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Items tagged with: windows11

Question to #blind people who use two #operatingSystems on your computer: How do you dual boot accessibly? I'm getting some help from someone to set up my #computer, and I'm trying to decide between just getting rid of #Windows or dual booting. If I dual boot, I'm thinking of buying a second hard drive just for #archLinux. It's expensive to get another hard drive, but this way I wouldn't need to get rid of #Windows11. Is there anything I would need to do to make this setup #accessible? How do you know when the menu to choose which OS you want comes up?
#tech #technology #Linux #accessibility @mastoblind @main

"Whaddyamean, you could remove the built-in spyware?
No no no, that's a bug, the removal option was not supposed to be available, let's fix that…"…

I do pity the general population who has to be subjected to that sort of built-in data collection, and all the security and privacy problems it entails. Too bad #Linux is not even a blip on the public consciousness & cultural upbringing.

#Windows11 #WindowsRecall #SurveillanceCapitalism

#Windows11 news you can use: August 2024 - Catch up on the latest capabilities for Windows 11 management and security.…

Auch wenn #Microsoft aus Eigeninteresse etwas anderes behauptet: Alle gängigen Computer, die jünger als ca. 10 Jahre sind, sind schnell genug als Arbeitstier für alltägliche Aufgaben wie das Surfen im Internet oder Videokonferenzen. Und etwas anderes findet ja auch auf den meisten Bürocomputern nicht statt – neue Software läuft meist (auch) im Webbrowser.

Wenn ein betagter Computer täglich viele Stunden läuft, kann es sinnvoll sein, ihn durch einen stromsparenderen zu ersetzen.

Wenn MS sich weigert, #Windows11 auf einem Computer laufen zu lassen, auf dem #Windows10 läuft, ist das kein Grund, die Hardware zu ersetzen, aber ein guter Grund, zu #Linux zu wechseln.

Das sehen @ktn und @syt von @heiseonline genauso und haben deshalb einen Ratgeber geschrieben, der Windows-Usern den Wechsel erleichtern soll:…

Bei der @datenfreude überlegen wir, eine #LinuxInstallParty in #Bielefeld zu veranstalten. Also ein Treffen z.B. in den @acmelabs, bei dem Leute ihre Laptops mitbringen können und dann mit unserer Hilfe ein GNU/Linux darauf installieren. Gäbe es daran Interesse?

New Windows Subsystem for #Linux (#WSL) 2.3.12 version released to #Windows10 and #Windows11…

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind

i'm getting a new #computer today and I'm so excited! It's got a 13th generation I7 processor, 32 gb RAM, and 512 gb storage. It comes with #Windows11 on it, but I'm debating about putting #archLinux on it. I think I will. With a computer with these specs, I can get Wine so I can use #windows programs. I'll miss some #JAWS features, but there are a lot of things I like about #linux. My computer should be here within the next couple hours, and I can't wait!!!

#Windows11 #WindowsInsiders Canary Build 26241.5000 version #24H2 being released…

didn't know this before, and didn't have to because i haven't installed windows in the past 10 years. but for those who need to do this, this workaround should be known:

Thankfully, there remains another way to install Windows 11 without a Microsoft account. When you’re at the log-in screen, you can hit Shift + F10 and type OOBE/BYPASSNRO, which will let you create a local account instead if you do not have an internet connection (so disconnect the internet for this).

#computer #internet #instgallation #windows #windows11 #linux

Screenshot of Windows 11 installation step of account creation is redundant but Shift + F10 OOBE/BYPASSNRO comes to the rescue.

If you use, or are interested in, the #LegacyUpdate project by @kirb and wish to try it on #Windows7, #Windows8, #Windows10 or #Windows11, I've written a little tool that should help you get it running. The process for installing Legacy Update is a bit different starting with Windows 7, and the official Legacy Update installer doesn't yet support these newer Windows versions. The tool can be found here:

Please favourite and boost 🙏

Hey, anyone at #microsoft interested in #accessibility in #windows11 on the #desktop... Windows Magnifier, in full-screen mode: goes from being clear & sharp to blurry whenever the Taskbar comes into view. More info in Microsoft Feedback Hub, here:

Don't want to link your fresh install of Windows 11 with a Microsoft account? (VM for test, reinstalled laptop or whatever)

Easy peasy! You have two options:

# First option: Provide locked Microsoft account (minimum hassle, requires internet)

When asked to provide a Microsoft account, use and a random password. This account is locked, and Windows will error out, and tell you that.

You can then proceed to use any local only account.

# Second option: No internet trick (can also be used if you actually *don't* have internet)

Make sure there's no ethernet cable in the machine. Install like you'd normally do, right up to the point where it whines about internet connectivity requirement.

Press Shift-F10, and you get a command prompt. Enter this command:


Your installation will now restart, but at the network requirement part, theres a "I don't have internet" option. Click on that, and you can create a local only user.

Both tricks works for the latest Windows 11 22H2 too!


Finally Narrator is getting some well deserved love in this one mainly in the web browsing department.
RT @windowsinsider
Hey Folks! We have a fresh build for #WindowsInsiders in the Dev Channel. Check out Build 22509 and all the details here:
