Items tagged with: computer


Items tagged with: computer

Fresh new start : 2025.
A few pictures of the opensource/remake project I'm working on📀, I get inspiration from ghibli universes, old multiplayer games🪡, enterprises from the cooperative world🍓
I hope to meet great people,
here this year! 🦤🦎🐜
#videogame #opensource #graphism
#creativity #linux #arm #android #game
#colorful #java #dev #developer #3dart
#2d #gaming #jeu #ghibli #anime
#animation #indie #indiegame #retro #pixelart #art #dessin #gamedev #dev
#steam #cute #computer #color #tech

Code Factory und Acapela, alternative Sprachausgaben für NVDA
Wer sich den kostenlosen Screenreader NVDA (Non Visual Desktop Access) installiert, wird mit der freien Sprachausgabe eSpeak oder den Windows-stimmen leben müssen. Diese sind brauchbar, für längeres Arbeiten allerdings eher weniger geeignet. Sie sind zwar tief in Windows integriert...…
#Android #Apple #Computer #Google #JAWS #Lautsprecher #Microsoft #NVDA #Screenreader #Test #VoiceOver #Windows

didn't know this before, and didn't have to because i haven't installed windows in the past 10 years. but for those who need to do this, this workaround should be known:

Thankfully, there remains another way to install Windows 11 without a Microsoft account. When you’re at the log-in screen, you can hit Shift + F10 and type OOBE/BYPASSNRO, which will let you create a local account instead if you do not have an internet connection (so disconnect the internet for this).

#computer #internet #instgallation #windows #windows11 #linux

Screenshot of Windows 11 installation step of account creation is redundant but Shift + F10 OOBE/BYPASSNRO comes to the rescue.

What was your first computer?

Please share if you remember the brand, model number, CPU or how great it was. Boost is very appreciated.

#Computer #History #Mastodon

  • PC (45%, 94 votes)
  • Macintosh (4%, 10 votes)
  • Atari / Commodore (24%, 52 votes)
  • Other (PDP minicomputers etc.), please comment (25%, 53 votes)
209 voters. Poll end: 2 years ago

#computer #tasteweb
The very short story of neschat's lispy query language so far:

It's taking a little longer than I thought it would, so I'm going to try making the prototype without it. If that sucks then I can always pick it up again.

#hardware #computer my aging respectable desktop Is hanging during firmware init. It doesn’t respond to the keyboard and it’s not possible to boot to alternate media.. I really don’t want to buy a new pc this year, does anybody have suggestions on what h/w or S/w issues might cause this?

Numlock on keyboard toggles light but that’s about it.

Memtest86 has come up clean in the recent past. Disks are fine. Video card is ok too I swapped all these for spare components.