's time for another IC_Null stream today at 3 PM Eastern/9 PM CEST. More of #tryHackMe's Junior #penTesting path today, we zapped past most of the theory-only stuff last week and this week will be all about #webHacking. Prospective #bugBounty hunters curious about accessibility, this is the one to join. See you then at #twitch #selfPromo #infoSec #goingLive

Just gearing up, and OMG THE VPN WORKS! We're starting back up with an ic_null stream, more #tryHackMe with a #screenReader, significantly more smooth than last week and hey, I'll even archive it this time :-O Come hang out while we hack the system over at #blind #twitch #accessibility #goingLive #selfPromo #toomanyHashtags

Just a reminder, we're blasting off at 3 PM eastern today at Be there or 🐝🟥 :) Cookie for anyone who catches why what I just did is an #accessibility blunder. Today on the Docket; #tryHackMe's #accessibility, as well as whatever tools we encounter along the way. See you there :) #twitch #streamer #AMA #selfPromo #goingLive

Streamah! You know I am a streamah!
Been a minute, but let's pick it back up today. We're looking at Spider Man 2, a #game on the #ps5 which received some #accessibility updates, including #audioDescription, recently. This Stumble Saturday, we be swinging into spider webs and, no doubt, fall off them with equal fervor. See you there in an hour over at #gamerWithoutSight #twitch #streamer #goingLive