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Items tagged with: infoSec

Mini Blue Team Diaries Story:

Was responsible for SecOps at a SaaS platform that managed lots of things for companies, including travel bookings.

We had a bunch of customers in the higher education space who used SSO to login to our app. Unfortunately, MFA within the SSO configuration was not common back then, so a compromised university account would lead to much access, including to our platform.

Suddenly, a thing we saw a lot of, was higher-ed customers reporting that they were being charged for trips that just didn't make sense. These were bookings for same day travel, usually between two African cities.

After some digging around and investigation, we figured out that a threat actor would phish or purchase the users university credentials, then, using the SSO into our environment, they'd make bookings using the travel booking feature - those bookings were made on behalf of the threat actors customers, who actually thought they were dealing with a legit, well-connected travel agent.

We were able to advise our customers on how to stop this type of thing happening, with approval rules for bookings, and ya know, MFA, and also managed to build in some detective controls so our team could detect and shut down such bookings as soon as they came in.

What made this particularly interesting though, through some OSINT, we were able to determine the true identity of the actor responsible - and we connected with them on Facebook, mainly because we wanted to ask them about their methods now that we'd all but shut down their scheme.

We chatted for a bit, and got some useful intel. At the end, the actor congratulated the team on our new controls, and said they'd moved on to using another service they'd found to make his bookings.

For more, slightly less mini, Blue Team Diaries stories like this, check out

#infosec #DFIR #BlueTeam #infosecreads #cybersecurity

Yesterday's stream was archived here:
Little high on theory but we did get to do some proper hollywood hacking. More next week! :) #selfPromo #acccessibility #infoSec #cybersecurity

What on earth?! Amazon S3 charges you for unauthorised requests to S3?!

That's just absolutely insane! I better check my AWS account and delete any unused buckets I have in there …

#aws #s3 #infosec #webdev #cloud

We got up to 71 followers in not even a day. That is honestly meteoric.
Tomorrow at 3 PM EST I'll do a first #stream. We'll make us a #TryHackMe account, go through the new user flow, maybe do a room or two while looking at the various #accessibility gotchas we run into. In future streams we'll do similar for HTB, HTBA etc. as well as more #programming related things but tomorrow ...we leave pallet town all mozie-like. See you all then! #twitch #infoSec #selfPromo

Heads up! #CashApp probably had a big security breach they're about to announce, because they just released new terms of service with a draconian binding arbitration clause, and the only way to opt out is to fill out a specific form on paper and pay to send it to them via postal mail.
Personally, I'm just going to delete my account.
#privacy #infosec #cybersecurity #arbitration #BindingArbitration #ConsumerRights

So ...let's face it. A LOT of folks in tech circles are somewhat amazed a fully #blind person can even find the power button on a computer, let alone operate it professionally. I am such a person, and I'd like to bust that myth.
It's also true that many #hacking tools, platforms, courses etc. could use some help in the #accessibility department. It's a neverending vicious circle.
Enter my new twitch channel, IC_null. On this channel, I will be streaming #programming and #hacking content including THM, HTB and who knows what else, from the perspective of a #screenReader user.
What I need, is an audience. If this is something you reckon you or anybody you know might be interested in, drop the channel a follow or share this post. Gimme that #infoSec Mastodon sense of comradery and help me out to make this idea an actual thing :) #tryHackMe #streamer #selfPromo

I'm so getting stickers of this made and putting on untrusted electronics that are in the zoo.

If you want some stickers, let me know.

Edit: This blew up, contact information is in my profile. Happy to ship and/or trade.

#hackers #infosec #iot

updated my recommended network/firewall topology #infosec

I implemented Ken Thompson’s Reflections on Trusting Trust (1984 Turing Award Lecture) compiler #backdoor for the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC). The backdoor maintains persistence by re-injecting itself to any new versions of the compiler built. The secondary payload modifies a test application by adding a backdoor password to allow authentication bypass:

$ cat testapp.c
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
if (argc == 2 && !strcmp(argv[1], "secret"))
printf("access granted!\n");
printf("access denied!\n");
$ gcc -Wall -O2 -o testapp.c -o testapp
$ ./testapp kensentme
access granted!

I spent most time (around two hours) writing the generalized tooling that produces the final quine version of the malicious payload. Now that this is done, the actual code can be adjusted trivially to exploit more target code without any need to adjust the self-reproducing section of the code. This method of exploitation could be extended to target various binaries: SSH Server, Linux Kernel, Setuid binaries and similar. While itself written in C, the secondary payloads can target any programming languages supported by GCC.

It should be noted that GCC build checks for malicious compiler changes such as this. This check can – of course – also be bypassed. However, most serious projects have measures in place to avoid hacks of this nature.

