Items tagged with: dev
Very much looking forward to being able to use the new @scope CSS rule soon.
Bun (a new JS runtime ala Node.js and Deno) sounds interesting. Not least of all because it doesn’t use V8.
(I can’t use it for NodeKit at the moment as it doesn’t support custom ESM loaders but I’ll be keeping an eye on it.)
#js #javaScript #bun #nodeJS #deno #nodekit #web #dev
Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime
Bundle, transpile, install and run JavaScript & TypeScript projects – all in Bun. Bun is a new JavaScript runtime with a native bundler, transpiler, task runner and npm client…
lil5 :xfce: ( @olamundo@red.niboe.Fosstodon
UnifiedPush is a set of specifications and free open source tools to help users get more control over how their phone's (or computers's) notifications are handled. You can follow the project at:
➡️ @unifiedpush
The project website is at
There are options for self-hosting notification systems if needed.
#UnifiedPush #Notifications #PushNotifications #FOSS #FLOSS #Libre #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Smartphones #Phones #Smartphone #Phone #Dev #SelfHosting #Computing
UnifiedPush is a set of specifications and tools that lets the user choose how push notifications* are delivered. All in a free and open source
Clean up the web!
A reminder that you, as a developer, can make a difference on the Web simply by choosing not to perpetuate people farming on your own sites and apps.