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Items tagged with: Flutter

I hear from developers that the #Flutter framework seems to be the worst decision in terms of #Accessibility. So let‘s see if these dates are valid.

A #Flutter #gamedev question: is there sample code for implementing a key binding customization UI?

Something that lists actions in the game and allows the player to customize the keys?

I _think_ I heard someone talking about implementing this in the past. I thought I'd ask.

#FluffyChat v1.18.0 has been released 🥳

FluffyChat v1.18.0 adds some new features, fixes a lot of bugs and improves the notifications on Android by showing them in a conversations style. Voice messages got the ability to change the play speed and the status header is now optional.

Read more at:

#matrix #flutter #development

Whenever I discover a new GUI toolkit, my first question is always “is it more native than the Web?” For reference, here are some ways Web apps have better system integration than Flutter:

  • System fonts, font hinting settings, and font fallback settings.
  • System text navigation shortcuts.
  • System scrollbar visibility, thickness, and click settings/behavior.
  • System highlight menus and controls (on touchscreens).
  • System display scaling settings.
  • System reduced-motion settings (An API is documented, but I have never used a Flutter app that actually disables animations. I may be wrong).
  • System reduced-transparency settings.
  • System forced-colors mode (Windows High Contrast Mode).
  • System color palettes (some browsers support setting default colors without necessarily forcing the palette).
  • System media controls (play/pause/skip, current track, e.g. using MPRIS on freedesktop platforms).

It’s an easier question to answer than my second question: “What WCAG conformance level can I hope for?

Originally posted on (POSSE). #Flutter #Accessibility

Early #Perl luminary and author (#OReilly camel and llama books, many magazine articles, etc.) Randal Schwartz, a/k/a merlyn, is in dire financial straits.

He needs gainful #employment NOW of any kind, and although his #programming language of choice now is #Dart and the #Flutter framework, he’s willing to fall back on his @Perl chops.

Refer or reach him at

Or do what I’m doing and sign up for his #Patreon at

#OpenToWork #FediHire

XMPP + Google Summer of Code 2023

Project presentation:

Moxxy - #Moxxy is an experimental, modern XMPP client written in #Flutter

#XMPP #GSoC2023 #GSOC, #Google #interoperability #standards #federation #dart

The new switch widgets are cute 🥰 I have updated #fluffychat to #flutter 3.7.0 now which brings performance improvements and design changes.

@Piciok Not everything you want to do may be possible, but everything in Flutter starts with semantic tree. I hope this article helps:
Also, the general #a11y #flutter documentation can be found here:

Content warning: Repost from Twitter

Writing your first app with #Flutter — now with screen reader references / demo included:

An alle, die mit #Flutter arbeiten: Ist die #Übersetzung der #App in andere #Sprachen wirklich so blöd und aufwändig, wie dort beschrieben? :

Hat jemand eine Empfehlung für einen schnellen Workflow oder Tools?

#development #dev

FluffyChat is an open source, nonprofit matrix client created using Flutter, the open source framework that allows building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase. The app is easy to use, secure and decentralized.

#fluffychat #matrix #flutter #android #linux