Items tagged with: TwitterMigration


Items tagged with: TwitterMigration

Time for an #introduction now that my account is finally on my own instance where I intend it to stay.

I'm a techie and a writer. I first started programming on a Vic20 when I was about 5 years old. I started writing some years later but put it aside for many years.

The last few years I picked it up again, and have published two #scifi novels so far, which you can read more about at

#scifi #reading #amwriting #bookstodon #twittermigration

Hello Tooters!

I was hoping for some help during my transition from the bird place. Having left that dumpster fire behind and found a very welcoming community here, there's really only one thing I'm missing so far, real-time news feeds.

Is there a tip or trick anyone can share to help increase the stream of information I see?

As a reward, here's a puppy. If you can find him, he's yours.

#twitter #twittermigration #twitterquitter #mastodonnews #tipsandtricks #Thanksgiving

Much to learn about Mastodon. And this feature is awesome. Really wished several times to be able to subscribe to or even to see some channels on other platforms or even media without having to register.

#Mastodon #RSS #TwitterMigration #Instagram

Here's how to bulk import ALL of the people you follow on Twitter:

Debirdify -- provides a downloadable list of people that you follow on Twitter who indicated they have an account on Mastodon in a format that you can upload to Mastodon to repopulate your follow list

#twitter #TwitterMigration

An Incredible Day In Internet History

It started with the Twitter lockout. 10,000 new users an hour. Almost a quarter million migrated to Mastodon in one day. The servers struggled. Remarkably, admins all over the world built up capacity in real time. New users were patient. The system held.

It's running better now. There will be more hard days ahead, but people powered social media has arrived.

#twittermigration #NewUsers #Welcome

By the way, I'm now actively blocking anyone coming here to argue about the merits of donating to the NON-PROFIT that builds Mastodon.

It's absolute dirtbag behaviour when Mastodon struggles so much under a #TwitterMigration of millions of users.

Now lets put things into perspective. Last month, Twitter was employing 6,500 people. Mastodon employs 1 person who's working 14 hour days -- and only compensates himself €36,000 a year.

How is one guy supposed to take build the app that replaces Twitter when Twitter pays hundreds of engineers well over $100,000 to do a fraction of the work?

Yeah, other people deserve donations too -- so donate! Be a hero to the person who's running your instance, as well as the person who builds whatever app your instance is running.

And lest you think that I don't bang the drums on donations for other devs, this is not the case.

Last week, I told everyone to donate to @dansup. A couple of days ago, I told everyone to donate to @Are0h who, by the way, is making another app that builds safety features for marginalized communities. And I'm banging the drum all the time on and his work with Calckey.

But right now, I'm urging people to help out with Mastodon!

So if you have it in your heart to donate to a very good cause -- the continued development and existence of Mastodon -- contribute to Mastodon's Patreon.

#NewUsers Welcome To Mastodon

I'm sure you have noticed that Mastodon is running very slow today.

Well, it is your fault. Just kidding. It is great to have you here!

Be patient. This is not normal.

You did not join a slow server. Mastodon is not broken. The entire system is adjusting to the huge influx today. This happened with the last wave too. It will get sorted out.

What you will find here is a better social network. Give Mastodon a chance to adjust to your arrival.


Myslím, že nastal čas přemýšlet o jiném stroji. Zatím je vše v pohodě, uvidím kolik lidí z #twittermigration zde na #mastodon zůstane 👍👍

For the newcomers 👏 some of my old blog posts:

▶️ The Importance of Choosing the Correct Mastodon Instance…

▶️ Toot to Mastodon any content of your RSS feed with the Feed2toot bot…

▶️ Send scheduled messages to both Twitter and Mastodon with the Remindr bot…

#newhere #neuhere #twittermigration #TwitterTakeover

I have discovered you can follow hashtags, which is basically how you can be your own algorithm.

I don't know how you do it in the apps, but in browser:

(1) click on a hashtag you want to follow,

(2) at the top of the list of posts with that hashtag is the little person symbol (see pic). Click it. It will turn the + to an x, that means that hashtag will now show up in your feed.

Hope this helps those of us on the #TwitterMigration #twitterexodus

The #TwitterMigration needs to spread out to other #Fediverse platforms and respective servers. Those receiving the bulk of registrations are going to be stretched out [time and financially].

I think this list/site is a good landing page for the #Fediverse -…

If I may suggest, re: project list, maybe using familiar words as such “Twitter-like”, “FB-like”, “Goodreads-like” can be helpful too, instead of just “microblogging” (which more likely only us techies understand).

