Items tagged with: CSUNATC


Items tagged with: CSUNATC

Good morning from California! We are in Anaheim this week for the CSUN Assistive Technology conference!

We are looking forward to presenting "NVDA 2025 New & Upcoming Features", Tuesday 11th March at 1:20pm in Grand GH (tomorrow!)

Today we caught up with Andrew Davies from and Tony Gebhard with Blind Abilities and he also has his own podcast:…

#CSUNATC #SeeDifferently #BlindAbilities

Our In-Process blog is out! Featuring:
- Update on NVDA 2025.1
- Planning for CSUN
- What's on the web
- Reading paragraphs in Braille

And bonus history of the Pilcrow! (Ok I was interested)…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Blog #News #Newsletter #Typography #CSUNATC

What Social Platform will #CSUNATC attendees be posting to the most this year? Twitter, BlueSky, Mastodon, LinkedIn?

Or will it be a little of each which sort of reduces the effect.