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Items tagged with: Disabilities

Within the #disabled community, most of the comments around #AppleVis have been along the lines of: "how can the site continue?" Outside of it, the comments have been more like: "I hope a new resource can spring up to take its place."

I think some (not all) non-disabled people underestimate the amount of effort required to set up a space that is designed, contributed to, and dedicated to people with #disabilities. Persistent examples do not come along very often, and are far more rare than, for example, websites about HTML of which there were probably 200 new ones started today.

Sensitive content

The City of Boston is going to stop asking people what disabilities they have in favor of asking what accommodations they require. Brilliant!
Via @kellylford…

#accessibility #a11y #disabilities

As a #multiplyDisabled person, I'm always thinking of ways things could be more #accessible, and one just occurred to me. I'm sitting here doing some things on my computer and needed to install a couple packages. When I tried to install them, I was asked if I wanted to proceed and to type y or n. I have some coordination issues and my hands don't always do what I want them to do. I meant to press y, but I accidentally pressed h, and the installation terminated and had to be restarted. It would be nice if programs could be made, maybe through configuration settings, a little more forgiving with things like this. I wouldn't want to be asked over and over, but if I enter something that's neither y or n, I'd like to be prompted again rather than the program just exiting. This time was on #Linux, but I'm sure I've seen other examples of this on other platforms. What do you all think? Can you think of small ways you might like your #technology to be more #accessible?
#tech #accessibility #disability #disabilities #disabled

Hola Titánicos , me he topado con unos datos del INE (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica del Gobierno de España) que quiero compartir con vosotros.

Los datos los podéis encontrar en la pagina 8 de este pdf:…

Pero os los he sacado una captura de imagen para que podáis leerlo mas fácil, para lo que tengas problemas de visión tenéis todo el texto en ALT de la imagen

Me gustaría saber si sois tan amables de compartir, tanto los que tengáis una discapacidad, un familiar con algún tipo de discapacidad o hayáis presenciado alguna situación de alguien con discapacidad ... que se haya sentido discriminado alguna vez por ello.

Y si lo podéis acompañar de la situación.. mejor que mejor gracias

#discapacidad #Disability #disabilities #discriminacion #empatia #faltaderespeto #respeto #civismo #normasdecivismo #genteTitanica #somosdisca

The truth of bad business in #accessibility shall set us free! This is an important article for advocates by @LFLegal - let’s not tolerate this behavior. #blind #disabilities New Low in the Accessibility Industry…