A reminder that #Mastodon doesn’t make billions from advertising. Servers are supported by individuals & orgs, hosts themselves & donations.

If like me, you’re part of the #stampede arriving from the #Twittermigration, consider adding your support to show @Gargron & others we appreciate their effort & time:

Dear #screenwriters of the #fediverse! Welcome! During this #twittermigration I have made a quick and dirty little Google Form that fills out a spreadsheet to help you find other screenwriters! I will keep this in line as much as possible, but I do get busy...



If anyone has any issues with either let me know and I'll take a look at it!

I swapped out Twitter for my @Mastodon instance on my news site tonight, and I have to say, it feels really good. I plan to update my other sites too.


Small tip for #TwitterMigration folks:

Install the libredirect plugin in your browser to block Twitter from spying you while still allowing you to access content posted there :

You can even follow Twitter accounts through RSS (visit a twitter profile with the plugin enabled then add "/rss" at the end of the url).

Bonus point: Not only Twitter. Medium, Reddit, Qora and even Youtube are now simpler, safer and often faster

Hey, #TwitterMigration folks. Can we have a "real talk" moment? I wanna shoot on something for a second. (Those are both links, if either term is unfamiliar.)

I'm seeing a swell of "reply guy" behavior: folks (not solely "guys"; it just rhymes, and you're free to send me alternatives; let's workshop) who see an interesting post and rush to slap that "reply" button.

I know that other place incentivizes that behavior. If your reply is funnier, more angrily blunt, etc. than the other seven hundred people who responded similarly, you might go viral, gain a slew of new followers, even end up cross-posted to Reddit or to some Hood-forsaken Bored Panda list as tasty cud for depressed office cattle.

Please listen to your friend Billy Zane on this; he's a cool dude, he's tryin' to help you out:

We're growing, but ain't no 25,000 people seein' your post, my post, ANY post over here. You bust through the wall like ol' Kool-Aid to deliver the same idea that four other people already have? Y'ain't gon' impress.

Just click the goddamned post and look at the whole conversation. There are not 382 replies to scroll through; there's like, on average, five.

And if there are more? Well, that sounds like an engaging, nuanced conversation. You don't want to be the rando that walks up to a table of seven in a restaurant to add a bland, uninformed opinion that the group moved past while they were waiting for apps.

We love it here. We want, sincerely, to love having you here.

Click the goddamned post. :hearthands:

There's a tool to find #mastodon handles of your #Twitter followers - and to bulk-follow them here on #Mastodon! Big thanks to @jwildeboer for pointing this out.

For all folks coming in via #twittermigration (#heuhier, #IchBinNeuHier):

==> looks for your Twitter followers on Mastodon and let's you download a CSV which you can import on (Settings -> Import and Export -> Import on Mastodon web).

CC: @mainec @ahrkrak

Just joined the #twittermigration and got a very affirming fortune in tonight’s cookie:

This is mostly for the #twitterMigration set (welcome! have a 🍍!) because it :flan_tired:​ keeps :flan_tired:​ coming :flan_tired:​ up:

You're right, it's a glaring absence, but it's not a new absence, and it's not going to change. Eugen is Mastodon's BDFL, and he's not going to add quote tweets. I know it's frustrating when you're so accustomed to that interaction pattern, but getting snarky and annoyed is not gonna help your argument.

Your reasoning about why quote tweets should be a standard feature, and how screenshotting a post is basically the same so why make it harder, and how it's not always for dunking, sometimes it's friendly or contextual, is not new to the discussion. Please, if you're going to weigh in, read up on the history first, and maybe read this more recent analysis from @graue.

If you desperately need quote tweets, try another #fediverse hub like Misskey or Fedibird. You'll still be able to keep up with Masto buddies, and you can quote-tweet to your heart's content!

#mastoMeta #noxp

"I'm shocked!" —said anyone urging members of marginalized communities to stay on the bird app


This is my third time (attempt?) migrating to Mastodon from Twitter. The first lasted a while, although I cross-posted everything to both platforms. The second time, I lasted just three posts, before bailing back to Twitter. Both times nobody else had come along with me, today the #TwitterMigration seems to be a big one, I've picked up 200 followers in the space of a few hours. So, maybe this time it's real? But no matter what happens? "Welcome to hell, Elon."…

Hewwo mastadon coming from the #twittermigration I am a nerdy bi transwoman [she/her] who streams games on twitch and looks to share things i enjoy ❤.

Here is a pic of my cat loki