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Does anyone know any books or guides about #screenreaders that talk about how the screenreader turns the computer's infornation into speach. I also want to know about common issues that can happen, to make elements and text not readable or interactable. Looking specifically for #nvda content, but would be intested about other screenreaders as well like #voiceover. #blindness #tech #curious

Are you interested in accessibility on Mastodon? Are you blind or do you know someone who is blind and wants to use Mastodon?

There is a Mastodon-compatible accessibility app for Windows and Mac called TweeseCake which is designed for blind and sight-impaired people. You can find out more on its website at

You can follow the developers of TweeseCake at @app

(Thank you to @sasquatch for info about this 🙏 )

#Accessibility #Mastodon #Blind #Blindness #Disability

65% of vision impaired people are over 50 years of age, despite making up only 20% of the world's population.

Accessible technology benefits everyone. As we age vision impairment becomes more likely. NVDA's free and open-source technology ensures no one is unfairly disadvantaged because of their vision.

You can support NV Access providing accessible technology by donating:….

#Donate #NVDA #Support #Blindness #Accessibility #Technology #FOSS #SupportUs

I have been working with #NVDA the last couple of weeks and started using #orca on #Linux more and more. Currently using #JAWS with #Leasey. If you work in a #Microsoft driven office environment, you will get stuff done way faster with JAWS and Leasey. On one hand I like that. On the other I wish especially #Linux and #orca would work more efficiently so I can jump off of #Windows for good without loosing out on productivity cause of #blindness. And yes, I am willing to pay for leaps forward!

Congratulations to Gene, recipient of this year's RNZFB Chair's Award. It is wonderful to see your hard work & advocacy over many years acknowledged with this prestigious award. Gene has long advocated for NVDA & been a great friend to us in New Zealand. We're excited to see him honoured.

Read more at:…

#Blindness #Blind #Advocacy #RNZFB #BlindLowVision #A11y #Accessibility #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader

What a beautiful story of #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #software from #ABC news from Kristine Taylor and Susan Chenery - and - Jamie Teh - @jcsteh and Mick Curran -, who both live with #blindness, created #NVDA software which is a desktop #ScreenReader - and continue to give it away for free.…

Get the software here on @github


An amazing article about the treatment and understanding of #blindness in the middle ages
Quite a revealing read:…
#disability #inclusion #accessibility #history

In the next episode of my #podcast, Mosen at Large, I'm devoting an hour to Mastodon from a #blindness perspective. As well as discussing some important cultural issues, I'll provide an audio demonstration of using the #web interface and the Metatext #iOS client with a #ScreenReader. A transcript will be available too, for maximum #accessibility. It will be available everywhere you get podcasts. More details here.