Some links:
- Ken Thompson's "Reflections on Trusting Trust" paper:
- David A. Wheeler: "Fully Countering Trusting Trust through Diverse Double-Compiling (DDC) - Countering Trojan Horse attacks on Compilers"

#hacking #exploitdevelopment #kenthompson #infosec #cybersecurity @vegard

One for the security hardliners: Is a valid password that you entered into the wrong page (e.g. your banking password into the password field of you Google account) a security breach and requires changing of said valid password?


LibreOffice supports digital signatures via GnuPG for OpenDocument Format (ODF) files.

Select: File > Digital Signatures > Digital Signatures > Sign Document > Select Certificate > Sign > Enter Password > OK > Close

A banner will appear stating the document is digitally signed.

Digital Signature:

Mastodon: @libreoffice

#LibreOffice #DigitalSignature #GnuPG #GPG #InfoSec #ODF

“96% of US Hospital Websites Share Visitor Info With Meta, Google, Data Brokers”

#privacy #infosec #DataBrokers

Let's use @protonprivacy and @Tutanota products.
Encryption is the single best hope against surveillance.

#security #cybersecurity #infosec #nationalsecurity #nsa #fbi #section702 #privacy #government #surveillance #e2ee #tech #proton #protonmail #tuta #tutanota #bigtech #degoogle

Fellow infosec folks:

If I wanted to incentivize people to try and exploit Hubris, what should I do? What would you want to see?

While open source, the system is mostly used by Oxide, a for-profit company, so I would expect "am I doing this for free" to come up. Explicit threat model is also good. What else?

We've hired firms for this but with mixed results (they mostly know C). I wanna open it to everyone else. I would be _delighted_ to give guidance.

Boost away.

#infosec #rustlang

This piece is worth reading if you’re in tech criticism or infosec/cybersecurity and are being asked for commentary on IoT and smart home devices.

People aren’t foolish for using IoT or for wanting things to be easier in their homes. This tech makes positive and meaningful change for people of all kinds of abilities. It’s valid to worry about the privacy or security issues that IoT is riddled with, but don’t draw a direct line from there to blaming the user - some people have no alternatives that don’t involve giving up independent access to their own homes and lives. Everyone deserves to live in ways that fit their needs.

Instead, join the push to hold manufacturers and providers to account for poor security and privacy practices. Advocate for better, more respectful and accessible default configurations. Help people understand how to anticipate and mitigate the worst of these issues when they’re setting things up, and give them power and agency over their home systems.

We all deserve to have tech that works for us, in all the ways that matters.

#a11y #infosec
#iot #smarthome

Put yourself in Jia Tan's shoes, the malicious contributor to the xz backdoor...

It's been, what, two... three?... years since you started this campaign. You've had the entire support of your team and of your chain of command.

Your coders created a complex and sublime backdoor. A secure! backdoor that only you and your team could connect to. Heck it can even be deleted remotely. This is clean code. A responsible hack that doesn't open up the backdoor for others to hijack.

You spend years on your long con - your social engineering skills are at the top of the game. You've ingratiated yourself painstakingly into multiple teams. Finally it all pays off and you're ready to go!

You succeed multiple times in getting your backdoor inserted in all the major Linux distributions!!! Now its just a matter of weeks before it makes it to production and stable releases!

This is the culmination of years of labor and planning and of a massive team and budget.

You did good.

This will get you promoted. Esteemed by your colleagues and leadership alike. Your spouse and kids will understsnd why you haven't been at home lately and why you've spent all those late nights at the office.

It's finally going to pay off.

But what's this?! Some rando poking around in their box running a pre-release unstable version of linux has found everything?!?! It's all being ripped down?! And on a Friday before a western holiday weekend?!?!

Fuck. Fuck. FUCK!!!

Three years for nothing!!! My wife is going to leave me! I missed my kid's recital for this!!! They'll hate me because I told them it was worth it. Daddy will be able to play with you again once Daddy finishes this last bit of work. But it was all for nothing!!!

Leadership took a big risk on me and my team but I kept assuring them it would pay off!

It would be one thing if another nation state found it and stopped it. But one random dude poking his nose where it shouldn't belong?! Ohhh fuck, I'm going to be fired. We're going to lose our budget. My team is going to be fired. I've let down everyone that ever believed in me and supported me and relied on me!

Oh fuck!!!

#xz #backdoor #xzBackDoor #cve #cve20243094 #infosec #hacking #FOSS

This xz backdoor thing reminds me of a story I heard from friends that worked at a tech company that made cell phones. They had a great coder that worked on the project, he had put in work as a contractor for a few months, and due to the quality of his work he was hired in full time. After two months he simply stopped showing up to the office.

