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Items tagged with: archLinux

The second time in a month my #ArchLinux laptop froze during update.
Always the same scenario. Sunday, I returned from trip, waked the laptop up from sleep, run yay -Syu, went to unpack, and then found laptop frozen.
I suspect #nvidia as it always is problem with their shitty driver.

So again:
1️⃣ disable secure boot
2️⃣ boot using arch netboot
3️⃣ unlock and mount root and efi drives
4️⃣ delete pacman lock files
5️⃣ reinstall all packages
6️⃣ reboot
7️⃣ enable secureboot
8️⃣ boot normally


After the last update sbctl package stopped signing the efi kernel bundle. 🧐
I don't know why, yet. It builds the efi from vmlinuz and initrd, copies it to efi partition, but doesn't sign it for some reason.
I only found a notice about deprecating the bundling feature in the future.
Well I will have to find another way of uki bundling and signing...
#ArchLinux #sbctl

Mumbles something about some kernel projects suddenly becoming not reproducible, using broken #makefile based setups, also offering #meson, but that being broken (and leading to differing output!!), too.

I'm quite tired of these types of untested projects, without any CI. Maintainers pointing contributors to their 10 step "easy to follow" mail based workflow isn't helping either I guess 🙄

I have less and less energy packaging stuff like that.

#ArchLinux #PackagerLife

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind

i'm getting a new #computer today and I'm so excited! It's got a 13th generation I7 processor, 32 gb RAM, and 512 gb storage. It comes with #Windows11 on it, but I'm debating about putting #archLinux on it. I think I will. With a computer with these specs, I can get Wine so I can use #windows programs. I'll miss some #JAWS features, but there are a lot of things I like about #linux. My computer should be here within the next couple hours, and I can't wait!!!

@technolass #archlinux does have a talking installer, but I forgot how to enter it. Probably down arrow once or twice when you go to boot off the usb stick. You should check the accessibility section of their site to confirm how to do this.

This post will be more about #Tech, school, and hobbies. I've been using a computer running #ArchLinux for a while now. I had a computer with #Windows10, but it wasn't running so great so I tried to put #Linux on it. Something went wrong and it wouldn't boot.
My mom had another computer she let me put Linux on. It's not as good as the other and only has 4 gb of RAM and 64 gb storage, but I can't afford anything better. I tried #Ubuntu and #LinuxMint, but I didn't like how out of date software was. Now I'm on #Arch and like a lot of things about it. My biggest issues are that I wish #Braille support was better and there are one or two apps I haven't been able to find equivalents for, or what I've found isn't as good. I love the customizability though, and the way you can put just what you want on the computer and no more. I also like the #commandLine. On #Windows, I was a #JAWS user, and there are some features I miss from that, particularly #PictureSmart, #SplitBraille, and being able to configure profiles for websites. The one Windows app I haven't found a good equivalent for is one called Perky Duck. It's an editor that lets you create Braille files using six keys on your computer keyboard. There's a Linux app called BrailleZephyr, but it has far fewer features and isn't as easy to use. This is needed for the #BrailleTranscription course I'm taking. I'm using BrailleZephyr now because it's my only choice unless I want to write my lessons with a Braillewriter and mail them in. I'm also trying to find an #accessible #Telegram client. I tried the web and desktop apps and they were both inaccessible.
I also tried some #gardening a while back. We were doing it inside but it had to be moved outside and my mom wound up caring for the #plants because it's usually too hot for me out there, but a couple nights ago, she took me out there to pick a #cucumber. I got to pick it, she cut it up, and we ate it. It was so much better than storebought cucumber! There are more growing, too, so that won't be the last one we pick. Helping grow and then picking that cucumber was really satisfying.
#accessibility #technology #gardening

The Arch Linux Ports #RFC has been accepted and released!…

#ArchLinux #Linux

TPM2-measured boot with bus protection is pretty nice actually for Linux installations where secure boot is not enabled, like the default Arch Linux installation for instance.

For the sake of "defence in depth", I'd enable both if it is out-of-the-box feature but would not probably bother with secure boot if it requires extra work.

So, the takeaway from this is that it would make a lot of sense to make measured boot happen in arch-install installation as opt-in feature. No Microsoft key required.

Still so far the most informative overview for the shenanigans is… but I'd also look for more recent references.

Policy hash calculation per kernel package update for LUKS2 is what needs to happen over time whenever a new kernel package is installed with hooks/scripts.

So the thing that was hyped to DRM the world into a locked down hellhole rendered out the Microsoft key hard binding instead 🤷

#tpm #linux #archlinux #opensuse #secureboot #security

The #ArchLinux ports #RFC is accepted and ready to be merged and published:…

Although it was a long journey, I'm happy it is now ratified.
Thanks to everyone who spent time writing and reviewing it and provided valuable feedback!

There is still a lot of work ahead adapting and improving our tooling and I hope many will join in this effort.

Here is to #ArchLinux on many more architectures in the future 🥂

(meanwhile I have three more RFCs in the pipeline 😅)

Don't mind me, just reading the news while trying to figure out a #Thunderbird issue where it doesn't download all the emails...

#Arch #ArchLinux #Linux

The #GNOME 46 desktop environment already landed in #ArchLinux and #openSUSE Tumbleweed 👏👏👏

@gnome #Linux #OpenSource

You define a whole category of Linux user on your own. If people can start saying “I use Fedora btw”, it will only be awesome to hear because of you.

To: @archlinux
From: Fedora

#ILoveFS #Arch #ArchLinux #FedoraLoveFS

Monthly report: Arch Linux in January 2024……

#archlinux #linux #monthlyreport

Huge thanks to Hetzner for their unwavering support and reliable hosting services for Arch Linux. Your continued sponsorship powers our infrastructure with excellence! 🎉
Please send some cheers to
#Grateful #Hetzner #archlinux

Monthly report: Arch Linux in December 2023……

#archlinux #linux #monthlyreport

New checks in #namcap allow us to have an easier time adding #SPDX compliant #license identifiers for #packages! 🎉…

The initial integration has been worked out in RFC0016:…

#ArchLinux #SPDX #licenses #packaging

We love #Linux! 😍

That's why we offer desktop clients for all major distros.🧑‍💻

What's your favorite distro? Let us know in the comments! 🐧

#tux #foss #opensource #debian #Debian #archlinux

  • Ubuntu (34%, 155 votes)
  • Arch (33%, 150 votes)
  • OpenSuse (8%, 39 votes)
  • Fedora (24%, 109 votes)
453 voters. Poll end: 8 months ago

My Awesome Workflows 😎
For en, transcription and subtitiles are created.
#archlinux #guide #linux #awesome…

The meetup will happen 16:00-17:00 in Saal Y!

The plan is to try and do a quick rundown of what has been happening since 2019. Followed by an Q&A.

#ArchLinux #37C3

Něco pro potěchu @archos 😊 kdysi zakoupeno pro manžela. Občas ho vytáhne.

Ultimate Arch Linux Install [CZ/EN]: LUKS, BTRFS, Dual Boot & More - Step-by-Step Tutorial
#archlinux #guide #linux

Co s načatým večerem #archlinux :arch:
Už po těch pokusech s Trinity, Gnome a Xfce na notebooku, bude rychlejší začít s čistým Archem 😀

Uživatelé #archlinux vyšel nový python 3.11, vyčkejte chvíli s aktualizací. Kdyby přeci jenom už někdo aktualizoval, tak zde možná náprava. Děkuji @raven2cz za informace 👍…