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Items tagged with: climateChange

“We now have the smoking gun showing that they accurately predicted warming years before they started attacking the science. These graphs confirm the complicity of what #Exxon knew and how they misled.”

#climateemergency #climatechange #endfossilfuels…

You see that thin line of light? That's the edge of the atmospheric skin surrounding our planet. All the climate occurs in that little collection of gases, and that's what we're flooding with greenhouse gas contaminants.

I am hiring a lead full-stack Web engineer to help build #OpenSource software to fight #ClimateChange.

If you've shipped 1-2 Web projects and been the tech lead for 1 software project: we need your help.

Please boost for reach! #fedihire

How Climate Change Will Redraw Maps and Borders.

As global warming intensifies, many parts of the world will become uninhabitable and millions will be forced to migrate, leaving map borders needing to be redrawn based on climate rather than geopolitics or sovereignty.
#climate #climatechange #immigration…

Open letter from 500+ organisations and individuals published today calling on #COP27 leaders to take action on #climatechange #misinformation and #disinformation, and on tech platforms to implement a series of policy measures, including the adoption of a universal definition of climate mis/disinfo, to address its spread online.

via PBS Newshour

People with disabilities gained a voice in global climate talks

Here’s what that means…
#news #disability #ClimateChange #cop27

Also, now that I’m back at my computer, here’s a non-YouTube link to Greta Thunberg’s “The Climate Event” talk on an Invidious instance:…

#climateChange #extinction #capitalism #gretaThunberg

Greta Thunberg: The Climate Event

I’d highly recommend making time in your calendar to watch this speech.…

(Apologies for the YouTube link.)

#climateChange #extinction #capitalism #gretaThunberg

“His warning was seen as a historic wake-up call – but instead of heeding the existential smoke alarm, the US removed the batteries and kept on cooking.”


Cory Doctorow: The Swerve

People are already getting really badly hurt, and it’s only going to get worse. We’re poised to break through key planetary boundaries – loss of biosphere diversity, ocean acidification, land poisoning – whose damage will be global, profound and sustained. Once we rupture these boundaries, we have no idea how to repair them. None of our current technologies will suffice, nor will any of the technologies we think we know how to make or might know how to make.

These boundaries are the point of no return, the point at which it won’t mat­ter if we yank the wheel, because the bus is going over the cliff, swerve or no.

Focus on the swerve.…

HN discussion:…

#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #BusinessAsUsual #TheSwerve #CoryDoctorow #LetsRoll #MassCivilResistance

Weather is not climate but ...

"... across Japan the skies are clear, and the mercury is stuck in the high 30s and has twice broken through 40C this week. And that's just the official temperature - out of the shade it's often much hotter. Even though summer has barely begun, 263 places across Japan have seen temperature records broken in the last six days, according to meteorologist Sayaka Mori."…

#RNZ #Japan #ClimateChange

"Formal peace agreements in the 20th century dealt only sporadically with environmental issues, but in the past two decades all major peace agreements have included provisions on natural resources and environmental protection and management. Recent formal peace processes have also highlighted their direct and critical interdependence with environmental issues."

The overlap and disconnect between #climatechange and #peace processes – Inclusive Peace…

Climate change isn't just a future risk (although it is), it's increasing the frequency and potential damage of major weather events in the here and now.

"The silverbeet and cabbage crops looked as if someone had shot a machine gun at the plants"

- #JayClarke, 2022…


Hello new followers! I've been bad at hashtags, which are crucial here for discoverability, so here's some of them.

I try to toot interesting things related to #activism about #ClimateChange / #ClimateCrisis / #EarthBreakdown, from the perspective of #degrowth / #ClimateJustice / #sustainability. I'm one tiny part of #ExtinctionRebellion.

I build #FOSS / #OpenSource / #commons and #SmallTech using #rust and will write more about that soon.

Third, occasionally #philosophy, #anticapitalism.