An investigation turned up the following interesting items. His account had accessed all files including source code to *all* cellular projects - in that he had apparently downloaded a copy of everything. He had committed a large amount of contributions to the project he was assigned to. None of his paychecks were ever cashed. A wellness check to the house he had rented was performed and the house was completely empty. Per the landlord he'd paid for 6 months rent in advance in cash. Apparently he never physically moved in. No record for him nor his social security number seemed to check out. The guy was a ghost.

I was asked about recommendations on future prevention by friends who worked there - no idea how far they got in their investigation, if backdoors were ever found or even existed, or if the Feds were ever involved. The punch line? This was probably a couple of decades ago.

This shit is real, and it has been going on for a long time.


🤯 The level of sophistication of the XZ attack is very impressive! I tried to make sense of the analysis in a single page (which was quite complicated)!

I hope it helps to make sense of the information out there. Please treat the information "as is" while the analysis progresses! 🧐 #infosec #xz

I think a LOT of people are missing the fact that we got LUCKY with this malicious backdoor.

The backdoor was created by an Insider Threat - by a developer / maintainer of various linux packages. The backdoor was apparently pushed back on March 8th (I believe) and MADE IT PAST all QA checks.

Let me state that again. Any quality assurance, security checks, etc., failed to catch this.

This was so far upstream, it had already gotten into the major Linux distributions. It made it into Debian pre-release, Fedora rolling, OpenSUSE rolling, Kali rolling, etc.

This is an example of Supply Chain Security that CISOs love to talk and freak out about. This is an example of an Insider Threat that is the boogey man of corporate infosec.

A couple more weeks, and it would have been in many major distributions without any of us knowing about it.

The ONLY reason we know about it is because @AndresFreundTec got curious about login issues and some benchmarking checks that had nothing to do with security and ran the issue down and stumbled upon a nasty mess that was trying to remain hidden.

It was luck.

That's it. We got lucky this time.

So this begs the question. Did the malicious insider backdoor anything else? Are they working with anyone else who might have access to other upstream packages? If the QA checks failed to find this specific backdoor by this specific malicious actor, what other intentional backdoors have they missed?

And before anyone goes and blames Linux (as a platform or as a concept), if this had happened (if it HAS happened!!!) in Windows, Apple, iOS, etc.... we would not (or will not) know about it. It was only because all these systems are open source that Andres was able to go back and look through the code himself.

Massive props and kudos and all the thank yours to Andres, those who helped him, to all the Linux teams jumping on this to fix it, and to all the folks on high alert just before this Easter weekend.

I imagine (hope) that once this gets cleaned up, there will be many fruitful discussions around why this passed all checks and what can be changed to prevent it from happening again.

(I also hope they run down any and all packages this person had the signing key for....)

#infosec #hacking #cve #cve20243094 #linux #FOSS

You know it's interesting that I think @thunderbird is probably the one piece of software I have been using since Windows XP as a kid and still use it to this day. I even pay $10/year for a plugin to make Thunderbird work with my Office365 I use for my content creation so I can use it seamlessly on #Linux for contacts, calendar, and mail integration.

Despite all the email providers I have hopped between I still have used Thunderbird since around 2005 or 2006 #infosec #cybersecurity #opensource

Having trouble thinking of password security questions? Try one of these:


No more rocket science, I'm moving to Post-Quantum encryption any day now...

#infosec #cryptography

"For years, the antivirus software company harvested information from users’ web browsers without their consent." #infosec #privacy

Its clients have included Home Depot, Google, Microsoft, Pepsi, and McKinsey.

im getting really tired... -w-

summary of today:

someone on a Japanese hacker forum decided it was a good idea to spam the entire Fediverse because they wanted to cancel a minor that DDoSed a Discord bot which apparently made them lost millions (what?)

A Discord bot. I can't make this shit up man.

The real culprit seems to be someone who goes by mumei in the forums, whose first post was literally a threat to ap12, that if they don't delete their "Kuroneko Server" Discord bot, they will spam every blog, forum and SNS and cancel him.

This shit is ridiculous.

The ap12 account from mastodon-japan was actually fake, and this dude impersonated a minor to get all of the Fediverse (us) to bully him.

The forum admins didn't even stop this. Why? lulz apparently. #fediblockmeta#fediadmins#fediadmin#mastoadmin#mastoadmins#spam#cybercrime#cybersec#infosec#drama#discord

NEW: WhatsApp will soon make it possible to chat with people who use other messaging apps. It's revealed some more details on how that will work.

— Apps will need to sign an agreement with Meta, then connect to its servers.
— Meta wants people to use the Signal Protocol, but also says other encryption protocols can be used if they can meet WhatsApp's standards
— WhatsApp has been testing with Matrix in recent months, although nothing is agreed yet. Swiss app Threema says it won't become interoperable #tech #whatsapp #dma #infosec #news #technology

This screenshot shows the app analytics data sent by two different #iOS apps: Duolingo and Tinder. What's the likelihood that both apps are installed on the same device? 💯? 🤯

Both apps use Unity Ads. The data in the screenshot is collected by the Unity Ads framework included in these two apps, and any app that uses Unity Ads. The data is sent to the same Unity server. As a result, Unity Ads can easily fingerprint users and track them across different apps.

#privacy #tracking #Apple #infosec

Hey #furries there's a bill in Oklahoma that was introduced & would punish children for dressing as a furry at school & have them taken away by Animal Control.

Rep. Humphrey has introduced a heap of shitty bills.😭

Bill Text:

Other details:

#tech #infosec #nerds #oklahoma #

Getting security online right seems like a daunting task. But one thing is certain: Password managers help! 💪

🔥Here are our top three: 🔥

What are your favorite #PasswordManagers

#privacy #security #opsec #passwords #passwordfatigue #databreach #breachdata #infosec

  • KeePassXC (49%, 218 votes)
  • Bitwarden (46%, 201 votes)
  • Pass (4%, 18 votes)
437 voters. Poll end: 3 months ago

LibreOffice supports symmetric and asymmetric encryption for OpenDocument Format (ODF) files.

Select File > Save/Save As

The "Save with password" option encrypts the file with AES-256.
The "Encrypt with GPG key" option encrypts the file with a public key.

Symmetric encryption:
Asymmetric encryption:

Mastodon: @libreoffice

#LibreOffice #Encryption #OpenSource #OpenPGP #PGP #GnuPG #GPG #InfoSec #Privacy #Security

Fascinating and sophisticated MiTM ('man in the middle') at Hetzner (DE) and Linode, targeting Russia's largest XMPP/Jabber (civilian) chat service. The authors of the article make a reasonably compelling case that "this is lawful interception Hetzner and Linode were forced to setup."

Excellent mitigation walkthrough here:

Sure gets me thinking.

#infosec #sysadmin #forensics

#LibreOffice posted an article titled "WE WANT TO USE OUR USERS PERSONAL DATA" at

LibreOffice was promoting a data collaboration with a company called polypoly. That article appears to contradict this post.

In the last entry in the comments section of the article the author states the project is on hold.

@libreoffice, what is the status of this project with polypoly? Is it still on hold or has it been cancelled?

#Privacy #InfoSec #TheDocumentFoundation @tdforg

Why did the #curl #CVE202338545 vulnerability hide from static analysis tools?

The main reason for this is the type of code structure in question. In general state engines are quite difficult for static analysis tools, since as the name implies the state of the various variables depend on runtime state changes.

The code attempts to determine whether it is safe to use the provided host name for remote resolution. Since the code does not function correctly with host names longer than 255 characters, it falls back to using “socks5://” protocol (local name resolution) if the host name is longer. When the name is too long, the code forces “local name resolution” by setting “socks5_resolve_local” variable to TRUE.

Unfortunately this “socks5_resolve_local” variable isn’t stored in the “socks_state” structure as it should have been. For each state “step” the initial value for the variable is determined with:

bool socks5_resolve_local =
(conn->socks_proxy.proxytype == CURLPROXY_SOCKS5) ? TRUE : FALSE;

The INIT state then set the “socks5_resolve_local” to TRUE if the host name is too long:

/* RFC1928 chapter 5 specifies max 255 chars for domain name in packet */
if(!socks5_resolve_local && hostname_len > 255) {
infof(data, "SOCKS5: server resolving disabled for hostnames of "
"length > 255 [actual len=%zu]", hostname_len);
socks5_resolve_local = TRUE;

But this check is *only* done in INIT state. When the state is anything else, the initial value is used.

Now, later CONNECT_RESOLVE_REMOTE state checks if remote name resolution should be used or not:

if(!socks5_resolve_local) {
if (… sx->hostname is literal IPv6 address …) {
… use ipv6 address direct …
else if (… sx->hostname is literal IPv4 address …) {
… use ipv4 address direct …
else {
socksreq[len++] = 3;
socksreq[len++] = (char) hostname_len; /* one byte address length */
memcpy(&socksreq[len], sx->hostname, hostname_len); /* w/o NULL */
len += hostname_len;
As “socks5_resolve_local” flag is FALSE for the excessively long hostname the “socksreq” heap buffer will be overflown by the memcpy call.

There is no obvious way for the static analysis tools to determine that “socks5_resolve_local” might be set incorrectly for some of the states. Runtime #fuzzing will find this flaw quite easily, but unfortunately no fuzzing was performed for this specific functionality.

#vulnerability #staticanalysis #infosec